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- An Easy Understanding of the Tarot Suits
An Easy Understanding of the Tarot Suits Hey fam, it's been a while since I've touched base on tarot, so here we go! In today's post we will be discussing the Four Elements in Tarot, also known as the tarot suits and I will be providing you an easy understanding of each suite. With that said, my interpretation of tarot is very simplistic, it's all about how it feels in the moment and what the cards, and the how energy of each card is speaking to you. Tarot has always held a mystical fascination for those seeking guidance and insight into their lives, and for good reason. It speaks to our innermost feelings and thoughts, revealing hidden truths and revealing our deepest desires. With the 78 cards in the deck, the Tarot can be daunting to understand, but by taking a closer look at the four suits and elements represented in them, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages and meanings in our readings. With that said, this tarot series is meant to serve as a foundation of tarot. This isn't an academic approach to tarot, but rather an intuitive approach, which for me, has made tarot easy and understanding. I will probably say this a million times in this series, but when trying to learn tarot, just throw the damn book away, as my mentor put it to me many years ago. It's frustrating to not "know" the answers when inquiring with the tarot, but that's kind of the point. It's not a black and white answer that you can seek in a book. Working with our intuition is a very complex and simple idea. If what we're picking up on in the moment feels right, then that's how we begin to utilize tarot. With that said, if you haven't already, do check out my Picking Out A Tarot Deck post, because when you find a deck that really speaks to you, it will be a lot easier to intuitively understand and connect with its meanings. Go ahead and give it a read. What are the Four Tarot Suits and their Elements? The four suits in the Tarot represent the four elements - Wands represent fire, Cups water, Swords air, and Pentacles earth. Each suite contains ten numbered cards plus four court cards. These cards are often associated with specific areas of our lives and reflect our passions, emotions, thoughts, and material possessions. Understanding the meaning of the suits, their elements, and how they influence the cards when they appear in readings can provide us with valuable insights into our current situations and offer guidance for future decisions. Wands/Fire The Wands suite represents fire and is associated with our passions and desires, inspiration, creativity, and energy. The Wands cards often represent ideas, business ventures, and projects that require initiative, ambition, and enthusiasm to succeed. When this suite appears in readings, it suggests the need for action, motivation and taking charge of situations to achieve desired outcomes. Cups/Water Cups represent water and are associated with our emotions, feelings, and relationships. The Cups suite often appears in readings that focus on love, friendships, and emotional connections. The cards in this suite often depict the joys and sorrows of relationships and recommend that we connect with our feelings and take care of our emotional needs. Swords/Air Swords represent air and are associated with our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. They often appear in readings that require clarity, truth, and objectivity. These cards can be challenging as they sometimes reveal our hidden fears and negative thoughts. However, they also suggest the need for decision-making and the use of our intellect and reason in our lives. Pentacles/Earth Pentacles represent earth and are associated with our material possessions, finances, and work. The Pentacles suite focuses on everything related to the material world - from money and career to our physical environment and possessions. The cards in this suite often suggest practical thinking, hard work, and determination to achieve long-term material goals. Sometimes when things are challenging or overwhelming, breaking it down into sections can help gain a greater understanding. For more Tarot tips and tricks on understanding your deck, check out my Youtube Choosing a Tarot Deck thank you so much for subscribing. What's your biggest challenge in understanding tarot? Do you struggling with any of the suits? Keep an eye out for future blog series on Tarot! Be sure to join my email list to get updates on future posts!
