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- Yoga Magick & Witchcraft: Meditation through Breathwork
Yoga Magick & Witchcraft: Meditation through Breathwork Breathing should be easy, right? Turns out, it's not always! Trust me on that one. Breathwork and meditation go hand-in-hand, and in this blog we'll go over exactly how I've used it throughout meditations, Yoga and Witchcraft. It's been an incredibly helpful tool for my personal practice, but also helps me so much with mental clarity, focus, and anxiety management. What is Breathwork? Breathwork can be defined as flushing out negative energies, stress, and toxins out of your body through dedicated breathing. Learning how to control your breath is imperative, if you don't control your breath it will control you. What I mean by this is that our breathing actually regulates our parasympathetic nervous system, so rapid breath will induce a rapid heart-rate, and slower breath will help lower the heart rate, and induce relaxation, and even put your brain into a Theta state, which is a state of very deep relaxation, the one right before we fall asleep. With this state of calm, it's easier to connect with spirit and channel messages from the divine. Magickal breath is about taking in all the energies of the universe around you, the magick within you, and the power of intent and manifestation from within you, using it to breathe it into the world around you. Breathing it into power. Yogic breath work is an ancient practice that can help us to find more ease and relaxation in our daily lives. I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure we can all use more day-to-day relaxation. It involves a range of different breathing techniques, including ujjai breath, alternate nostril breathing, and bhastrika breath (or 'bellows breath'). Each type of breathing technique has its own unique benefits and effects. Ujjai breath helps to calm the nervous system, alternate nostril breathing can help balance the two sides of the brain which is very useful for maintaining harmony and balance with the logical brain and the creative brain. No matter what type of yogic breath work you choose, it's important to practice with intention and presence. Pay attention to the sensations in your body as you do the breathing exercises, being mindful of each inhale and exhale. This will help you get the most out of it and go deeper into the experience. Breathwork in Witchcraft Witches use magickal breath to charge sacred items, to breathe life into a spell or working (Pun only slightly intended), protection workings and many more magickal ways. One way to use your magickal breath in witchcraft is to close your eyes, create your manifestation intent, and say it aloud. If you are trying to bless an item, speak the blessing directly onto the item. Or yell at it, sometimes you need that little extra uumph, if you know what I mean. One way my coven has always used magickal breath is through spirit cigars. As you inhale the smoke, focus on your manifestation intent, and then as you breathe it out, breathe out that energy into the universe. You can also use your magickal breath as an offering as well, it's not uncommon to see a witch breathing smoke into a fire while thinking of an ancestor or loved one, it's keeping that life force alive through the spirit of the smoke and the breath. Breathwork in Yoga Breathwork in Yoga has it's origins in India and is referred to as Pranayama. Pranayama is defined as "elevating ones life forces" (Although in the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it translates to "complete cessation of breathing"). With that said, please keep breathing, we aren't trying to be ascended masters. Through dedicated, focused breathing while combined with Yoga, you can train your body and mind to ascend. Focusing on the breath in yoga not only allows the practitioner to have a still mind, but it is actually crucial for more challenging poses, especially balancing poses and inversion. With that said, creating and maintaining those patterns of breathing as I move throughout the different positions sets me in that perfect headspace where I am ready to feel my body, connect to the right emotions (the ones that matter,), and my magick. Benefits of Breathwork Mental Health Benefits of Breathwork Yogic breath work is great for calming an overactive mind and helping with stress management. By focusing on your breathing, it can help to draw away attention from outside distractions and put your focus onto something more soothing. It's like taking a break from all the chaos and noise of life, and instead focusing on an internal source of peace. If you are feeling over-whelmed or overly anxious, try beginning with taking in a breath for four counts then exhaling for eight counts. You'll notice your heart beginning to slow down, and you can start thinking clearly again as oxygen re-enters your bloodstream. Sometimes I try to imagine a beautiful flower blooming during my inhales, then blooming in reverse in my exhales. It helps me focus on my body, the beauty of the world, and my breath. If you are struggling to maintain focus during these exercises, take the time to really focus on the flower. What kind of flower is it? What color is it? I promise that over time, along with committing to your breath work, you will get the hang of it. Plus, when you start the practice of visualizing images in your minds eye, it enhances psychic development Yogic breath work can provide a sense of relaxation and inner calmness, allowing you to connect with your inner self on a deeper level. It can be an incredibly meditative practice that allows you to find peace and balance within yourself - creating space for healing and transformation. Letting go of stress, which quite frankly is essential for those wishing to seek a more balanced and present life. Physical Benefits of Breathwork Yogic breath work is also beneficial for physical health. It can help improve lung capacity, increase circulation reduce blood pressure, enhance digestion and stimulate your lymphatic system. All in all, it's a great way to promote overall wellbeing by bringing balance and harmony to your body. Inhale the good, exhale the bad. Breathwork has also been show to aid in asthma patients, as it strengthens the lungs and boosts the immune system. As an asthmatic, you will hear me huff and puff like crazy in a yoga class, but I can attest to how much it's helped me with my asthma, and which absolutely correlates with my anxiety management. Breathwork in Meditation Adapting breathwork techniques into meditation has shown to have a positive impact on healing both physically and mentally. Meditation allows you to momentarily leave worries aside, anxieties, to adventure within yourself and discover new ways to heal. With practice, you'll be able to feel more relaxed and have an increased sense of wellbeing. So why not give yogic breath work a try? It just might be the key to unlocking inner peace and relaxation that you've been searching for. Interested in one of these styles of breath work? Let us know and share your experiences! You can find us on Youtube @TheSeasonofAnya !
