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  • Where Yoga Meets Witchcraft: A Practical Guide

    Yoga and Witchcraft Blog | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | Where Yoga Meets Witchcraft: A Practical Guide Hi everyone, welcome to the community! Today's topis is going to discuss the whole essence of my spiritual practice, which is Yoga Witchcraft . With this post, you will see a lot of compartmentalized information for easy access. as you may be drawn to more of my witchy side, or you may be drawn to the yogi vibes, or ultimately, you may be drawn to both and will be calling yourself a fellow yoga witch in no time! My ultimate focus is for my blog to be a hub of information where you can learn about multiple practices, and pick and choose what you like about either to create your own personalized practice. You may not be into a strict yoga practice, but you may like some of the elements of practicing yoga, and you may not be super into witchcraft, but want to learn how to manifest manifesting and magick, and that’s okay! By combining both yoga and witchcraft, you can enhance your physical health and engage with the esoteric aspects of your craft, ultimately improving your connection to yourself, your body, and enriching relationship with Spirit. Me connecting with the Divine Mother at a Yoga Retreat in Italy Introduction to Yoga Witchcraft Yoga witchcraft is a unique blend of two ancient practices that have been woven together to create a powerful and transformative embodied spiritual practice. By combining the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of practicing yoga with the mystical and magickal elements of witchcraft, yoga witches can tap into a deeper sense of connection with themselves, the natural world, and the universe. This practice is not just about physical postures or spells, but about cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness, self-love, and self-acceptance. As a yoga witch, you can expect to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation that will leave you feeling more empowered, confident, and connected to your inner self. The History of Yoga and Witchcraft Yoga and witchcraft have a rich and fascinating history that spans thousands of years. Yoga originated in ancient India over 5,000 years ago, with roots in Hinduism and the Vedic tradition. The practice of yoga was initially focused on spiritual growth and self-realization, with the goal of uniting the individual self with the universal self. Witchcraft, on the other hand, has its roots in ancient pagan cultures and traditions, with a focus on connecting with nature, the cycles of life and death, and the mysteries of the universe. Over time, both practices have evolved and been influenced by various cultures and traditions, but their core principles and philosophies remain the same. Today, yoga and witchcraft are being combined in new and innovative ways, creating a unique and powerful practice that is accessible to anyone. Here's ultimately where the worlds of yoga and witchcraft collide: Clarity and focus, and staying grounded: Yoga requires a lot of focus and mental clarity, emphasizing the significance of the physical body in achieving this state. In order to flow into a practice, you need to truly focus, you need to shut out not only the physical distractions to get into your vinyasa practice, but the mental chatter–this is where you build and move energy. Same thing goes with witchcraft–if you are casting a spell, or working on intention and manifestation, you need to move that energy where you want it to, or the spell may not quite manifest. Ritual-based Embodied Spiritual Practice A ritual can simply be a consistent dedication to your practice, such as practicing yoga. For example, in yoga, we practice asanas, or different body postures/positionings, to help move energy or set intention. By combining these asanas, we create a flow which moves energy. We generally set intentions in yoga, or even sometimes dedicate our practice to someone, ourselves, or even a deity. That in itself is a ritual. Now, witches are known for spicing things up a bit, we definitely move energy, and our rituals tend to be a little more….engaging if you will, but both are integral to their spiritual practices. Lighting a candle for Spirit on my Altar Altars as Sacred Space: It's common for both yogis, and especially witches to set up altars for their spiritual practice. Yogis may have a more simplistic altar with a few crystals, sage or Palo Santo, an om symbol, or maybe a deity statue, and potentially oracle, tarot, or manifestation cards. Witches, are definitely known for having some amazing aesthetic altars as well. As a witch, I generally will have the above on my altar, with some fresh flowers, my mini cauldron for burning herbs, incense, and little tokens and trinkets that I want to bring into this season, or that have a personal meaning to me. Altar setups can go on and on, and there's really no clear line for what a yogis altar may have compared to a witches altar. Practice goes both on and off the mat/altar/cauldron with Yoga Poses Just like any spiritual practice, you can create all sorts of wonderful juju on the yoga mat, altar, church, wherever your place of practice is, but generally, the practice should be observed in the normal world, outside of your holy space or place of practice. For example, yogis generally follow karmic law, of what goes around, comes around, and many witches tend to observe the threefold law, where if someone practices bad intentions and actions that energy gets sent back to them with three times the power/malice. Simply put, like energy attracts like energy. Engaging in a yoga journey involves personal evolution and community aspects that greatly enhance one's spiritual growth. Psychic Energy When you connect with your lowest self, you are able to connect with your highest self in both of these practices, as they each build awareness. The first step in psychic development is self awareness. In yoga, moving energy and connecting to your psychic self is called a Nadi. With the chakra system most aligned with yoga, the awakened third eye leads to enhanced psychic development. Many modern witches practice their psychic development through channeling spirit through tarot cards, oracle cards, and many other forms of divination. The More you Practice, the More you Grow Just like with anything in life, with both of these worlds, the more you practice, the more you grow, especially in terms of practicing yoga, meditation, spiritual connection/strength, and overall fluidity of your practice. A yoga teacher plays a crucial role in fostering connections within like-minded communities and guiding students in their practice. Earth-Based Spirituality In essence, both of these practices observe some type of earth-based spirituality, which simply means honoring the ebbs and flows of nature, whether it's simply observing the moon cycles, or observing the witches holidays like the sabbats, and equinoxes. Both of these practice generally have different practices that honor both the divine masculine and feminine, which ultimate cultivate balanced life. Community and Self Practice for the Yoga Practitioner Finally, both of these practices do really well with both self practice and community. Nothing is better than being in a room full of yogis where everyone’s energy meshes together to help us flow through our asanas, and I haven’t found a more fulfilling way to practice witchcraft and magick then working with the group energy of my coven, dancing around the bonfire, underneath a full moon. A witchy yoga teacher integrates aspects of witchcraft and paganism into their teaching, encouraging students to find a deeper connection to the Earth and their inner selves. I hope this post opened your eyes to the parallel in these two universes. I feel like with the grounding, physical, movement-based practice of yoga and the elevating magickal properties of witchcraft that you can utilize each of them as a resource to grow your practice into something beautiful by staying grounded, magickal, and aligned with your highest self as well as your earthly self. Benefits of Yoga Witchcraft Combining yoga and witchcraft can have numerous benefits for individuals seeking a holistic and embodied spiritual practice. By integrating the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga with the magickal and mystical elements of witchcraft, practitioners can experience a deeper sense of connection to themselves, nature, and the universe. Some benefits of yoga witchcraft include: Enhanced Self-Awareness and Introspection : Through the practice of yoga and meditation, you cultivate a heightened sense of self-awareness. This introspection allows you to understand your inner