- The Healing Power of Drum Circles
The Healing Power of Drum Circles If you know anything about me, you know I LOVE drumming! It is truly the heart beat to my soul. Since the beginning of time people have been using sound as a potent tool for healing and transformation. One of the oldest and most powerful forms of sound therapy is drumming. Beyond just entertainment, drumming can produce a wide range of benefits, including physical and emotional healing, relieving stress, and enhancing clarity and focus. In this blog post, we'll delve into the history of drumming, explore its various styles and techniques, and shed light on the healing power of drum circles. Basic History of Drumming Drumming has been a centerpiece of many cultures across the globe, dating back to ancient times. Native American cultures have a longstanding tradition of using drums in their spiritual rituals and healing practices. African tribes also have a rich history of drumming, using the rhythms to communicate with one another and enter altered states of consciousness. The drumming tradition holds significant importance in South Asian nations like India and Nepal, where it is used in classical and religious music. Not just limited to spirituality and cultural exchanges, drumming has a genuine place in human evolution. Studies have indicated that humans have been drumming as early as 50,000 years ago, where they have been using drums and percussion-like instruments for rituals. It has been theorized that drumming has been used in ceremonies to help bring people together and to connect them with the natural rhythms of the Earth. Healing Benefits in Drumming Drumming has been known to have a transformative effect on the mind and body. It reduces stress, anxiety and is beneficial in the alleviation of depression and other mood disorders. Drumming also helps boost the immune system by increasing the production of bactericidal and cytotoxic factors. Several studies have supported drumming as an effective pain relief mechanism. The physical and vibrating energy it creates is incredibly helpful in releasing blocked negative emotional traumas. Ultimately, it enhances the overall wellness of an individual. Different styles of drumming have different effects on the body and the mind. Hand drums, for instance, can stimulate the heart center, aiding in the release of emotions; while stick drums, such as a djembe, can invigorate and energize the body and mind. African Djembe and Conga drums are highly portable and perfect for playing alone or in groups, making them popular among drumming enthusiasts in recent times. My Experience with Drum Circles For about 2-3 years now, I've been dabbling in drumming among the local drumming community out here with the Aki and Joanne of the Muramid Art Center here in Oceanside, Ca. I don't even know where to begin to explain how the journey of drumming unfolded for me and the great love and passion I have for it. It all started with getting a broken djembe from offer up during the pandemic. It was one of those hobbies that I figured I'd pick up and try out. I remember once visiting Venice Beach in Los Angeles and was instantly drawn the the spirituality behind the drum. For me, drumming helps me connect with spirit. Aki refers the drum, the bass, the "boom boom", as he puts it. As the heartbeat of the earth, and I couldn't agree more. Something about that deep, rhythmic beat touches my soul and that of the drumming community. It unites us, it heals us, and creates something so profoundly magickal inside of through the unifying powers of the music. Of course, I had to get the biggest drum (I had no idea they came in different sizes), so the journey of having grace while drumming has been a whole experience in itself. For my djembe to properly sound off, I HAVE to hit it hard, and with that, when I'm doing good, I can carry that beat, but my goodness, when I'm off, it's a disaster for all those involved. Through the years, I've learned to take it less seriously, and it has given me the ability to laugh at myself through all my errors. Thank god I'm remotely decent enough to have a smidge of confidence in my abilities so I am able to have a good time, despite my performance. Drumming is so mystical for me because in a sense, the harder I try, the worse I do, but when I allow myself to feel the music and get lost in the rhythm, I can hold a beat like no other. Drumming hits that sweet spot of balancing both the logical brain and the creative brain for great musical harmony. I could go on and on about how much I love drumming but if you're ever in San Diego please hit me up and I'll invite you to a drum circle out here! I'd love to introduce you to the amazing community out here! Drumming in the Community Drum circles have proven to be popular amongst people, especially beginners, who want to experience the interaction of playing alongside others and also the power of group drumming for ultimate relaxation and partnership. Apart from the feeling of togetherness and the energy they provide, drum circles can create a deep sense of unity that often goes beyond the music itself. Drumming is undoubtedly one of the most powerful forms of sound therapy with its roots deeply embedded in our cultural history. The health, emotional, and spiritual benefits it produces are not limited to any culture or location. Anyone can take it on and experience its many benefits. The transformative effects on the body and mind have been researched, and drumming has created a unique space in the world of wellness. So, the next time you need to check your stress levels or find an outlet for your emotions, remember the power of drumming and the healing effects it produces. Check out my Youtube Channel The Season of Anya to see future videos on Community Drumming!