- Yoga Magick and Witchcraft: Chakras 101 for Witches
Yoga Magick and Witchcraft: Chakras 101 Believe it or not, chakras and witchcraft work hand in hand, so, for today's post, we are going to a quick rundown of the 7 Chakra System and why it's important for witches to understand what each Chakra symbolizes and how an aligned chakra system can pave the path for a better quality of life and magickal practice. This article is just going to serve as a very brief guide to understanding the chakra system, just so you have a basic principle of what they are and how they work, as its a very helpful system for furthering spiritual development. In the future, I will be doing Chakra meditations and spells for each chakra with a deeper exploration of each chakra and ways you can unblock the chakras. Make sure you're subscribed to my YouTube channel and my blog so you don't miss out. Chakra 101 For Witches There are seven main chakras, located along the spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head, that act as energy centers within our body. Each chakra has its own set of characteristics and properties that are important for us to understand when it comes to using witchcraft to tap into our energy. The word "Chakra" means "wheel" in Sanskrit, so when a Chakra is blocked, think of something in the energetic body being out of alignment; energy is constantly moving and if the chakra, "wheel" is blocked, we aren't moving as effectively. Each of these chakras has its own unique properties and powers that can be used in your spiritual practice. Working with each chakra is essential for a balanced and healthy life. Opening, clearing and balancing these seven major energy centers helps us to stay connected to our higher selves, to the universe and to our true purpose. With this connection, we can access a deeper level of understanding and wisdom. In witchcraft, each of these seven chakras can be used as a source of power to bring about desired changes in manifestation work, healing rituals, and spellwork as well as connection to intuition and spirit. When the chakras are out of alignment, energy does not flow thus creating a blockage. So when you hear about how a Chakra is "blocked" or "out of alignment", its important to have an understanding of what each chakra represents so you can get to the root of the problem and realign yourself. The 7 Chakras for Witches 1) Root Chakra (Muladhara) The root chakra, known as Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine, and is associated with survival and safety While all chakras are equally important, this chakra is the foundation of your being. When I feel my feet firmly planted on the ground and energy flowing to the earth is when I know my root chakra is in alignment. The root chakra is represented by the color red and the elements are Earth and Fire. When this chakra is out of alignment, you aren't feeling grounded or rooted, and you may have stomach pain, weight gain, and restlessness. 2) Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) The sacral chakra, Swadhisthana, is located just below the navel, is associated with creativity and pleasure. Its color is orange and its element is Water for creativity and emotions should flow freely. A lot of intuitive work is done here for many psychics and tarot readers as emotions are related to empathy. When the sacral chakra is out of alignment, you may either feel a lack of control, or overcompensate by being too controlling. 3) Solar Plexus (Manipura) The solar plexus chakra, Manipura, is located at the midpoint between the navel and base of the breastbone, is associated with personal power, will and self-esteem. Its color is yellow and its element is Fire. If you are feeling very unsure of yourself, indecisive, lack confidence, or build your confidence by pleasing others, your Solar Plexus chakra is probably blocked. 4) Heart Chakra (Anahata) The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest just above the heart, is associated with love, compassion, optimism and emotional balance. Its color is green and its element is Air. An Imbalanced heart chakra is represetended by anger, lack of trust, anxiety, and depression. 5) Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) The throat chakra, located at the base of the throat, is associated with communication and expression of truth and positive self expression. Someone with a blocked throat chakra may be experiencing timidness, a feeling a weakness, and a repressed voice. Its color is blue and its element is Ether. 6) Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) The third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyes. It is associated with intuition and insight. Its color is indigo and its element is Light. This chakra opens us up to higher levels of consciousness and psychic abilities. An overactive ego, self sabotage/fear of success may symbolize an imbalanced third eye chakra. 7) Crown Chakra (Sahastrara Chakra) Finally, the crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with spirituality and connection to a higher power. Its color is violet and its element is Spirit.The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with universal consciousness and spiritual connection. Its color is violet and its element is Thought. A blocked root chakra is symbolized by fear, melancholy and lack of purpose. These seven chakras are powerful tools for personal growth and evolution and I highly encourage you to famalirazie yourself with their basic concept. When used in combination with witchcraft, they can help enhance your practice by allowing you to move energy and begin to have a deeper understanding with energy work. Use the symbolism of each chakra to set intentions for magickal rituals and awaken the spiritual power within. Connecting with your chakras through meditation, visualization and energy work will help you access a higher level of personal awareness and power, channel energy a lot more effectively, and live your life in upmost alignment. Next time we visit the Chakras we will be doing a deep dive on the root chakra and root chakra magick! I can't wait to share with you! What chakra are you working on? Share below! Until next time! xx
- How to Witchcraft: Top 5 Witchcraft Supplies for Every Witch
How to Witchcraft: Top 5 Witchcraft Supplies for Every Witch What was the first thing you asked your very first witch friend, and why was it "What supplies do I need to buy??" Don't worry, we all have been there! It is all overwhelming, scary, and it can appear a little costly at times. It doesn't always have to be, though sometimes it is worth it to save up the pennies for that beautiful witchy subscription box, or a new altar cloth. I remember keeping a little list going on my phone, and whenever I would read a new ritual or article, I'd add every crystal, every candle, every everything! But fear not, after years of practicing within my own coven and my own practice, I've narrowed it down to the Top 5 Witchcraft Supplies for Every Witch: 1. Candles: Whether you’re using them to set the ambiance, create a magical atmosphere or as part of your spell casting rituals, candles are essential for any practitioner of witchcraft. Different colors and scents can be used to evoke different energies, so choose wisely! I have found that seven day candles are GREAT for continual magick work! 2. Herbs & Oils: Herbs and oils are often used in spells to attract love, money, protection and other desired energies. They can also be used as part of a cleansing ritual or for anointing objects with their magical properties. Essential oils are commonly used in many different forms of witchcraft as they have powerful healing, energetic and spiritual properties. Depending on the blend you choose, essential oils can be used to anoint candles, purify spaces or add scent to spell. Herbs are great to either burn in a cauldron over some charcoal, or to bury into the earth. It all depends on the intent of your magick. 3. Altar Supplies: An altar is a place of spiritual practice that many witches use to focus their energy and to prepare for rituals. Depending on your beliefs, you can use traditional religious items such as incense, a chalice or athame (ritual blade). You can also add crystals, tarot cards and other personal items that have special meaning to you. 4. Cauldrons: No witch’s magical supplies would be complete without a cauldron. Cauldrons are used in rituals, spellcasting and magical practice of all kinds. They can also be used to hold burning embers or steaming hot water for scrying (divination) practices. I have found that cast iron cauldrons are best and last forever! 5. Herbs: Herbs have been used in witchcraft for centuries and are still widely used today. Fresh or dried herbs can be used for different spells, rituals and spiritual practices. Commonly used herbs in witchcraft include lavender, rosemary and sage. They can also be added to spell components such as poppets, mojo bags and incense blends. Storing your magical supplies in one place will not only make them easier to access but also keep them safe and away from moisture or direct sunlight. What are you must-have items for your practice? Thank you so much for checking out my blog, the Season of Anya! Please subscribe to this blog, and my YouTube Channel if you enjoyed this content! It means the world to me!