workings, emotions, and thoughts more clearly, paving the way for personal growth and transformation. Once we understand that we can control our thoughts, and ultimately our destiny we can pave the path for a more fulfilled life. Increased Magickal and Spiritual Power : Utilizing breath work, visualization, and ritual practices, you can amplify your magickal and spiritual power. These techniques help you focus your energy and intentions, making your spells and manifestations more potent. Improved Physical and Mental Well-Being : Yoga promotes balance and harmony in the body and mind. By incorporating witchcraft, you can enhance these benefits, creating a practice that supports your overall well-being on multiple levels. Deeper Connection to Nature : Engaging in moon and seasonal rituals helps you attune to the natural cycles of the earth. This connection fosters a sense of belonging and harmony with the world around you, enriching your spiritual practice. Sense of Community and Belonging : Connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar spiritual and magickal interests can provide a strong sense of community. This support network can be invaluable in your spiritual journey, offering encouragement, inspiration, and shared experiences. meditation, yoga and witchcraft | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | Creating a Yoga Practice Creating a yoga practice that incorporates witchcraft and magickal elements can be a fun and creative process. Here are some tips to get you started: Set an Intention : Begin by setting a clear intention for your practice. Whether it’s cultivating self-awareness, manifesting abundance, or connecting with nature, having a focused goal will guide your practice and enhance its effectiveness. Choose a Sacred Space : Select a quiet room or outdoor area where you can practice without distractions. Set up an altar or sacred circle with items that resonate with you, such as crystals, candles, or deity statues, to create a dedicated space for your spiritual practice. Select Yoga Poses : Choose a series of yoga poses that align with your intention. For example, poses that promote flexibility, strength, or balance can help you achieve your goals. Incorporate these poses into a flow that feels natural and empowering. Incorporate Breathing Techniques : Use pranayama or other breathing techniques to cultivate energy and focus. Breathwork is a powerful tool in both yoga and witchcraft, helping you center your mind and direct your energy. Use Visualization and Meditation : Spend time visualizing your intentions and meditating on your goals. This practice can help you connect with your desires on a deeper level and manifest them more effectively. Add Magickal Elements : Enhance your practice with magickal elements like candles, incense, or crystals. These items can amplify the energy of your practice and create a more immersive and powerful experience. Yoga for the Eight Sabbats The eight Sabbats are a key part of the witchcraft tradition, marking important points in the cycle of the year and the natural world. By incorporating yoga into your Sabbat celebrations, you can deepen your connection to the natural world and the cycles of life and death. Here are some yoga poses and practices that you can use to celebrate each of the eight Sabbats: Yule (Winter Solstice) : Focus on grounding and centering poses, such as Mountain Pose and Tree Pose, to connect with the earth and the cycle of rebirth. Imbolc : Practice poses that promote flexibility and renewal, such as Downward-Facing Dog and Cobra Pose, to celebrate the return of light and life. Ostara (Spring Equinox) : Focus on balancing and harmonizing poses, such as Warrior Pose and Triangle Pose, to celebrate the balance of light and dark. Beltane : Practice poses that promote creativity and manifestation, such as Goddess Pose and Warrior Pose, to celebrate the power of fertility and abundance. Litha (Summer Solstice) : Focus on expansive and uplifting poses, such as Sun Salutations and Headstand, to celebrate the peak of the sun’s power. Lammas : Practice poses that promote release and transformation, such as Forward Fold and Plow Pose, to celebrate the harvest and the cycle of life and death. Mabon (Autumn Equinox) : Focus on balancing and harmonizing poses, such as Tree Pose and Eagle Pose, to celebrate the balance of light and dark. Samhain : Practice poses that promote introspection and connection to the ancestors, such as Child’s Pose and Savasana, to celebrate the cycle of life and death. Tools and Supplies for Yoga Witchcraft Here are some tools and supplies that can be useful for a yoga witchcraft practice: Yoga Mat and Props : A good yoga mat provides a comfortable and stable surface for your practice. Props like blocks, straps, and blankets can help you achieve proper alignment and support in various poses. Candles, Incense, and Essential Oils : These items can create a sacred atmosphere, helping you focus and set the mood for your practice. Choose scents that resonate with your intentions and enhance your spiritual experience. Crystals and Gemstones : Crystals can amplify energy and intention. Select stones that align with your goals, such as amethyst for spiritual growth or rose quartz for self-love, and incorporate them into your practice. Magickal Tools : Items like wands, athames, and pentacles can be used for casting spells and manifesting desires. These tools can add a layer of ritual and intention to your practice, making it more powerful and meaningful. Journal and Pen : Keeping a journal allows you to record your intentions, insights, and reflections. This practice can help you track your progress and deepen your self-awareness. Sacred Texts and Resources : Books like the yoga sutras and witchcraft guides can provide inspiration and guidance. Use these resources to deepen your understanding and enhance your practice. Altar or Sacred Circle : Creating a dedicated space for your practice and rituals can help you focus and connect with your intentions. An altar or sacred circle can be a powerful tool in your spiritual journey. Embodying the Goddess through Yoga The Goddess is a powerful symbol of feminine energy and power, and can be embodied through yoga practice. By connecting with the Goddess, you can tap into a deeper sense of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment. Here are some yoga poses and practices that can help you embody the Goddess: Goddess Pose : This pose is a powerful symbol of feminine energy and power, and can be used to connect with the Goddess and embody her qualities. Warrior Pose : This pose is a powerful symbol of strength and courage, and can be used to embody the Goddess’s qualities of protection and empowerment. Triangle Pose : This pose is a powerful symbol of balance and harmony, and can be used to embody the Goddess’s qualities of nurturing and care. Cobra Pose : This pose is a powerful symbol of transformation and renewal, and can be used to embody the Goddess’s qualities of rebirth and regeneration. Savasana : This pose is a powerful symbol of relaxation and surrender, and can be used to embody the Goddess’s qualities of receptivity and openness. By incorporating these poses and practices into your yoga practice, you can deepen your connection to the Goddess and embody her qualities of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment. Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles As with any spiritual or magickal practice, there may be challenges and obstacles that arise in a yoga witchcraft practice. Here are some tips for overcoming common challenges: Start Small and Be Consistent : Set aside a regular time and space for your practice, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Consistency is key to building a strong and effective practice. Be Patient and Gentle with Yourself : Growth and transformation take time. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge that progress may be slow. Celebrate small victories and be kind to yourself along the way. Seek Guidance and Support : Don’t be afraid to seek guidance from teachers, mentors, or like-minded individuals. Joining a community or finding a mentor can provide valuable support and encouragement. Practice Self-Care and Self-Compassion : Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Incorporate self-care practices into your routine and be compassionate with yourself during challenging times. Cultivate Curiosity and Openness : Approach your practice with a sense of curiosity and openness. Be willing to learn and adapt as you grow and evolve. Embrace new experiences and be open to change. By following these tips, you can overcome challenges and obstacles in your yoga witchcraft practice, allowing you to grow and thrive on your spiritual journey.