- Why do Witches Choose a Witchy Name
Why do Witches Choose a Witchy Name This particular subject hits so close to me. In my life, I have wanted nothing more to fit in. Growing up Italian-American, I never quite knew which community to be apart of, and I HATED my Italian-ness, so for many years I completely americanized my name so I had a better chance of fitting in. In fact, depending on which era of life you knew me in, I went by at least 3 different names (four if you count my rave name from back in the day). However, in a very sexy, and mystical perspective, in my early 20s I was always drawn to the name Anya. It's a rendition of my birth name but spelled more phonetically. I would start dabbling with that name here and there, but many people in my life did not respect that I chose that name and would like to be called it. I felt so good being called Anya, but, especially being an obese woman, apparently the name didn't fit me as well. "Where the hell did that come from?", "Yeah okay, whatever", or "I'd rather call you by your birth name". So, I let it go... in defeat. Then, the owner of a salon I worked at suggested that I go by Anya, because of marketing reasons, and I was just SO delighted to be able to embrace that name again, and it ultimately inspired to me adopt it as magickal name. Now, let's step back a bit and talk about magickal names. As we've already discussed the concept of magick, it's no wonder than many people in the spiritual, witchy community like to embrace a magickal name. Names are powerful! In recent years, I have actually learned to love and embrace my birth name, tremendously. However, when I'm feeling the "essence" of Anya, it's the identity of a name I want to project through myself. When I'm feeling more connected to spirituality, I'm connected with Anya. When my life is truly in alignment, I'm vibing with Anya. It doesn't always have to be so deep either. I have a dear salon client named Ann, and she shared with me once how she misses being called Annie. When she was younger she was always called Annie, it reminded her of her college days, and was fun and playful. So needless to say, from that moment on I decided to change her name in my appointment system, and start calling her Annie. It's that simple. Not everyone needs a magickal name. For me, and other practitioners, it helps embrace their connection to their spiritual practice, or maybe it helps them connect to a different side of themselves. As a witch, it also helps keep me balanced, in which headspace I want to project. Do you have a magickal name, or even just a nickname you've always wanted but never had? I've love to know in the comments. Until next time, witches! The Season of Anya has launched a wild, fun, crazy YouTube channel where she dances on the full moon! Juuuuust kidding, I hardly ever record my full moon dances for the public. HA. Check out my YouTube, The Season of Anya to check out those crazy dance moves (some day?!)
- Easy Tarot Tips: The Major Arcana
Easy Tarot Tips: The Major Arcana Welcome back to our tarot series witches!!!! We're taking another dive into the beautiful divination tactics of tarot, today focusing on the Major Arcanas! For quite some time now, tarot cards have been used as a tool for divination and self-reflection. Tarot readers and witches around the world rely on these cards to provide guidance, clarity, and insight into their lives. Or sometimes we just like being told the same problems we already know, but just from another perspective (Aka: Yelling at your tarot deck, we've all done it!) And I know, I know, the traditional 78-card deck may seem intimidating to beginners, once you learn the basics, you'll be well on your way to unlocking the power of Arcanas! In this article, we'll delve deep into the world of tarot and explore the Major Arcanas: the 22 major cards that make up the first part of the deck. Combining ancient wisdom with modern-day interpretations, this should guide you through the symbolism, meaning, and energy of each card, helping you to understand their significance and how to interpret them. This post we're going to go over the first part of the Major Arcanas: What are the Arcana's in Tarot? The Arcanas are divided into two distinct groups: The first 11 are known as the "Major Arcana" and the remaining 11 are referred to as "Minor Arcana." The cards in the Major Arcana are known as the most important and powerful cards in the deck. They represent major life changes, decisions, and events, and carry a stronger energy than the Minor Arcana. The cards in this group are often seen as archetypes or universal themes. What are the Major Arcana in Tarot? The Fool and the Magician The first card in this series is The Fool, which represents new beginnings, change, and taking risks. The Fool is often associated with positive energy and an adventurous spirit, as it can signal a journey or new endeavor. The next card is The Magician, which represents manifestation, power, and action. This card often indicates that the querent has the ability to manifest their desires and should take action towards their goals. The High Priestess and the Empress The High Priestess is the third card in the Major Arcana and represents intuition, spirituality, and mystery. This card often indicates that the querent should trust their intuition and follow their inner