- Moon Magick: New Moon Water for May
Moon Magick: New Moon Water for May May has been a very powerful time of year for me this season, it's 5:00 in the morning and the birds are singing their sweet song up until the sun sets at nearly 8:00. It's a very beautiful time of year, we are still in that delicious Beltane energy of creation and vibrancy, that sweet spot of half way between spring and summer. Here in Southern California, we've had the most rain in over 100 years, and in fact we've got more rain than Seattle. Many of us have bee complaining for the last 6 months about this "terrible weather", but the magick of this season is the beautiful, BEAUTIFUL flowers may has brought upon us. Over here after a good rainy season, we are gifted what's called a superbloom, which is where the wildflowers around here go crazy! It's like everything around here is displayed in 4k streaming--everything is incredibly vivid, almost uncanny and just screams "SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS", so naturally, you can't help but appreciate the beauty and wonderment of the natural magick that's all around us. Even if you don't live in San Diego, this is the general energy we are working with in the Northern Hemisphere right now: April Showers bring may flowers. Yeah, things may have been a little gray, but what magick awaits around the corner? May New Moon Meditation & Energy The energy I'm bringing into this season, with this New Moon for May, as cliche and cheesy as it is, is where can I bring more of that sparkle and rainbow into my life. If the May 2023 New Moon were to represent a tarot card, it would be that of the 4 of Wands. The party has started, good times are to be had, all you have to do is come enter and be apart of it. But that's it right? How many times do we create distance from ourselves, from our magick, from thriving because on a subconscious level, we don't feel that we deserve it? Well guess what, what we do and don't deserve is entirely subjective and why are we in a constant state of holding ourselves back? It's time to lean into the magick, witches. This isn't just a "get drunk with other witches" type of celebration, think of it as a dance circle where everyone has to do the thing and stand in the middle and gets 15 seconds to show off their moves. For many of us, celebrating the self is absolute cringe, right? Putting the spotlight on ourselves induces a gag reflex right? No one else can celebrate you if you can't even celebrate yourselves witches. This is a time of year where we can lean into the funk, and the rhythm, and get creative and have some fun with ourselves. It's time to be playful, energetic, and poke fun at yourselves, so we can allow ourselves to show up, and be in the moment, by letting go of the self-imposed fear of the self. What's so scary about having the spotlight on you? Don't know what to do in the heat of the moment? Allow yourself to have fun! Yes, surrendering to spirit, and being on a healing journey has many serious undertones, but with everything, the seasons change and we are in a season of having fun! The soul needs to play and let go and have fun, as it's also apart of the healing journey. With this month's May Flower full moon, I wrote myself a love letter and decided to end the chapter of holding onto fear. After I wrote my letter, I burned it, and released that fear into the cosmos. Especially with all the tasty eclipse energy we had, we were able to reveal a lot of our shadows, but now it's time to use that same energy to manifest the new. With that said, this is a great moon for Moon water, which I don't typically do on new moons. With burning away my fear, it's time to receive blessings, encouragement and strength. It's time to receive. For this new moon I will be creating a moon water and drinking it as a literal act of receiving. I want to manifest more playlful energy into my life, so I will be sitting on a new moon meditation for individuality through playfulness. May New Moon Water Spell To create a new moon water blessing, simply fill up your new moon water with drinking water, and on the night of new moon May 19th sit at your altar or underneath the night sky and gaze up at the twinkling stars, feel and receive their potency, that luminous starseed energy. Gaze at or envisioning those stars shining bright, as they glow in their own unique individual way, with their individuality they gleam and glisten, and flow together in a beautiful dance in the darkness, together as one. Sit with your new moon water in your lap, or hold it in your hands, and keep it in your presence when sitting with the delicious energy. While sitting in this energy imagine that started energy flowing through you spirit, and through your physical body, all the way to your hands and beaming into that moon water. Envision how you can show up to be more playful in your own life. What would that look like? Is it simply allowing yourself to smile more? What are you so afraid of? It's time to smile more, and cry less, witches. Embrace the playful, embrace the fun. After you've created this beautiful imagery of a vibrant, and playful tomorrow, take a sip of your moon water and say to yourself "I receive these blessings of the universe". Drink as much or as little as you're called to. If you feel called to do some, new moon divination can end you workings off with the message from divinity you need to hear this moon phase. Drink this water daily and be sure to finish it by the next full moon as the energy will "expire" by then. I recommend drinking this water with that same magickal intention for the next three days to a week so you can be full immersed in it. Enjoy this time of year witches, soon we will be approaching the summer solstice and entering the dark half of the year before you know it. Time to enjoy the surrender, and enjoy the flowers. Blessed be. Got any fun ideas for how you celebrate this May's New Moon? Tell us in the comments and thank you all for taking the journey of The Season of Anya with me, don't forget to follow us on Youtube @SeasonofAnya!
- How to Create a Travel Altar for Witches
How to Create a Travel Altar For Witches Are you a traveling witch trying to keep your zen on while out on the road? Travel altars are a great way to stay in touch with your spiritual practice, especially when you're out on the road and out of your regular space and routine. I will sometimes use a travel altar as an anchor point when dealing with the chaos of traveling. Especially in recent years, I've realized that staying centered is non negotiable for me. While I may not need to feel centered when I'm actually traveling, having and maintaining that consistent practice has proved itself to be essential to maintaining stability whenever I'll get back from a trip. Do you ever find it hard to resume back to "real life" after a great vacation or a journey away from home? Maintaining any form of a spiritual practice is going to be super helpful for that. A travel altar is also a great way to add a little magick to your travels!! For example, I recently visited Sedona, Arizona and Taos, New Mexico (Which are known for their very powerful crossroads and energy vortexes.), so you better believe I brought my travel altar with me as a way to connect with that delicious energy. Not to mention to conjure up some magick while I was out there. Travel Altar Essentials: A Travel Altar Box: Honestly, this is purely for badass, witchy aesthetic purposes, but I like having a special box for my travel altar if space allows. I'm just that witch and something about pulling my spiritual tools out of a box just feels so right. The size of the box will depend on how much room you have in your suitcase, but a medium sized wooden box should suffice, I love mine with little carvings. My moon sister Daena actually has a really beautiful used jewelry box as her travel altar box, and it's especially awesome because it's a bit compartmentalized. You could totally find one at a local thrift store. If you're an artsy witch, you can totally decorate the box however you'd like, you can paint it, or you can even do some cool wood burning designs with sigils, your name, or other symbology. Altar Cloth: I think this one is a given, especially since you're on the road you will need a dedicated space. A pretty handkerchief works very great for this if you'd like a smaller option. Candle: I would pack a couple chime candles especially if you typically use them in your meditative practice. For me, nothing chills me out than gazing into a candle after a long day. Plus they're very light and store super easily. Don't forget the candle holder! Incense: Cone incense is the most ideal because they come with a little metal dish in each package, so it's less to pack and you won't feel bad if you lose it. I wouldn't necessarily recommend burning this in a hotel room or airbnb, but these are great for outdoor purposes. Lighter: Oh how many times have I forgotten a light or matches. Just a friendly reminder so you have something to check off your list and aren't without it! Grounding Spray or Essential Oil: Especially if you aren't into using incense or sure it's appropriate for where you're staying, essential oils are super easy to squeeze into your travel altar kit, and super handy to have. Florida water is super handy, and a great go-to if you're looking for a general cleansing spray. Divination/Oracle Cards: I find that I need to be connected with my divination practice at all times or I lose my connection to them. These aren't essential to bring, but I generally try to do a "card of the day" when I'm out just to maintain the connection to my deck. If I need a deeper dive, I'll do a 3 card spread. And don't let anyone tell you any different, an oracle card is just as valuable as a tarot card! But that'll be another blog post, for sure. Mini Cauldron: A mini cauldron can be great for burning incense, having a small and controlled space for fire if you need to create a little fire and toss something into it, great for burning charcoal's, the list goes on. Be sure to get a cast iron one, or your charcoal workings might turn it into a one-time use cauldron! Crystals: A small geode or small small crystal like a tigers eye crystal if you're a crystal witch never hurts. I always have a crystal in my tarot bag anyhow so this is easy to bring around. If you want to be extra efficient just bring a necklace with a crystal on it so you're fashionable and grounded. Haha. A small empty jar, or plastic ziplock bag or two. Especially if you're going to a spiritual space, or a space with a ton of history, consider collecting some dirt so you can take some the spirit of the land with you. Pick and choose what feels right to you! I personally am more whole when I have my tarot deck with me, or my witchy protection crystal necklace that I have spent many a full moon dancing with it under the beautiful night sky. Take with you what feels right, and try things out too! If something just doesn't vibe with you, that's okay! Try again with a different thing, whatever it may be. The point is to keep you as the witch empowered at all times and in all places. Magick comes from within you, and you will always be able to access it, but sometimes it helps to bring a little piece of your sacred space with you from time to time. Have you ever brought a travel altar with you before? Are you super excited to get one started? Tell me about it in the comments, and thank you for following. me on this beautiful journey The Season of Anya! Please check out my Youtube @SeasonofAnya and have a blessed, blessed day.