  • How to Make a Simmer Pot & Embrace the Spirit of Every Season

    How to Make a Simmer Pot & Embrace the Spirit of Every Season Ever walk into a room and feel instantly comforted by the scent in the air? I still remember the first time I tried a simmer pot. It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and I’d just come back from a long walk. I tossed some orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and rosemary into a pot of water, set it to simmer, and within minutes, my whole house was filled with this warm, inviting aroma. That’s the magick of scents—they can instantly transform a space, calm your mind, and even invite Spirit into your home. A simmer pot is like stovetop potpourri—fresh fruits, spices, herbs, and water gently simmering on heat. It’s so versatile you can customize it for the season, your mood, or even your spiritual practice. It’s not just about scent; it’s about filling your space with warmth and magickal energy. Plus, it makes an incredibly thoughtful and creative gift. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, I’ve been there too. Here’s your ultimate guide to creating the perfect simmer pot for any season, with tips for choosing ingredients, unlocking their magickal uses, and even gifting this cozy tradition to others. All it takes is a few fresh ingredients to create something truly special. Table of Contents Best Ingredients for Simmer Pots Tips for Creating Your Simmer Pot Seasonal Simmer Pot Ideas Gifting Simmer Pots Frequently Asked Questions The 10 Best Herbs for Simmer Pots: Their Magical Properties and Customization Tips I remember the first time I made a simmer pot— I threw together some cinnamon sticks, orange peels, and a sprig of rosemary together without much of a plan. But as the scent spread through the house, it completely changed the atmosphere. Now, it’s a small ritual I look forward to, a simple way to make home feel a little cozier. Herb and Spice Magickal Uses & Tips Lavender Magickal Uses:  Promotes peace, relaxation, and love. It’s like a little hug in plant form. Tips:  Add lavender when you need a calm, spa-like vibe at home. Rosemary Magickal Uses:  Protection, clarity, and memory boosts. It’s the overachiever of herbs. Mint Magickal Uses:  Fresh starts, abundance, and a dash of prosperity. Who doesn’t want a bit of that? Cinnamon Stick Magickal Uses:  Attraction, passion, and warming energy—basically, it’s a spicy little powerhouse. A great staple for many magickal uses, its bark should always be kept in your spice cabinet for easy access. Tips:  Always keep some on hand. They're perfect for cozy, comforting blends in any season. Cloves Magickal Uses:  Protection, courage, and gossip banishing (yes, really). Tips:  Pairs perfectly with oranges for a wintery, festive vibe or with apples for that fall feel. Bay Leaves Magickal Uses:  Manifestation, wishes, and strength. Pro tip—write your intentions on a bay leaf before adding it to the pot! Tips:  They work in almost any blend and add a deep, grounding aroma. Basil Magickal Uses:  Love and harmony, plus a little luck, especially in terms of prosperity. It’s like carrying a four-leaf clover in your simmer pot. Tips:  Toss basil in with summer fruits like lemons and berries for a light and refreshing scent. Thyme Magickal Uses:  Courage, healing, and clearing out negativity—it’s small but mighty! Tips:  Works great in spring or fall pots for an herbal twist. Its earthy aroma adds beautiful depth. Star Anise Magickal Uses:  Psychic awareness and good vibes. Who doesn’t love a little extra intuition? Tips:  Use sparingly—it’s a potent spice and can overpower softer ingredients. Pairs beautifully with cinnamon. Oranges and Dried Orange Slices Magickal Uses:  Joy, energy, and abundance. A perfect addition to any simmer pot for a burst of citrusy goodness. Tips:  Add fresh orange slices for an extra pop of color and scent. Ideal for winter blends with cloves and cinnamon or summer blends with basil and berries. Tips for Customizing Your Simmer Pot Want to make your simmer pot experience uniquely yours? Play with quantities, swap ingredients based on what you have, or throw in a little magickal intention. Trust your nose and your instincts—you can’t go wrong. Got leftover herbs or fruit on the edge? Perfect! Simmer pots are all about keeping it simple and sustainable while filling your space with good vibes. Experiment Freely : Trust your intuition, and don’t stress about getting it “right.” Play around with your favorite ingredients like fresh cranberries, vanilla extract, or even grapefruit slices until the combination feels perfect. Switch to a Crock Pot : For a slow-and-steady scent that’s safer to leave unattended, simmer on low heat. Get Hands-On with Kids : Turn this ritual into a fun family activity. Mixing ingredients is a great way to introduce little ones to the Spirit of simple, intentional living. A Few Drops of Essential Oil : Want to kick things up a notch? Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your creation Citrus, lavender, or even a cozy vanilla can elevate the simmer pot game to pure magic. Just don’t go overboard—less is more when it comes to these powerful little drops. Simmer Pots for Every Season Each season brings its own unique aromas, and the right blend can evoke the perfect mood all year round. For the warmer months, consider seasonal scents that capture the spirit of summer. And when the heat kicks in, why not repurpose your simmer pot into a refreshing iced tea? It’s a simple yet delightful way to embrace the season. Spring Simmer Pot Welcome renewal and growth with light, floral scents. Combine these fresh ingredients for the ultimate spring vibes: Lemon slices Fresh lavender A few sprigs of mint A touch of vanilla extract This bright, uplifting blend feels like a meadow in bloom. Summer Simmer Pot Capture the energy of long, sunny days with this vibrant, fruity combination: Grapefruit slices (or lime slices) Fresh Ginger Fresh basil A spash of coconut extract This mix feels playful and refreshing—a perfect balance for summer heat. Autumn Simmer Pot Make your space smell like cozy nights by the fire with classic fall ingredients: Sliced apples Cinnamon sticks Fresh rosemary Apple slices A couple star anise This blend warms your Spirit as the leaves begin to fall. Winter Simmer Pot Add a little magick and festive cheer blended with the energy of togetherness with this holiday-inspired recipe. This is a great recipe for yule or for your non pagan friends it's a wonderful christmas simmer pot recipe as well, the cinnamon sticks are an absolute must! Orange slices Fresh cranberries Whole cloves Cinnamon sticks Rosemary sprigs This classic winter blend feels like morning in a pot. Gifting the Spirit of a Simmer Pot Why keep all the magick to yourself? These make pots make wonderful gift ideas—ideal for welcoming the holiday season or any special occasion. For obvious reasons, just be mindful to use dried ingredients. You can either purchase them dried on dry them out in the oven. DIY Simmer Pot Gift Set What You’ll Need : A mason jar Dried cranberries, cinnamon sticks, rosemary sprigs, and whole cloves A cute tag with the recipe (you can easily create a custom design on canva for a beautiful tough!) Instructions: Layer the dried ingredients in the jar for a rustic, Instagram-worthy look. Don't forget to add a tag with a simple set of instructions for creation! Upgrade with a