guidance. Following this card is The Empress, which symbolizes nurturing, growth, and abundance. This card often relates to relationships, fertility, and creativity. The Emperor and the Hierophant The fifth card in the series is The Emperor, which represents leadership, authority, and discipline. This card often indicates that the querent should take charge of their life and establish structure and boundaries. The next card is The Hierophant, which symbolizes tradition, faith, and education. This card often relates to spirituality and a desire for knowledge and understanding. The Lovers and the Chariot The Lovers is the seventh card in the Major Arcana and represents love, passion, and connection. This card can relate to romantic relationships, friendships, and partnerships. Following this card is The Chariot, which symbolizes ambition, success, and drive. This card often indicates that the querent should harness their inner strength and push forward towards their goal. Justice and the Hermit Justice is the ninth card in the series and represents balance, objectivity, and fairness. This card can be related to legal or ethical issues, but can also relate to personal matters. The next card is The Hermit, which symbolizes introspection, solitude, and self-reflection. This card often indicates that the querent should take time to reflect and examine their inner motivations and desires. The Wheel of Fortune and the World The Wheel of Fortune is the eleventh card in the series and represents cycles, change, and destiny. This card often indicates that the querent may experience a major shift or turning point in their life. The next card in the Major Arcana is The World, which symbolizes completion, fulfillment, and harmony. This card often indicates that the querent has reached a significant milestone or achieved a major goal. Justice The final card in the Major Arcana is Justice. It represents your firm-but-fair reminder that there is a consequence for every action. Whatever life is handing you at this moment comes from decisions you and others have made in the past, reflecting natural cause-and-effect. When this card comes up in your Tarot reading, make sure you are acting fairly in all your interactions with others. The Major Arcanas are a powerful and profound tool for self-reflection and insight. By unlocking the symbolism and energy of each card in the Major Arcana, you can gain a deeper understanding of the world around you and your place in it. Whether you're seeking guidance for a specific issue or simply looking to explore the mysteries of the universe, the Major Arcanas are an essential part of any tarot reader's tool kit. So, take the time to explore these cards and unlock the power of the tarot for yourself!! Quick Tarot Tips Nervous about reading the standard tarot deck? No worries! Here's a couple quick tips I've learned over the years to enhance my divination: Do a Three Card Tarot Spread every day to connect with your deck and begin to understand the artwork and what they mean. Buy a nice tarot deck bag that will not only protect your cards physically, but it is also important to keep the energies of your deck safe. Velvet, deep purple ones are my favorite, but I've seen tons of beautiful bags over the years! Cleanse your deck before you use it! You never know who has been touching it with their grubby little energies before you bought it, so give it a good cleansing. Use crystals to protect your deck as well too! I leave a gorgeous clear quarts crystal on my deck when I'm not using her. What have you learned about the Major Arcana that completely blew your mind? Tell us below! Also, check out my YouTube video on Connecting with your Tarot Deck! Until next time witches, xxx The Season of Anya #witch #witchywoman #realwitch #pagan #theseasonofanya #spiritualyogawitch #pagan #paganism #witchy #witchcraft #witchesoftiktok🔮🌙 #witchcraftblog #spiritualblog #tarot
- Understanding the Law of Attraction for Witchcraft
Understanding the Law of Attraction for Witchcraft What is the Law of Attraction? Witchcraft has been a practice for centuries, traversing time and culture. It is a spiritual path that involves the use of magick, spells, and rituals to harness the power of nature and the divine. A moon sister of mine defines magick "The use of manifestation and will to altar the world around us with conscious thought and intent." Two hundred years ago, most modern medicines and practices were considered "Magick", and now we call it "science". There will be a time in our world where we call "Manifestation", "Law of attraction", and "Karma" as science too! I'll bet you a whole shiny penny that it will. One of the core principles of witchcraft is the belief that energy can be transformed and influenced through intention, focus, and willpower. In essence, the practice of witchcraft is an expression of the law of attraction, which states that we attract what we focus on. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the Law of Attraction can help enhance your witchcraft practice and manifest your desires. Remember, this is one witches view on Law of Attraction. Many paths do not entirely follow the belief of "Karma", "Law of Attraction", etc, and that's okay! As always, this is just one witches point of view. Understand the Power of Thoughts At the heart of the Law of Attraction is the understanding that thoughts are powerful, and can influence our reality. The more we focus on something, the more we attract it into our lives. Witchcraft is all about directing your thoughts and emotions towards a desired outcome. By embracing the Law of Attraction, you can learn to manifest your intentions more effectively. You can start by keeping a positive mindset and focusing on the things you want, rather than the things you don’t want. The more thought you give something, the better chance of it showing up in your life, so the same applies to things you don't want. Be Specific with Your Intentions The Law of Attraction works best when you’re clear about what you want. As a witch, you know that spells and rituals are most effective when you have a clear intention behind them. Similarly, when you are working with the Law of Attraction, it’s essential to be specific about what you want to manifest. Take the time to meditate on your desires and visualize them coming true. Draw them out, find something that represents them and keep it close, write it down on your mirror where you get ready every day. Keep it clear and keep it consistent. This will help you to create a clear and specific intention that will attract the right energy towards you. Use Symbols and Rituals to Amplify Your Intentions Witches have been using symbols and rituals for centuries to enhance their spells and rituals. Similarly, the Law of Attraction also benefits from using symbols and rituals to amplify your intentions. You can create a sigil or symbol that represents your intention and wear it as a talisman, or burn candles and incense for manifestation(Palo Santo is my fav! And you can get it in cute incense stick) during meditation to help focus your energy. These small acts can help you to focus your intention and manifest your desires more easily. BONUS: Check out my blog post about Three Spells to for Witches for a great candle manifestation spell! xoxo Stay Open to Receiving As you work with the Law of Attraction and witchcraft, it’s important to stay open to receiving!!! This means letting go of any negative beliefs or emotions that may be blocking your energy. Witches know that magick comes from within, and by staying open to receiving, you allow the universe to work its magick through you. Trust the process and know that the universe will bring you what you need when you need it. Practice Gratitude Daily Gratitude is a powerful force that can increase your positive energy and enhance your ability to manifest your desires. As a witch, you understand the importance of being in tune with nature and your surroundings. Similarly, practicing gratitude daily can help you to connect with your inner self and the universe. Take time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life, and you will begin to attract more abundance and prosperity. The practice of witchcraft and the Law of Attraction share a common thread - both are rooted in the belief that we can manifest our desires by harnessing the power of energy and intention. By combining these two practices, you can enhance your ability to manifest your desires and live the life you’ve always dreamed of! Remember to stay open to receiving, be specific with your intentions, and stay grateful for the blessings in your life. With these simple practices, you’ll be able to tap into the power of the universe and create the life you want. Happy manifesting! How to you practice the Law of Attraction or Manifestation? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to check out my new YouTube channel The Season of Anya for more Spiritual Yoga tips and tricks xxx #witch #witchywoman #realwitch #pagan #theseasonofanya #spiritualyogawitch #pagan #paganism #witchy #witchcraft #witchesoftiktok🔮🌙 #witchcraftblog #spiritualblog
- How Yoga Witches Stay Grounded with No Ego
How Yoga Witches Stay Grounded with No Ego We're here today to talk about a few of my favorite things; Yoga, Witchcraft, aaannndddd..... EGO!! Let's dive right into this. Yoga and witchcraft have always gone hand in hand. Both practices rely on energy, intention, and grounding. Yoga helps to center yourself and connect with your body, while witchcraft allows you to tap into your natural powers. When combined, these two powerful practices create an amazing symbiotic relationship that can benefit your spiritual growth, as well as your every day life. In this blog post, we will explore how to stay grounded and keep your ego in check while practicing yoga witchcraft. The Importance of Grounding Yoga Witchcraft operates on the understanding that everything is energy and we are all interconnected. Therefore, a crucial part of your practice is grounding yourself to the earth. Mother Earth has been here long before humans, and will be here long after we are. She withstands astroids, quakes, fires, basically everything thrown at her. She is not just an immovable object, she is the immovable object. If you feel like you are being swayed in too many directions, ground with the earth a bit and see if you can't be inspired by the energy. You can accomplish this by practicing yoga postures that connect you to the earth, such as standing poses, forward folds, and Warrior poses. Additionally, spending time in nature, doing root chakra meditations, and using grounding crystals can all assist in this process. Letting Go of