- What is Crossroads Witchcraft?
What is Crossroads Witchcraft? What does it mean to be a Crossroads Witch? Well first, ask yourself "What does it mean to stand in the Crossroads?", or "What is a Crossroad in Witchcraft?". Whether you've walked the crossroads your entire life, or if today's the day you find yourself beginning your crossroads journey, I say the same to whoever you are; Welcome Home, Witch. Let's take the basic definition of the word crossroads: which is a road or a path. That's okay, in fact that's perfect. We are all on different paths in our lives, and Witchcraft is no exception. When you face a crossroad, it's about focusing and observing the different options. Your life will forever change depending on what path you take, so be sure to think carefully when choosing a path. It's encouraged to spend time hanging out in front of those crossroads, and see which path is more to your liking. Does one follow a bright, shiny yellow brick road that's got a clear way ahead? Or maybe the one leading into the dark forest of unknown excitement is the one that calls to you? Standing in the Crossroads The crossroads are a place of "In-between", as a wise witch has taught me. It is the place between worlds. A time without time, a place without a place. And so much fun happens in those beautiful, magickal moments! It's the very place where you are neither in, nor out. You both have, and have not made that big scary work decision and instead of stressing your mind, body, and soul out over it, make the decision to dance in that uncomfortable energy. By dancing in that crossroad, the answer we seek reveals itself to us. It's not always about finding and seeking the answer, but allowing yourself to receive it. By making yourself comfortable in those uncomfortable stages of life, you can make decisions on which path to take with a clearer and more dynamic headspace. Crossroads Witchcraft can be called "Grey Magick" as it's both light and dark. There will be a whole different post on the various shades of magick, but simply put, the Crossroads are the great. It's life and death, it's everything else, in-between breaths. It's neither harmful nor healing, it's not just about blessings and it certainly isn't only cursings, but instead Crossroads Witchcraft stands as both. It exists in a liminal space, and that space can be scary to some, but for many folks, the fear is simply in the unfamiliarity of it. There's so much you don't know when you can't see the end result of some of those paths you could take, but guess what? We don't always know what direction we're going in life. It doesn't have to be scary, and the sooner you accept it and work through that fear of the unknown, the happier and clearer your mind is to make meaningful choices in life. Utilizing the magick of the crossroads change your life drastically for the better, or worse, or not at all. The choice lies on those who journey. Yoga and the Crossroads The crossroads of eastern spirituality practices with American folkloric witchcraft also provides us with maintaining a clear mind at the crossroads. Yoga means union, and through a still mind and body, we can make clear and conscious decisions at these crossroads, as the clarity comes from the union of these 3 factors. Aside from the mental benefits of being a yoga practitioner, in Hinduism, the deity Ganesh represents overcoming obstacles, and overcoming fears. He is the wise elephant diety who sits on a mouse for his mount, the paradox here is the cliche of the big, scared elephant managing to overcome his squeamish fear of mice. Surely, a mouse can't be too comfortable for taking journeys on (for either parties involved) but Ganesh represents overcoming all obstacles on that journey. He still made the plunge, he still persevered and was able to journey. Ley Lines, Energy Vortexes and Crossroads Magick Ever heard of a ley line? It is said that electromagnetic lines connecting and interconnect us all (I personally refer to these as energy vortexes), and that ancient practitioners built their churches perfectly aligned with these ley lines. Some may say they simply were put there by accident, but spiritualists tend to believe there's no such thing as a coincidence. Common Ley Lines I mean, I'm suuuure it's just a coincidence that these places of immense power were all built on ley lines, but that's another debate. Nonetheless, here's some common key lines across our beautiful planet: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican Stonehenge, United Kingdom Pyramids of Giza, Egypt Washington Monument, Washington DC, USA Temple Mount, Jerusalem Kaaba, Mecca, Saudia Arabia Sedona, USA Witchy Story Time: What I do find fascinating is that if this is true, we have these wonderful places throughout our world where we can stand at such points of power. Having the blessing of standing at one of these crossroads, was the most incredible experience of my life. I took this trip to journey with spirit and allowing myself to feel the power of the earth beneath me in the beautiful, yet somehow chilling nature of the dessert. What I didn't realize is that I would experience immense growth in myself, by allowing myself to walk to the edge of those crossroads on this trip, I had a moment with spirit, and for a moment, I journeyed at a literal crossroad, a path that I knew I shouldn't have taken. Spirit was there with me the whole time, asking me if I was sure I wanted to take this path, and through my stubbornness, I ignored his wisdom, and got myself into a little bit of trouble, and I knew it. Through a very exhilarating situation I was able to focus enough, by surrendering and believing in myself, and got a flash of what it felt like to get myself out of my own head, and fortunate enough to turn around and take a different path. I had this experience on the first day of my trip, after experiencing the fear of the crossroads, as the law of recricprocity explains, I was able to step back, and feel the power of Divinity all around me. I had questioned if I could truly process energy as a physic intuitive on this trip, but after so distinctly physically feeling spirit in my heart, it forever changed my bond with the Divine. The moral of this story is as long as we make wise, conscious choices at these crossroads, spirt will be there to support and us, should we listen. There's more to this story.....if anyone is curious? Witchcraft and the Crossroads There are a handful of deities that honor and represent the Crossroads that many of the witches in our coven work with, such as Hecate, the keeper of the crossroads. I have learned about this goddess through my moon sister Daena, and with our coven we often On many dark moons we gather offerings from plants and flowers and place them at a literal crossroads at midnight. In almost every magickal path, you'll find a deity to the crossroads. Hermes for the Greek, vikings love Heimdall, conjuring folk have Papa Legba waiting for them at the crossroads, there is even a Japanese god Chimata-No-Kami who honors their crossroads. Each deity is honored in their own way, and if the crossroads call to you, lean in a little bit and see if there is someone waiting for you at the crossroads. Working with the entities at the crossroads may just be taking the moment to listen and heed the messages