Copper Pot Want to elevate your gift? Pair the jar with a beautiful copper pot or a chic sauce pan. It’s a functional, elegant gift that invites your loved one to start their own tradition. Bring a Little Magick into Your Home Simmer pots are so much more than a way to make your home smell good—they’re a ritual in mindfulness, creativity, and connection to Spirit. Whether you’re filling your home with warming winter spice or bright citrusy spring vibes, this simple practice will transform your space. Grab a pot, slice your favorite fruits, toss in some spices, and add a handful of love. Magick is simmering, ready to fill your home and your heart. What’s the first blend you’ll try? Get creative—mix unexpected scents, play with colors, and make it uniquely yours! Frequently Asked Questions Can I use a slow cooker instead of the stove top? Absolutely. A slow cooker is a great way to keep your blend going all day long, especially if you can’t keep an eye on the stove, don't forget to add more water if using it on high setting. Are recipe ratings important when experimenting with different blends? Not at all! These are just suggestions. Get in the kitchen and get creative Can I add more water if my blend turns out too strong? Of course! If your blend ends up a little too bold for your taste, just add some extra water to tone it down. It’s all about finding that perfect balance for your taste buds!

  • What to Expect from the Season of Anya: Yoga Magick and Witchcraft

    The Season of Anya: A Yoga and Witchcraft Guide | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | What to Expect from the Season of Anya: Where Yoga Meets Witchcraft Hello and WELCOME to the Season of Anya, the Chronicles of a Yoga Witch. If you are new to my blog, please take a moment and read the first few posts, right here, tagged "Getting Started" I feel like my readers should have a basic understanding of the world through my eyes, to make more sense of how I personally interpret the world, my general perspective, and how it's gotten me through life as I know it. My story is still unfolding, every day, in this blog. The main emphasis is going to be how I've used magick and witchcraft to empower myself, empower others, and maybe even empower you! So if that sounds like something you're interested in, why don't you come and join me for the ride? Sometimes people refer to witchcraft as "spicy psychology". I love this meaning because to me, it can be just that. It enables you to rewire your brain to tell yourself new stories, ideally happier ones about yourself, about the world, and how every thought and action you take part in manifests and how what you say to yourself can really impact your life, and even the life of others, and quite frankly the world. (Yes I can be quite the opposite). With that said, it's going to be a nice little mish mosh of witchy and yogi self through through my personal experiences, some magickal, and others of pain and reality. I will discuss ways to overcome pain, and to overcome life's obstacles. I'll also not only tell you about the tools I use, but how to use them and develop your own personal practice should something interest you. I love using tarot and oracle cards, so there will be plenty of information on how to read for yourself. Since I know a lot of witches, I do want to put a disclaimer here and mention that this is MY journey through witchcraft. Witchcraft, in many many forms has existed for a millennia and there are many academic approaches to this. While I have a throughout understanding of witchery, I'm not here to claim to be an expert on anything. Through journeying on this path, I have been able to apply what I know about myself to change my own life and I am simply here to share that with anyone who is willing to listen. I created this as an easy-to-digest, modern guide that aligns with anyone, regardless of their religious background. It's going to be short and sweet, and easy to apply to your every day life so you can easily make a little bit of time to dedicate to your practice while still maintaining balance with the demands and needs of life. It's not about how busy you are or aren't, it's about carving out even just that 10 minutes for yourself every day and dedicating it to your practice. I promise, it gets easier over time and soon it will be of second nature to you. This isn't about being in a fantasy, but just allowing yourself to broaden your perspective and allowing yourself to see what can happen. The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | While I discuss my experiences, I will be referring to words that specifically apply to my own personal practice. You'll hear me say witch, coven, spells, among other words. But if those words don't apply to you, I still encourage you to journey with me in your authentic version . Feel free to use words like manifestation, law of attraction, energy work, light-worker, God Jesus, and others may be more fitting about you and your practice. I encourage you to be open minded and understand that everything that I do or say is simply about intent. When you learn how to work with intention in your own practice, which suites you and your lifestyle, habits and personal believes is when you start living your life in true alignment. It's not easy, but I promise if you do it gets better. Congrats, you've already completed the first lesson, so buckle up buttercup because it's going to be a long ride. At the end of the day, everyone has different perspectives on life, and it really boils down to how YOU view the world. No body else should ever tell you how to see the world, or how to live YOUR life. You only get one chance at life, so do yourself a favor and make it something grand, let's do this! Until the next one. With Love and Gratitude, Anya

  • Blue Moon Spell for Manifesting and Releasing

    Full Moon Spell | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | Blue Moon Spell: 31 Days of Witchcraft Buckle up witches, it’s time to get excited – the August Super Moon Full Blue Moon is almost here! Since this rare cosmic event only occurs once every few years, it’s the perfect time to harness the powerful energies of the moon and the cosmos for some serious magick and spell work. Meaning, we've got some work to do this month. If you've been slacking on your moon magick, this month is really the time to recalibrate . I don't know if it's because I am a cliche proud Leo but I am pumped that we get two super full moons on our birth month (sorry to my July Leo's, I still love ya tho), but I am so, so feeling this energy. With that said, let's do our First Witchy Challenge together as a community! We are going to do a month long spell working to really hone in on this energy and create something beautiful out of it. August is the season of the Sun, it's full of life, it's full of energy , so let's combine all these delicious energies and manifest. I'm going to break down some basic information about the magick of this moon so we can manifest with this moon magick appropriately. Please check out my August full moon video on my Youtube channel for more information on the energies of this full moon for August to get an idea of where I'm coming from with the intention of this moon spell. 