Ego Ahhhh yes... The Ego. One of the biggest dangers in any spiritual practice is the ego. The ego can distort our intentions and sway us towards negative practices, such as the pursuit of power, attention, or validation. In order to avoid ego-driven behavior in your yoga witchcraft practice, you must be vigilant about checking in with yourself and your intentions. "Why am I feeling this way?" "What triggers are happening to make me think like this?" Questions that make you really think about how you are truly feeling. Focus on the bigger picture and how your practice can benefit the greater good instead of solely benefiting yourself. Affirmations, journaling, and ritual baths can help you stay centered and humble, and if you really need a good spiritual kick in the ass, get yourself a black mirror and speak directly to your ego on a dark moons night. Embracing Your Intuition Another benefit of combining yoga and witchcraft is heightened intuition. We sometimes refer it to our "Witchy Intuition" or that "gut feeling" that has driven you most of your life. Both practices are designed to help you tap into your subconscious mind and the universal flow of energy. As you practice, you may find that your intuition becomes stronger and your ability to manifest your desires becomes more potent.When you are doubting yourself less, you have more time and energy to focus on Manifestation. Check out my blog post about the Law of Attraction for more info on that! The key is to stay open and receptive to the signs and messages the universe sends you, through meditation, divination tools, or nature. Connecting with Your Inner Goddess Witchcraft traditionally has been associated with the divine feminine, and certainly within the realm of yoga witchcraft, the focus on the divine feminine is amplified. As you practice yoga and witchcraft, seek out ways to connect with your inner goddess and honor her power. Create an altar, work with moon phases and goddess archetypes, or write affirmations that celebrate your divine feminine energy. By embracing and acknowledging your inner goddess, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and empowerment. Using Your Magick for Good Finally, the ultimate goal of yoga witchcraft is to use your magick for the greater good. As you develop your practice, focus on sending out positive intentions and energy to the world around you. Perform spells and rituals that uplift and heal, and use your magic to create positive change in your community and the world. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility, and it's up to you to use your magick ethically and in service of the highest good. Incorporating yoga into your witchcraft practice is a powerful way to deepen your spiritual connection and promote overall well-being. Staying grounded and connecting with your intuition, inner goddess, and the divine energy around you can be life-changing. Always remember to approach your practice with humility and respect, and use your magic to create positive change in the world. By focusing on these core principles, you can build a strong foundation of spiritual growth that will serve you well throughout your life. What are your best tips and tricks to staying grounded? Let us know in the comments, and thank you so much for journeying with me on this wild ride The Season of Anya, check out my YouTube channel and as always, hugs and kisses xxxx
- June New Moon for Yoga Witches
June New Moon for Yoga Witches Can you believe that the June new moon is just around the corner? I can't! Where the heck is this year going, fam? If only there was magick to make time slow down a little bit. Anywho as witches, we understand the power of the moon in our craft, and the new moon is the perfect time to plant the seeds of our intentions and set our magick into motion. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the June new moon and how we can harness its energy to enhance our personal growth, spirituality, and power. Understanding the June New Moon With the June New Moon comes an opportunity to manifest our deepest desires and embrace the magick of the lunar cycle. I do believe the June New moon is an extremely powerful time to manifest: We're at the half way part of the year, and with the summer solstice happening a few days later, we are also entering the dark half of the year. So think of all the wonderful light energy we have with us that we can take into the second half of the year. Just a PSA--now is a great time to revisit your vision boards and regroup: See what you've been slacking on, see what needs adjusting, pivot, and start moving towards those goals again. Trust me when I say it's not too late to start up your boards. Last year, I kind of forgot about mine until June, and still managed to get everything on my list accomplished. So manifest witches! The June new moon, also known as the strawberry moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and is characterized by its dark and mysterious energy. This is the time when the moon is not visible in the sky, making it a prime moment to turn inward and focus on our innermost thoughts and desires. According to astrology, the June new moon falls under the sign of Gemini this season, which is known for its communicative and adaptable nature. When manifesting with this in mind, think about how you can show up a bit