of spirit when they offer us divine guidance. How many times have we been given good advice and not followed it, instead, submitting to our own ego and falling into our same patterns? Spirits at the crossroads may just be that voice in your head that's is yearning to be heard. Do yourself a favor and give it a listen, allow the magick to happen. When witches, and spiritualists find that we aren't in alignment with our highest selves we often find ourselves at a personal crossroads. What we don't realize is that we often find ourselves taking that very same path, over and over again, because it's the one that's the most familiar. Taking that path may seem to offer us everything we want in life, yet why do we continuously find ourselves at that same fork in the road? Just because the path we are the most familiar with is presented to us, time and time again, doesn't mean it's the best path for us. Sometimes taking the path into that dark, mossy forest leads to a land far more beautiful land than ever imagined, but only if we dare to have enough courage to enter through the unknown. Sometimes we mistake the darkness, for dangerous, because of our own self constructed image of safety. From those challenges, will come obstacles, but the magick is when we can learn to press forward, and overcome them, move forward, and find a new path. Over time, we find that we finally have learned the lessons presented with us, and we are able to move forward with our path, ultimately presented with new obstacles. We should consider ourselves lucky to live our life as we pass through these crossroads. Many people choose the safe and predictable route, no matter how miserable it may be. Only a few will allow themselves empowerment to enter new depths. Further Reading Leaning in? For a bit more information on exactly how to work beautiful magick in the Crossroads, I would highly recommend to you a beautiful book written by my friend and mentor, Taren S, the witch herself who first showed me how to open the crossroads and how to dance in between. Crossroad Witchcraft is an amazing guide on what the Crossroads are, and a ton of great workings inside! Have you ever stood in a crossroads before and didn't realize it until now? Tell us about it below and thank you all so very much for journeying with The Season of Anya with me, please check out my Youtube channel @SeasonofAnya for other fun videos and information!
- How to Unblock Root Chakra for Witches
How to Unblock Root Chakra for Witches Welcome back to my series on the Chakra System for Witches! If you haven't already, do check out my previous post to get a quick rundown of why its important for Witches to know about the chakra system and how it allows for a better connection to spirit, your highest self, and your magick! If you prefer, I've also included a YouTube video, explaining the chakras, thank you so much for subscribing btw! In today's blog post, we're going to do a deeper dive the root chakra with How to Unblock Root Chakra for Witches, we will be looking at why it's important, and how it correlates to Witchcraft and spirituality. Click here for a little FREE root Chakra Cheat Sheet for your Book for Shadows or journal for an easy reference sheet for the root chakra. Root Chakra for Witches The root chakra, in Sanskrit is referred to as the Muladhara, this chakra is the first of the seven chakras, it's represented by the color red and is located at the base of the spine, perineum, and coxxygeal plexus (your coccyx, tailbone). This chakra is connected to the earth, so for a comparison to witchcraft, think of it as the Tarot suit of Pentacles. The pentacle is a sacred symbol, it's grounded, it's nurturing, and it's the heart of a magickal practice for many witches. In conjunction with that the root chakra is about safety, security, and everything that embodies that. To understand the root chakra it's important to understand what safety means on a personal level. Take the time to define it based on past experiences. What needs were not met as a child? For some, these blockages are tied to money, some are linked with parental instability, or perhaps sexual trauma. I'll be honest, this isn't the sexiest chakra, in fact it's kinda the most boring, but, before I completely lose your interest, this is actually the most important chakra. If you have trauma, if you are stuck in your head, if you have anxiety, if you struggle to be present, there is some serious need to understand how to cultivate the root chakra. Here's the thing, we cannot, and i mean cannot even consider dabbling in Witchcraft, psychic practices, third eye chakra work unless we are rooted. The root is what brings us back to the earth. How can we work on psychic energy, or healing/energy work when we aren't even connected to the earth we stand on? I personally have to constantly check in with myself to see if I'm rooted, it's a struggle for sure, but it's so important. Think of a gorgeous green sequoia tree which stands tall, soaking up all the nutrients of the earth, for thousands of years, with deep entangled roots burrored into the soil. These trees stand so tall because they are so greatly rooted, in fact, often making other varieties of trees seem tiny in comparison, and with that great height is something so powerfully rooted. Embody that strength and connection to the earth to keep grounded and in the now. How to Unblock the Root Chakra -Breathing: slow, controlled, deep, purposeful breaths for one minute (set a timer!). -Earthing, get outside and get your bare feet in the dirt, in the sand. Feel the energy of all of the plants and critters underneath you. Get in the garden and plant something, or just go to the Home Depot plant section and soak up all the plant energy. -Start to feel the energy from the Divine flow down to the earth: From the top of your head, slowly making its way through the earth and feeling that continuous flow. For me, it tends to get stuck here Make sure your body is relaxed, (UNCLENCH YOURSELF). Bija (Seed Manta): Lam Since I haven't discussed seed sounds before, I will briefly say that these mantras are said to contain the entire essence and teaching of each chakra. Connect with this mantra by saying it aloud for a few minutes, or go online and search "Lam Seed Mantra" for an audio. -Sound healing: There are so many free videos on Youtube with sound healing for root chakra, connect with it and enjoy it. Shadow Work Journal Prompts: What is currently triggering me and stressing me out? How am I responding to this. -What are three things can I do to help me feel grounded and supported? -Am I feeling rejected and alone? If so, how am I handling that right now? Herbs to connect with: I love cedar or Nag Champa incense. -Meditation: Envision that from your feet are literal roots coming from the earth, rooting all the way down to the fiery molten center of this planet. From within, comes strength, wisdom from millions of years of fossilized life beneath you, tap into that headspace and connect. Would anyone like a YouTube video of me doing a meditation like this on my YouTube channel? Did this post leave you wanting more? I have so much more to discuss but I'm trying to keep these blog posts easily digestible. If you have any questions, or found this helpful please let me know in the comments below.