31 Day Full Moon Spell | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | Super Moon & Blue Moon Magick Spell for Morden Witches What is a Full Blue Moon? First, let’s talk about what a Full Blue Moon is. It occurs when there are two full moons in a single calendar month. This is a rare occurrence. Btw, in case you didn't know, the name “blue moon” has nothing to do with the moon’s color – it simply refers to the fact that it’s a unique and rare event. August 31st i day you must mark on your calendar as the date of this remarkable event. What is a Super Moon? This phenomenon occurs when the moon reaches its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, known as the perigee. The moon's orbit around our planet is not a perfect circle, so its distance from Earth varies throughout its orbit. During a supermoon, the moon can appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than an average full moon when it is at its farthest point from Earth, known as the apogee. The difference in size and brightness is most noticeable when the moon is near the horizon, where it can be compared to familiar objects like buildings or trees. Important Dates to Be Aware of: August 1st: 1st Super Moon (when the Challenge begins) August 15: Dark moon (lots of shadow work and manifesting for us) August 31st: Blue Moon and completion of the challenge. Important Note: This working can be done any time we have a blue moon , so be sure to save this moon spell for a later date if you enjoyed it, and write it down in your book of shadows! Blue Moon Spell for Witches (31 Days of Magick and Witchcraft) For this particular working, we are going to make an effort to connect every day with our moon water, our crystals, and our altar. Be prepared to dedicate 15-30+ minutes for on the days of full moon magick and dark moon as well as the blue moon. Other than that, every day you will only need about 2-5 minute to connect with your altar and get into a magickal, meditative headspace. We want it to count but we’re also modern witches and have shit to do. The intention of this moon spell is that we are getting into the rhythm of leaning how to release, and receive and then we are going to do some serious manifesting….and yes serious shadow work on the August Dark Moon, so be prepared to have an honest conversation with yourself with some journaling, self study and contemplation along the way. BTW-- If you join me in this challenge, please tag me on Tik Tok or other social media so others can share and learn from you, make sure to @theseasonofanya. Plus, if you’re following me on there I will post updates and thoughts to keep us on track, myself especially. Super Blue Moon Spell for Witches: Shadow Work Manifestation Spell Suggested Materials: Container for moon water Distilled water (if possible) Essential oils or sea salt A Crystal for release: Amethyst, Sodalite, Quartz are options White candle Black candle Palo Santo or Sage Incense Journal or something to write with Now, come August 1st (or the first full moon of the month) we can officially begin. Open the energies by reciting: "On this full moon, I embrace the magick of my highest self, for I am divinely connected with the ebbs and flows of the elements of air, fire, earth and water around me, always flowing, and forever changing." Grab onto a crystal of choice , close your eyes, and sit silently for a few moments as we connect with this liminal space we've just created, take your time before moving on. Still holding onto your crystals, meditate on what pains, traumas, and mental loads encompass your heart and burden your soul? Feel these energies and allow yourself to feel the stress and tension of this internal wounding. Now, while you feel this ball of discomfort, transfer these energies on to your crystal, release the tensions and feel the energy move through your body. Sometimes literally visualizing a deep, dark flow of murky water from the top of your head to your hands moving downward can really help stay connected with the energy and allow the needed release. Take as much time as you need with this (I'd give it a good 5-10 minutes) and when you're feeling refreshed and lighter, open your eyes and place crystal on your altar. PSA- Sometimes with energy work, clearing the energy has be uncomfortable and may give slight discomfort, that's okay, that means is moving through you and not staying stagnant in your body anymore. Now with this yummy relaxed and cleared headspace we will bless the moon water by adding distilled (if possible) water into the container. Add a few drops of essential oil if available, or just add a couple pinches of salt instead and then and seal the container. If possible, go outside and gaze at the full moon with your moon water and spend some time with her loving light and feel the gentle and soft flow of the moon rushing through your body from your head, down through your heart, past your arms, your hands, and moving past your feet and down to the earth. If you can't go outside or get near a window, know that you are still connected with this energy, even if not physically in line with the moon. It's about intention, remember? Take the time to feel and connect with the light of this energy, especially after the deep release make sure you are allowing yourself to receive and fill back up with all the room you created. Do not rush this part. Full Moon Spell | The Season of Anya | Begin to feel the transfer of energy from your hands to the moon water. As you hold onto your moon water recite: "With the divine light of the moon, I purify and cleanse this water, for it is now sacredly charged by her soft, nurturing warmth and its peircing lunar energies. I receive and channel this cosmic energy, always available as I strive to maintain a pure heart of hearts." Once you feel fulfilled, place your moon water on your altar and grab your journal and write down any thoughts or feelings that came through you. Once finished, close the portal by saying: "I thank the elements of this earth, the air to my breath, the fire of my spirit, the earth of my body, and the water of my blood for this sacred moment. Blessed be." After this initial full moon spell, all you have to do is a quick (or long if you have the time), check in with your crystal and your moon water and engage with daily practice. Daily Practice: Every day all you need to do is light your palo Santo or incense, wave it around your head three times as you take a few deep mindful breaths. Once centered, grab your crystal and focus on releasing any stress, anxiety, or unpleasant energies that have been sitting with you from the day. Once those energies have cleared, grab your moon water, hold it, and receive the cleansing energy from it and connect with it for a few moment. This can be as quick or as meditative as you like, the biggest thing is just staying consistent with it. Repeat this cycle every day until the Dark Moon on August 15 . Don't worry, this spell will still work if you miss a day. Try not to though, the commitment it half of the magick, you deserve it babe. I will have a follow up post here on my blog or on my YouTube Channel at least a week prior so be sure to subscribe and check back for the next steps. What do you think? Who plans on doing this Full Moon Ritual with me? Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube for the second and third part of this ritual. Also, if you do this moon spell with me, please tag me/stitch me on Tik Tok so we can share our journey with others. Plus, I will have checks ins to keep us (especially me) on track and to stay focused on this working. Blessed be, witches.