better for yourself by learning how to be more communicative, and to adapt and overcome obstacles. Setting Your Intentions The new moon is a powerful time to set intentions and manifest your deepest desires. Whether it is a new job, a fulfilling relationship, or spiritual growth, the new moon provides the perfect opportunity to focus on your goals and make them a reality. To set your intentions, it is important to take a moment of stillness and ask yourself what you truly want. Once you have set your intentions, visualize them with clarity and detail, and feel the emotions associated with them. This is the time to trust in the power of the universe and the magickal energy within yourself. Crafting a New Moon Ritual Spell As we know, crafting a ritual is one of the most effective ways to tap into the energy of the new moon. You can create your own ritual or use one that has been passed down from other witches, or of course, create your own! A general guideline for ritual is to cleanse your space, set an intention, cast a circle, and call upon the elements and spirits to guide your magick. You can also incorporate candle magick, oracle cards, or crystals into your ritual to enhance the energy and intention of your practice. Always! Embracing the Energy of the June New Moon The energy of the new moon is not limited to just one night, and as witches, we can harness this energy throughout the lunar cycle. It is important to nurture your intentions and continue to take actions that align with your desires in the following days and weeks. You can do this by journaling, meditating, or incorporating daily rituals into your practice. Honor the energy of the new moon by honoring yourself and your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. New Moon Divination The new moon in June is a great time to sit under the dimly light nights sky with your divination tools. If you're into tarot, a three card spread could be a good way to figure out how to spend the rest of this new moon cycle. Don't worry so much about what the cards are supposed to say, but rather what spirit is saying through the energy of these cards. Do not limit yourself with tarot, though! Divination is great in any form under the June new moon. The June new moon is a time for new beginnings, growth, and manifestation. As witches, we have the power to harness this energy and use it to enhance our practices and transform our lives. By setting intentions, crafting rituals, and embracing the energy of the new moon, we can manifest our deepest desires and live in harmony with the cycles of the universe. Remember, the power of magick lies within you. Embrace it, and let the June new moon guide your way. Blessed be. Tell us in the comments below how you plan on spending this June New Moon, and thank you so very much for taking this journey with The Season of Anya with me, xx
- Understanding the Magick of July Full Moon
Understanding the Magick of July Full Moon Welcome witches to the month of July! We are officially in the dark half of the year as we are past the summer solstice, and boy, time is flying. This time of year is known for many things, including barbecues, warm weather, and this particular full moon as of July 2023 is in Capricorn! So if you're an astrology witch, hopefully you find this particular post interesting. This month's full moon is potent, and as witches, we'd be remiss to miss out on the abundance of energy it provides. In a nutshell: Time to start really reaping the rewards of your hard work, but the grind isn't over just yet. In astrology, the full moon in Capricorn represents a time of hard work, discipline, and determination. Capricorn is a sign that seeks stability and success, and this full moon provides us with the necessary energy to channel those traits into our lives. So let's explore how we can harness the power of this moon to manifest our desires and reach our goals. According to the Farmers Almanac, July's full moon is known as the buck moon because July is when male deer, or bucks, are growing new antlers for the season. Kinda cool eh? Depending on the location, this moon is also known as the salmon full moon or the thunder moon. I personally like the name of the thunder moon but here in San Diego it doesn't really apply. If I had to give it a name based on the happenings over here, I'd call it the sunshine moon, simply because we are finally over all this May Gray/June Gloom and finally enjoying some serious sunshine. Anyways, moving on. July Full Moon in Capricorn: What does it mean? The first step in harnessing the power of the July full moon in Capricorn is to set your intentions, yes, pretty standard moon magick, but that's kinda the point. What do you want to manifest in your life? What are your goals? Write them down, meditate on them, and visualize them as if they've already come to fruition. The energy of this moon is all about the intention of manifestation, so be clear and intentional with your desires. Next, it's time to get to work. Capricorn is a sign of hard work and dedication, so channel that energy into your goals. Make a plan and stick to it. Don't let procrastination or self-doubt hold you back. This is a time to be disciplined and focused. Whether it's working on a project, starting a new business, or applying for a new job, this full moon's energy will push you forward towards