- June Full Moon 2023 Explained
June Full Moon Explained I've said it once and I'll say it again, Witches love full moons! The June full moon, known as the Strawberry Moon, typically is the last full moon between the spring and summer, it's right before the summer equinox and the apex of summer. While the May full moon, the flower moon represents the flowers blooming everywhere, this full moon represents the time where we may start seeing early harvests. I like to think of this time as a time of fine tuning, of refinement. Since these moons are based on the Farmers Almanac and harvesting cycles, let's reference a tomato plant. Right now, this plant may not be fully mature, but the flowers may have turned into tiny unripened tomatoes. When growing crops, sometimes we need to prune our growing plants in order to preserve energy. Sometimes we will see little sproutlings at the bottom of the tomato plant beginning to branch out and grow. While at first glance, it may be exciting to see even more vitality emerge from a single plant, it's often recommended that we cut out the excess as it actually takes away from the growth of the plant. Pssst: Want a free Full Moon release spell for your BoS? Click here! June Full Moon and Tarot Divination and Full Moons go hand-in-hand. This moon has a lot of seven of cups energy, the person on the card is faced with a lot of choices, all seem rich and filled with opportunity, but can only choose one that's the best suited for them and what's best suited for their present circumstance. Saying no to excess is not a bad thing at this time. If you feel called this full moon, pull a three card tarot spread and see what it is this full moon says to you! As promising as the possibilities of a a multi-branching tomato plant is, the extra branches takes away energy from the main plant, and will actually inhibit the overall growth of the plant, stalling the size and production of this plant. This doesn't mean to completely hull the plant, but this moon encourages us to be mindful to focus on what's in front of us and not getting caught up in the possibilities (good or bad). When releasing during this full moon, it's important to examine your life and aspirations. Are you taking on too many projects right now? Are you a bit greedy? Can you handle the load that's in front of you or will you be taking away energy from more important avenues of life. How's your mental load? Are you stuck in the endless anxiety loop of "what ifs?". June Full Moon Releasing Spell If you're stuck on how to release these aspects of your life, try out this quick working me and my coven did during the May moon cycle: Light a bonfire (or light something on fire over a cauldron), and throw into the bonfire a physical representation of what you are trying to release, and say: "Into this smoke, I release All of the energies that do not serve me All of the negativity that surrounds me, and all of the fears that limit me, Blessed be." Click here if you'd like a pretty download of this spell for your BoS Nuture and cultivate what's in front of you instead of focusing on what can be, be happy with what you've got. This full moon is a great time to illuminate what you have, what's right in front of you, and what you've been working on, right now is not the time to take on new projects. Focus on your aspirations, and release the clutter and the excess, focus on what's in front of you and don't get distracted. How do you celebrate full moons as a witch? Tell us below in the comments, and thank you all so much for checking out my YouTube @TheSeasonofAnya!
- Witchy Wisdoms: Vibing with Yourself
Witchy Wisdoms Hi Everyone! Welcome to a new series I'm so happy to introduce to you, Witchy Wisdoms. In essence, this series will encompass all the wisdom I've learned on my journey...think of it as a Witchy Self help section. A huge part of my healing has been through incorporating the wisdoms I've learned through the years and actively applying it into my life. Not only has it helped me grow spiritually, but a lot of these wisdoms have helped me becoming a more vibrant, confident person, and I hope you will be able to pick up some wisdom along with the way, today's post is all about vibing with yourself, so let's begin! Witchy Wisdoms: Vibing with Yourself When on a healing journey, often times the hardest step is learning how to vibe with yourself. Whether it's recovering from chronic people pleasing, recovering from a breakup, divorce, or potentially toxic family members, it's imperative to learn how to enjoy your own company. It creates independence,, learn how to fill your own cup (not seeking validation from others), and build your own identity. Aside from all of this, it gives us the opportunity to self reflect. Often times in my healing journey, especially in times when situations take an unexpected turn, I often ask myself "What is the lesson?" which ultimately asks the question of, how can I grow from this situation. In order to do better and grow spiritually and embrace the journey of empowering yourself, the mind requires these moments of enjoyable solitude so it has the peace of mind to be in the present moment with your own company, and give yourself the space to dive deep into your past experiences. How to Vibe With Yourself: Vibing with yourself can be as simple as taking a few minutes in the morning to do some self-reflection. By beginning each day with moments of mindfulness and compassion, you can set yourself up for a successful day full of positive vibes. Meditation is an excellent tool to help you connect to your inner world and cultivate that all-important vibe. Really though, your vibe attracts your tribe, and if you're putting out this negative energy, or people pleasing energy because you lack confidence, those are the types of people you're going to attract, and probably have been attracting. Start by carving out a few minutes each day to sit in meditation and quiet your mind. Focus on the breath, tuning into its rhythm as it flows in and out of your body. Feel free to experiment with different types of visualizations or mantras that help you find peace within yourself. As you practice regularly, you will soon be able to access a calming feeling of inner peace whenever you need it. The idea is to sit quietly and allow yourself to clear your mind, noticing any sensations or thoughts that come up without judgment. It might be difficult at first, I personally really struggle with questing my mind even as someone with a lot of experience in meditation. Vibing With Yourself Through Artistic Expression Try something creative – drawing, painting or even cooking can be incredibly rewarding. Creative endeavors help you express yourself and cultivate an appreciation for the process rather than the end result. It's also a great way to pass time if you're feeling bored or lonely. Even if you're extremely novice, there are tons of ways to get that creative flow going. Sometimes even something as simple as finger painting or taking a very rudimentary approach to art like simply mixing water colors together can get you out of your head, but also grow a new hobby or a skill. I personally have enjoyed incorporating mixed media into my down time/art hobby because it's super easy, yet is so fun and allows me to stretch my creativity without having to be technically gifted. Dance it Out and Shake it Off Vibing with yourself can also be as free spirited as having a dance party alone in your apartment with yourself and a bottle of wine. While the wine is of course optional (and really not remotely necessary) dancing is so impactful and such a great benefit to our mental health. I love making myself dance even when I don't want to: I'll start to play a song, and look at myself in the mirror, visibly annoyed and start moving. In those moments of feeling down I almost do like a depressed looking, begrudging dance to make light of how I'm feeling, and then just by poking fun at myself am able to lighten up and smile at myself by the end of the song. Then I'll play another and just have fun with it. It