  • Be the Best Yule Witch this Winter Solstice

    Be the best Yule Witch this Winter Solstice Hello witches! It is that time of year again, when the air somehow feels colder, yet warmer at the same time. We feel the bite of the cold in the air, but warm it with a lovely latte, or a cup of tea. It's when snow begins to fall, when the nights get darker, and when for some reason, everyone feels just a little bit cheerier. That's right, it's the Winter Solstice! As witches, this is a special holiday for us as we honor nature and connect with our spiritual beliefs. In this blog, we'll explore some of the beloved traditions surrounding Yule and how you can incorporate them into your own celebration. So light your candles, gather your crystals, and let's dive in. Yule Witchcraft for the Winter Solstice A History of Yule in Witchcraft Yule has been celebrated for centuries in northern Europe as a way to welcome back the sun after the longest night of the year. Many of the traditions associated with Yule, such as decorating a yule log, burning candles, and exchanging gifts, have been adopted by modern society during Christmas celebrations. It was also a time to honor the rebirth of nature and give thanks for the blessings of the previous year. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, Yule became intertwined with Christmas Eve, but many pagan traditions still remain. We won't get into all of the political-ness of how this came about, what we will focus on today is what Yule is and how we can incorporate these old traditions into our lives as a yule witch. With that said though, as witches we know that Yule holds a deeper meaning. It marks the rebirth of the sun god and symbolizes new beginnings and growth. As we enter the darkest time of the year, it's a powerful time for introspection, manifestation, and setting intention. It's no wonder that the "happiest time of the year" is during the darkest parts of the year. During these dark times, we have to hold on to joy, to happiness, to good fortune to all and everything that embodies the holiday seasons. Celebrating Yule as a Witch There are many ways that you can incorporate witchcraft into your Yule seasons this year, we will go over Yule Logs more below, but trust me it's a fun place to start! You can also host a Yule dinner with your loved ones where you cook a beautiful ham and other local dishes, eaten in a candle light dinner and at the end of the night, toss that Yule Log into the fire and roast some s'mores over it! Easily bless cookies to leave out for Father Christmas If you have little ones, you can read them stories about the spirit of Father Christmas, or Santa Claus, and create "blessed" cookies that you leave out for him, and some "Moon water blessed" warm milk, whatever you feel called to is the traditions you want to create for the future. Gratitude Spell Jars are also a hot item during the winter solstice; this is a time of year filled with gift giving and seeing your loved ones. What better way to bless this winter solstice than creating a gratitude jar for all those things in life you are grateful for, and all those loved ones you cherish so. Embracing the Winter Solstice Earlier, we touched upon the idea that the "happiest time of the year" is based during the darkest parts of the year, which I think is a great example of how this universe compliments itself. What better to draw ourselves out of the darkness than Peppermint Mochas and snowflakes? I'm juuuust saying, anyway--- The winter solstice marks the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere; It's a time when nature is still and quiet, inviting us to reflect and reconnect with our inner selves. As Yule witches, we embrace this darkness and use it as a time for introspection and setting intentions for the new year ahead. A Simple Spell for Winter Solstice A simple spell to embrace this winter solstice is by taking a candle in the darkest room you have, lighting it and saying softly to yourself: "As the wheel turns and the nights grow long, I embrace the darkness and all its wisdom. May this time of stillness bring clarity and guide me towards my purpose." Sit with the candle for as long as you need to, feel it's warmth in the darkened room, and remember that with darkness there is always light. Meditate on how the darkness felt, on how the lightness warmed you, and what you want to manifest this new year. Creating a Yule Log: A Magical Centerpiece Yule Log One of the most iconic symbols of Yule is the yule log . This tradition originated in Northern Europe, where families would burn a large log on the eve of the winter solstice to bring good luck for the coming year. Today, we can continue this tradition by decorating a yule log with natural elements and herbs that hold meaning for us. You can also infuse it with intentions and blessings before burning it in your fireplace or outdoor fire pit. You can decorate your yule log with symbols and herbs that hold personal significance to you, infusing it with your own magick. Though when decorating your yule log, from personal experience, I will warn against using cotton balls as "snow" if you plan on placing candles upon your log (We had a wonderful husband in a previous coven of mine once who pre-set places in our individual yule logs for tea lights to fit). Needless to say in the middle of us all blessing our Yule Logs together as a coven, a few might have caught fire. Fun Yule Logs! Yule Traditions: Merging Old and New Beliefs As Yule falls close to Christmas Eve and Christmas, many modern witches may also celebrate these Christian holidays or other religious seasonal holidays with family and friends. That's okay! You don't lose any "witchy gold stars" if you still choose to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones. It's important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to celebrate Yule as a witch; you can embrace both pagan and Christian/Other religious seasonal traditions or create your own unique blend. After all, witchcraft is about finding what resonates with you and creating your own spiritual path. Connections to Yule and Christmas are seen in the traditions of gift giving, decorating a Yule tree (similar to a Christmas tree), and feasting on delicious food such as Christmas ham. You can bless your Yule dinner with a simple prayer: "May this meal fill us with abundance and blessings for the coming year." Yule Dinner You can also create a Yule Wreath to hang on your front door. I love going to Christmas Tree yards and asking to raid their dump bin. I always find small branches that work great into blessing and creating a Yule wreath every year. Check out my Yule video on my Youtube Channel! Yule Tree: A Festive Witchy Touch Blend your own yuletide traditions A history of the Christmas tree can be traced back to pagan traditions in Northern Europe, where evergreen trees were seen as a symbol of fertility and protection. To make your yule tree even more magickal, you can perform a simple ritual like lighting candles or offering gifts to the spirits of the tree. Just like the Christmas tree, the yule tree is a symbol of life and growth during the darkest time of the year. You can decorate your yule tree with items that hold special meaning to you, such as crystals, herbs, or handmade ornaments. You can also incorporate elements from other spiritual