success. Another way to harness the power of this moon is to let go of what no longer serves you. Capricorn is also a sign of letting go of old patterns and beliefs that do not align with our goals. Take some time to reflect on what you need to release. It could be a toxic relationship, a negative mindset, or even clutter in your home. Whatever it is, set the intention to let go and release it during this full moon. This moon is also a time to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition. Capricorn is associated with the element of earth, which represents groundedness and practicality. Take some time to connect with nature, go for a hike, or meditate outside. Allow yourself to tap into your intuition and gain clarity around your goals. Finally, take some time to celebrate yourself. Capricorn is a sign of achievement and success, so acknowledge all the hard work you've done and the progress you've made towards your goals. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Treat yourself to something special, indulge in self-care, and appreciate yourself for all that you've accomplished. What am I working on this full moon? If anyone cares to know, I've been working on a huge project since the beginning of the year. I'll just go ahead and say it: I've been working on a book for my Yoga Witches, and July is actually the month I got ahead and present it to publishers. The timing of it being during this particular full moon is actually quite serendipitous, and I'm so so eager to share more of it with you all. Very soon, hopefully! Wish me luck! Final Thoughts: the July full moon in Capricorn is a time of hard work, discipline, and determination. It's a time to set your intentions, get to work, let go of what no longer serves you, connect with your inner wisdom, and celebrate your successes. As witches, we have the power to harness this moon's energy and use it to manifest our desires and reach our goals. So let's embrace this magical time and use it to create the life we've always wanted. Happy full moon, witches! How do you celebrate the Full Moon as a Witch? Do you like knowing what I'm working on and the magick im personally harvesting? Tell us about it in the comments, or check out my Youtube Video The Season of Anya for an upcoming video on July's Full Moon for Yoga Witches. So much love and gratitude to you all on this journey. xx
- Getting Started with Tarot: Choosing a Deck
Getting Started with tarot is really not a complex concept, but due to social media, and people who like to gatekeepe this very open practice, we are sometimes found left with not understanding "what's allowed" and what isn't. There are no rules to witchcraft and Tarot! It's really about the practice of you. With all of that said, I will give you some brief tips for choosing a tarot deck. My number one tip for figuring out which tarot deck to choose, is to find artwork that speaks to you! Go to your local witchy shop and play with the decks that they have. There are so many decks available these days that you can choose a deck for literally any niche. If you want a Ru Paul Tarot Deck, then there is absolutely one out there for you! It's a fabulous deck by the way. Personally, I'm not a fan of the kitschy decks, but that's just me. I'm inspired 100% by the artwork and the feelings it invokes. My first deck was the Wild Unknown Tarot Deck by Kim Krans. I really enjoyed this deck because it emanated a beautiful feminine energy to it and that's what I was drawn to. Tip #2 in choosing your own Tarot deck is find one that is VERY image heavy. What I mean by that is the image heavy decks that more importantly illustrate a story. If I were to pull a card like the 6 of pentacles, and only see 6 pentacles as the image, it's not going to speak to me. For a beginner, a nice deck will have each card demonstrating a story versus just providing a literal picture of the card its portraying. For example, doesn't this image speak to you a lot more than if you were just to look at 7 swords? Make sure to look at the entire deck before purchasing because sometimes it's only the major arcana cards that have the pretty pictures. The benefit of going with an art-heavy deck, is that when you start developing your tarot and intuitive practice, you can actually use your intuition to see the message of the cards, and their meanings. While I'm incredibly guilty of it, you don't want to get in the habit of constantly look at the definitions of what a tarot card means, because it's so subject to interpretation. My third tip, is consider going with the old school Rider Waite Tarot Deck. This deck is probably the one you're most familiar with or have seen in movies, or other media involving tarot. Yes, it's old school, but It's an oldie but a goodie! Each card tells a story, so even if you don't know the technical meaning, if you lean into the imagery enough you can find the message that's in the cards. That's my simple advice for you witches looking to choose your 1st tarot deck. Also, please do me a favor and if you EVER hear the rumor that you MUST be gifted a tarot deck in order to practice tarot, please dispel and ignore it!!! There is lots of gatekeeping involved with tarot and witchcraft, so ignore all of that nonsense! In my next post about tarot, we will discuss connecting with your deck! Can't wait to share it with you!!