gets rid of stagnant energy, releases much needed serotonina, and puts me back in my own energy so I can be more in my body and less in my head Keep it Simple: In addition to meditation, and exploring your artistic side, there are many other wonderful ways to enjoy your own company. Take some time for yourself each day and do something that brings you joy – whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk in nature, or simply taking an afternoon nap. Something as simple as cooking a new dish can be very grounding, but also a great new hobby to pick up. Plus, if you make it into a meal prep, you're doing your future self a favor. There are cool kits out there like Blue Apron that can set you up with inspiration and make cooking very approachable even if you're a total novice. Make a point to care for yourself, and enjoy your company in whatever way feels right. It’s important to take time to nurture your own wellbeing, and enjoying your own company is a great way to start. Start small – even if it’s just taking a few minutes each day to appreciate the beauty of the world around you, it will help bring a sense of peace and contentment. I love going on walks, and to keep myself grounded and in a positive headspace I made a point to enjoy what's around me, by literally commenting out loud "wow the sky is so pretty today", or "look at those beautiful flowers". In addition, you can use this appreciation of nature to further your artistic development by taking a beautiful photo simply with your phone. There are a ton of apps on there to make really cool edits. Furthermore, you can use those photos as a reference photo if you want to draw it out later, give it a try! Pro Tip: A friendly reminder to my hardworking, badass witches. Anything that is considered productive, or considered work does not count as vibing with yourself! This isn't about achieving, but keeping you grounded, connected with yourself, and nurturing the soul. In other words, it's all about you, boo. There are so many ways to vibe with yourself, and I could have gone on and on. I mean come on I didn't even mention how yoga is a great way to vibe with yourself (I'm a bad yoga witch, I know) . So with that said, how do you like to vibe with yourself? Inquiring minds want to know! Leave a comment down below. Until the next one. xx
- How to Unblock Sacral Chakra for Witches
How to Unblock Sacral Chakra for Witches As a witch, we know that the power of manifestation lies in within our energy centers. But, sometimes, when our emotions are blocked and we neglect our spiritual wellbeing, our chakras can become stagnant. This can lead us to feel creatively stifled, drained of passion, and disconnected from our intuition. One of the most important chakras for witches to focus on is the sacred sacral chakra, svadhisthana in Sanskrit. It's that delcious inner fire that we often yearn for, and is easily lost. This is a huge part of our life force (okay well I guess every chakra is!). Located just below the navel, this energy center is the source of your creativity, sexual energy, and emotional depth. In this blog, we'll dive into how to unblock your sacral chakra and ignite your inner fire. Pssst: Click here if you'd like a free Sacral Chakra Cheat Sheet for Your Book of Shadows How to Recognize and Release Blockages The first step in unblocking your sacral chakra is to recognize any blockages that may be present. These can manifest in different ways, such as fear of intimacy, disconnection from your body (huge one for me), or creative stagnation. Take time to reflect on what emotions or behaviors you may be experiencing that stem from a blocked sacral chakra. Once you've identified them, work on releasing them through meditation, journaling, creative expression or depending on the gravity of the situation, therapy! Embrace Your Sensuality Your sacral chakra is closely tied to your sensuality, so embracing it can be a powerful way to unblock the energy center. This doesn't necessarily mean engaging in sexual activities (I mean hey, you do you...safely), but rather embracing your senses and sensuality in a way that feels authentic to you. Try taking a bath with essential oils (Jasmine and Geranium are great for the Sacral Chakra) dancing to music that makes you feel alive, or wearing clothing that makes you feel confident and sexy. Connect with the Element of Water The element of water is closely associated with the sacral chakra, as it symbolizes flow, fluidity, and emotion. Embracing water in your spiritual practice can be a powerful way to unblock your sacral chakra. Spend time near a body of water, take a swim, or incorporate water-based meditations such as visualizing being at the beach, or a lake with great detail: Envision the scenery in this meditation, including the sounds of nature, the waves, the breeze, even the weather, etc. The more detailed the better as it allows you to get deep into the meditation. Explore Your Creative Side Your sacral chakra is the root of your creativity, so exploring your creative side is an excellent way to unblock the energy center. This can take many forms, from painting to writing to cooking to gardening, or creating an art book of shadow. I love doing this because it's very fluid and fun! You don't have to be a professional artist to enjoy this. Find an activity that brings you joy and allows you to express yourself in a way that feels natural. Don't worry about the end result; focus on the process and the joy of creation. Honor Your Emotions Finally, one of the most important ways to unblock your sacral chakra is to honor your emotions (bleh). This energy center is all about emotion and feeling deeply, so suppressing or denying your emotions can be detrimental to your chakra's health. But again, we can't move on to working with the other chakras until each energy center is flowing properly. A good full moon release can help if you're hanging on to stagnant emotions, and let's be honest, a good cry will always do the trick. Truly though, I feel that now days we aren't good at this! We need to feel, we need to release because when we do, we can make so much more room to receive the good stuff. So, be sure to practice mindfulness and self-awareness, and allow yourself to feel all emotions without judgement or resistance. You got this. How to Unblock the Sacral Chakra: Quick Reference Guide Bija (Seed Manta): Vam (Vahm) Color: Orange Herbs: Dried Orange peel, Chamomile, Lavender (I love a good lavender tea or incense) Crystals: Moonstone, Coral, Carnelian --Meditation: Envision orange glow at at your naval area. How does it feel? Place your hands on the area and envision it flowing down to your root chakra. Imagine yourself, completely uninhibited. What activity are you doing? Dancing? Creating art? Sound healing: There are so many free videos on Youtube with sound healing for the Sacral Chakra, connect with it and enjoy it. When listening to these frequencies, visualize the color orange at your naval, and try to release any tension in that area. Shadow Work Journal Prompts: --What emotions am I ignoring right now? What are these emotions relating to? -What pleasures of life am I denying myself of? Why is that? How can I overcome this? --How can I focus more on my self care? Where have I dropped the ball? How is this impacting my overall wellbeing, confidence, and emotional state? You can download the Sacral Chakra cheat sheet here Summary: Unblocking your sacral chakra can be a powerful way to ignite your inner fire and unleash your creativity. By recognizing and releasing blockages, embracing your sensuality, connecting with the element of water, exploring your creative side, and honoring your emotions, you can unlock the full potential of this energy center. Remember, chakra work is a continuous process, and it's essential to check in with yourself and your energy centers regularly. Embrace the journey, and let your inner fire burn brightly. How do you feel most connected to your sacral chakra? Let us know in the comments and check out my YouTube video on Unblocking the Root Chakra!