practices, such as hanging prayer flags or adding a Goddess figurine to your tree. Frequently Asked Questions about being a Yule Witch What is Yule witchcraft? Yule witchcraft incorporates various pagan and Christian traditions to celebrate the winter solstice. It can be as elaborate as a full, beautiful yule ritual, or as simple as a dinner hosted with your loved ones. How can I celebrate Yule as a modern witch? You can embrace both pagan and Christian traditions, create your own unique blend, or simply take time to connect with nature and reflect on the past year. What are some common yule traditions? Some common yule traditions include decorating a yule tree, burning a yule log, and exchanging gifts with loved ones. Is it okay to celebrate Yule even if I am not a witch? Absolutely! Yule is a celebration of light and warmth during the darkest time of year, so anyone can partake in the festivities regardless of their spiritual beliefs. How can I incorporate witchcraft into my Yule celebrations? You can create a ritual to honor the winter solstice, perform divination or spell work related to manifestation and setting intentions for the new year, or simply infuse your everyday activities with intention and magic. The possibilities are endless! So go ahead and embrace your inner Yule witch this holiday season. Warm your soul this winter solstice Thank you for joining us on this journey through Yule traditions and celebrations. Whether you are a seasoned witch or just beginning to explore spiritual practices, I hope you feel inspired to infuse magick into your holiday season. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to celebrate Yule as a witch – simply follow your intuition and create meaningful rituals that resonate with you. Wishing you a blessed and magickal Yule! Happy winter solstice from my Yule witch family to yours. Keep burning those yule logs and spreading joy, light, and love during this festive time. Until next time xxx

  • A Witchy Guide to 2025 Moon Phases

    A Witchy Guide to 2025 Moon Phases Hi everyone! Here's a very quick and simple 2025 moon phase guide as we prepare to dive deep into the year. I've attached PDF printout for the 2025 moon phases that you can print out on some nice paper for your book of shadows or to use as a wall calendar for easy access. If you have an interest in working with the lunar cycles here is an easy reference guide for you all. I will also link some videos that I've uploaded on my YouTube channel for additional resources about moon magick . Understanding the Lunar Cycle The lunar cycle consists of eight distinct moon phases, including new moon, full moon, first quarter, last quarter, waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, waning gibbous, and waning crescent. For beginners, I simply work with the full and new moon which is about every other week. Each moon phase has a unique characteristic and can be used to plan various activities, such as auroral viewing, gardening, and of course...honing in on your spiritual practice, which is why you're here right? The lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days long and is influenced by the Earth’s rotation and the Moon’s orbit. Understanding the lunar cycle can help you appreciate the Moon’s phases and their significance in our daily lives. The lunar cycle is also used to determine the dates of important astronomical events, such as eclipses and planetary alignments. Keep in mind you can with the moon's energy for about 2-3 days so these dates don't have to be precise. 🌑 New Moons in 2025 New Moons are all about new beginnings, setting intentions, and planting spiritual seeds for magickal growth. January 28, 2025 A fresh start in the heart of winter—what intentions will you grow from the darkness? This is a great time for shadow work. February 26, 2025 A dreamy, intuitive New Moon as we almost head out of the heavy and introspective winter energies. March 29, 2025 Spring equinox vibes, anyone? This is prime time for initiating projects and planting (literal and spiritual) seeds. ✨. This is time of year is when we typically begin to manifest. April 27, 2025 Light rains bring May growth—channel this Moon’s energy to water your goals, it's time to focus and get to work. May 26, 2025 A lunar moment for grounding yourself and connecting directly with Mother Earth . 🌍 June 25, 2025 With summer solstice energy buzzing, think about what you want to bring to fruition in the coming months. July 24, 2025 A summer vibe that’s perfect for manifesting self-expression and putting yourself out there. 🌞 August 23, 2025 The New Moon asks you to tune into your personal power and transform shadows into strength. Who will you become? September 21, 2025 This year the new moon falls around the autumn equinox so consider honing in on equal parts balance and beauty—call in harmony and intentions that align with your magickal flow. October 21, 2025 A deep energy for connecting with your ancestor shadow self and working through emotional truths. 🔮 November 20, 2025 A potent time to manifest abundance and give thanks for what has come your way. December 20, 2025 End the year by sowing the seeds of what you want to manifest in 2026. 🌕 Full Moons in 2025 Full Moons radiate power and light—they’re ideal for releasing, celebrating, and amplifying your magick. Here’s when to dance under the Moon in 2025: January 14, 2025 The first Full Moon of the year—time to cleanse anything from 2024 that's still lingering. Let that shit go my friends! February 12, 2025 Valentine’s season and the light meets the lunar glow. 💗. A great time to work with the Italian goddess Aradia, one of my favorite deities . (Click here to learn more about her and for a kick ass spell!) March 14, 2025 A sign to celebrate all the progress you’ve made this year. What are you ready to release to make room to recieve? April 13, 2025 Feel the Moon’s pull to deepen your connection with Spirit and all things beauty and creation. 🌸 May 12, 2025 A firey Moon that lights your path forward, focus on intention. June 11, 2025 The Strawberry Moon! Sweet, ripe energy. July 10, 2025 Summer magick in full swing—call upon the Sun and Moon together for balance. 🌕☀️ August 9, 2025 Reflect and bask in the glow of everything you're grateful for as we are headed out of summer energy. This is a great full moon to work with the Goddess Diana. ✨ September 7, 2025 The Harvest Moon! It’s all about conclusions and reaping the rewards of your energy and efforts. October 7, 2025 Autumn moonlight for shadow work, release rituals, and stepping into your full magickal power. 🌙 November 5, 2025 A bewitching, introspective Moon that's all about depth and transformation. 