- See You at Mystic South in Atlanta Georgia
See You at Mystic South in Atlanta Georgia Hey witches, I'm going to my first ever Witchy Convention which will be Mystic South in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. This will be my first ever witchy convention and I can't wait to meet some of you there. Here is a description from their website: Join us for our fifth annual Mystic South Conference! Mystic South is filled with workshops, educational abstract presentations, rituals, community building, and much more. With the backdrop of the grand city of Atlanta, be a part of our celebration of the diversity of the peoples and religious practices, both past and present, that make up our region. I actually thought the fee was quite reasonable considering the amount of education that's available. Sometimes a few hour event can cost hundreds of dollars. I will be traveling with many members of my coven, and I'm just so excited to go. I've been in the witchcraft/metaphysical community for about 5 years, but with covid being a solid 3 of those years, a lot of these events were paused, or I wasn't able to make them. This lineup is badass too! Not gonna lie, I low key feel like the conference was made for me (shoutout to my Leo tendencies). But for real, this seems to be a nice, well rounded event for a multitude of practitioners. With that said, I'm especially excited to see the Yoga and Drum circles on the ternary every day. My friends at House of Witchcraft are actually hosting a badass hospitality suite and my mentor and international best selling author Taren S, was selected as one of the candidates for presenting a workshop on Introduction to Graveyard Dirt Magick, and I'm especially proud of her for being one of the presenters because this is quite a prestigious title. Taren, the coven members of HoW and myself will be hosting some parties in the evening in our hospitality suite....and boy do we love to dance! Don't worry, we are also hosting a tea time recovery hour as well in the day. Headliners of Mystic South will Include: Najah Lightfoot author Good Juju: Mojos,Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul, Corey Thomas Hutcheson, author of New World Witchery, Laura Temptest author of Weave in the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, and Stephanie Rose Bird, author of 365 Days of Hoodoo: Daily Rootwork, Mojo & Conjuration. I will say, this event really has a nice balance of different topics and different practitioners of all backgrounds. It's important that we all get represented equally and learn and grow from each other. Anywho, I really just wanted to make it an actual announcement, because if any of you are coming there, or live in the south I'd love to see your faces there and meetup. I'm still figuring out my schedule, because there's so much to choose from! (PS--Mystic South did not pay me or ask me to make this post: Let's be honest, they have no idea who I am lol. I'm just sharing a cool event in case fellow yoga witches are interested in attending!) Have you ever been to a Witchy convention? Which ones are your favorite? You know what to do, comment below. PS--Subscribe to my YouTube channel? It would mean the world to me! Catch you on the next one!
- Celebrating the Summer Solstice as a Yoga Witch
Celebrating the Summer Solstice as a Yoga Witch When is the Summer Solstice? The summer solstice, also known as Midsummer or Litha, marks the longest day of the year and the official start of the summer season. This is a time when the sun is at its peak, and the days are longer and hotter. For witches, this THE time to celebrate the power of the sun and harness its energy for magickal purposes. With this being the longest day of the year, this also means we are entering the dark half of the year, meaning, the days will begin to shorten after the solstice. Working with this energy is AMAZING. Think of it as a giant of light energy, it's that liminal space, that in between where magickal practitioners and witches can harness that light into something amazing. It's so important to be grounded in our spiritual practice this time of year so we can tap into this amazing cosmic energy. With that said, we'll explore different ways to honor the summer solstice and incorporate witchcraft (and a little bit of yoga of course!) into your celebrations. How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice as a Yoga Witch Create a Summer Solstice Altar: Set up your altar with items that represent the vibrant, piercing power of the sun, such as sunflowers, candles, and crystals like citrine or amber. Add symbols of fire, such as feathers or red ribbons, to represent the element of fire that is associated with the sun. You can also place seasonal fruits and vegetables, like strawberries or cherries, on your altar as offerings to the sun. With that said, this is a great time to work and clear out any blockages on your lower chakras, as they also represent that fire energy. The lower chakras as the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the solar plexus chakra. Pssst, those links have more information as to how I work with the chakra, give em a read. Or if you'd prefer video content, just click here. Make Sun Tea: Take advantage of the hot weather and make a refreshing and magickal drink with sun tea. Fill a jar with water and your favorite tea leaves or herbs, like chamomile or lavender. Place the jar in the sun for a few hours and let the sun infuse the tea with its energy and blessings. Once it's ready, strain it and add honey or lemon for extra flavor. Perform a Fire Ritual: Fire is a powerful element associated with the sun, and the summer solstice is a perfect time to perform a fire ritual. Light a bonfire or candles, and meditate on the power and strength of the sun. Write down anything you want to release or let go of, and toss it into the flames as a symbolic act of letting go. We don't want to carry any stagnant energy into the dark half of the year, so really hone in on EVERYTHING you want to release, because holding on to what no longer serves us as we enter the more contemplative dark half of the year will only hinder our magick and spiritual practice. You can also write down intentions or goals and place them in the bonfire, or burn specific herbs or offerings to the sun. Honor the Fae Folk: The summer solstice is a time when the veil between the worlds is thin, and it's believed that the Fae Folk, also known as faeries, are more active during this time. Offerings such as milk and honey, bread, or flowers can be left outside as a treat for the Fae, and will also lend protection and blessings. Be sure to also ask for permission before entering their realm or accepting their gifts. Spend Time in Nature: I will always advocate for staying out in nature, especially during this time of year.The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the beauty and bounty of nature. Spend time outside, whether it's hiking, picnicking, or sunbathing...or do it all! Nothing beats that feeling of soaking up the nourishing sun rays on a hot summer day. Be sure to connect with the elements, truly stop and smell the flowers, and listen to the birds singing, yes yes! Enjoy the simplicities and wonderment that Mother Earth provide. Sun-gazing during sunrise or sunset is also a powerful way to connect with the energy of the sun and channel its warmth and vitality (please do this safely). Summer Solstice Sunset Yoga: Get yourself out doors and do a summer solstice yoga sequence, heck, even make it a ritual. First of all, yoga is such a great time to feel sensual, and nothing like the sun warming your skin during the twilight hour to feel connected with yourself. To allow yourself to receive the sunshine energy, consider adding camel pose, bridge pose, or even full wheel to your yoga flow. Don't forget the sun salutations, this is the summer solstice, after all! The summer solstice is a joyous and magickal time for witches to celebrate the power of the sun and all that it represents. By incorporating a little yoga and witchcraft into your Midsummer festivities, you can deepen your connection with nature and the divine, and harness the energy of the sun for growth, renewal, and manifesting your desires. So allow those desires to manifest! Whether you create a summer solstice altar or perform a fire ritual, remember to embrace the warmth and vitality of the sun and revel in the beauty of nature. This warm energy will come very handy in later months, so be sure to feel the warmth and everything it encompasses. Have a very blessed Summer Solstice! How do you celebrate the Summer Solstice? Let us know in the comments and check out my YouTube channel @TheSeasonofAnya so I can provide even better, more detailed content in the future. Namaste. xx