🔥. A great time to work with the crossroads and work with the Goddess Hecate . December 5, 2025 Close out the year with a luminous celebration of all you’ve become and all you’re ready to be. Thanks for reading! I hope 2025 brings you everything you've ever wished for! If you'd like some more content on moon magick, be sure to check out my previous posts as well as subscribe to my YouTube channel where we discuss more on the topic. For now, drop a comment and let us know, what's your favorite phase of the moon to work with? Frequently Asked Questions What is the significance of the full moon in witchcraft? The full moon is great for intention setting, release, and personal growth. The full moon is also perfect for charging crystals, setting intentions, or just having a little midnight bath to soak up all that light celestial goodness. For many, it symbolizes completion, illumination, and a chance to connect deeper with nature and the cosmos . What is the significance of the new moon in witchcraft? The new moon is like a blank canvas in the world of witchcraft—fresh, full of possibilities, and ready for you to dream big. It's the ultimate "start-over" energy, perfect for setting new intentions, beginning fresh projects, or planting the metaphorical seeds for future growth. Many witches take this time to journal, meditate, or perform rituals that focus on manifestation and calling in what they want to grow in their lives. It's a low-vibe, dark, soft, and reflective phase, where the focus is on quiet planning and introspection. Think of it as nature giving you a little nudge to pause, reset, and plot your next move! What is the significance of the 1st quarter moon in witchcraft? The 1st quarter moon is all about action, baby! This is the "get up and go" phase where the plans you made during the new moon start to take shape. It's like the universe cheering you on, saying, "Alright, let's make it happen!" This is the time to overcome challenges, face obstacles head-on, and stay focused on your goals. For witches, this phase is perfect for taking bold steps, performing courage-boosting rituals, or doing spells that empower and energize. It's hustle energy, with a sprinkle of magick—so roll up your sleeves and make some moonlit moves! Whats the significance of the 3rd quarter in witchcraft? The 3rd quarter moon is the cosmic cleanup crew rolling in. It's the "let's wrap this up" phase where you evaluate what’s worked, what hasn’t, and what you need to release. Picture it as Marie Kondo meets witchy vibes—it’s all about letting go of what no longer sparks joy (or aligns with your intentions). This is the time for banishing rituals, cutting energetic cords, and doing some serious decluttering, both in your physical space and your mind. It’s reflective and a little bittersweet, but super necessary to clear the path for new energy in the next cycle. Essentially, it's a cosmic sigh of relief and release. What's the difference between the 1st quarter and the waxing moon? The waxing moon is like the magical ramp-up to something amazing, while the 1st quarter moon is the moment you hit the gas! During the waxing phase, the moon is growing, and so is your energy, intentions, and excitement. It’s the perfect time to set your sights on your goals and start laying the groundwork—think brainstorming, planning, and planting seeds (literally or metaphorically). Once you hit the 1st quarter, though, it’s go-time! No more daydreaming—now you’re making moves, staying focused, and tackling challenges head-on. If the waxing moon is the prep rally, the 1st quarter is the game. Both phases are connected, but each has its own vibe and purpose in the witchy world. What's the difference between the last quarter and the waning moon? The waning moon and the last quarter moon might seem like twins, but they’re more like siblings with distinct personalities. The waning moon is embracing that "slow down and release" vibe—it’s the chill zone where you focus on shedding what’s no longer serving you. Think winding down, stepping back, and taking it easy. On the other hand, the last quarter moon is more specific; it’s the phase where you get a little extra intentional with focusing on truly letting go . It’s a great time for forgiveness rituals, tying up loose ends, and reflecting on what you’ve learned during this moon cycle. If the waning moon is the overall theme, the last quarter is the deep-dive checklist to make sure you’re ready to move forward with a clean slate. They’re both about saying goodbye, but the last quarter is like the grand finale of that process.

  • Shadow Work Witchcraft: How to Practice and Understand It

    Shadow Work Witchcraft: How to Practice and Understand It Shadow Work for Witches | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | How to Witchcraft: What is Shadow Work? Welcome back fam. Today we’re going to discuss a hot topic for witches and healers, which is Shadow Work.  What is Shadow work anyway? Shadow work is an integral part of witchcraft that requires us to dig deep into our unconscious, including the collective unconscious, to confront our fears, wounds, and negative beliefs. By uncovering these hidden aspects of ourselves, we become more aware of our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors,  and we can transform our life for the better. By facing our shadows, we can bring light to a matter. But what exactly is shadow work, and how can you incorporate it into your witchcraft practice? In this blog post, we will explore the concept of shadow work, explain its benefits and challenges, and provide some tips and techniques to get you started. Whether you are a seasoned witch or a beginner, you can benefit from this transformative practice that can help us heal, grow, and empower ourselves. So let’s dive into the shadowy depths of our psyche and discover the magick within. What is shadow work and the shadow self? Shadow work is a process of self-discovery that involves exploring our shadow selves , which is the part of our psyche that we have repressed, denied, or rejected. This exploration often involves confronting the dark side of our nature. Our shadow self encompasses all the parts of ourselves that we consider unacceptable or shameful, such as our anger, envy, guilt, and selfishness. Our shadow self also includes your wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs that stem from childhood, societal conditioning, or personal experiences. Feeling shame is a common emotional response during this process, often arising from early childhood experiences and societal reactions. Shadow work is a way to bring these hidden aspects into the light of our awareness and integrate them into our conscious selves. By doing so we can heal our wounds, release our negative emotions, and transform our self-limiting beliefs into empowering ones. Shadow work is not easy or comfortable, but it is necessary if you want to grow, evolve, and become your authentic self. Embracing the journey of the inner self hero allows us to face our fears, heal from past traumas, and strengthen our magickal abilities. **Personal Note:** Dealing with my childhood wounding has actually been the most impactful element to my healing journey. It’s amazing how the wounds from our childhood can form us as adults. I used to have the mentality “that was then, this is now”, and didn’t want to face those wounds. We’re supposed to press on and move forward right? Well, I realized that the little girl inside of me was so wounded, so destroyed and so broken, that even though as an adult I project an entirely different personality, I wasn’t able to show up authentically for myself. Since dealing with my inner child wounds I’ve seen dramatic growth in my spiritual practice, my healing journey, ultimately resulting in a much improved relationship with myself and with others. I know I typically keep my channel very light, but it’s because I have faced my demons and stepped into the pain from my upbringing, felt them, processed them, that I am able to actually enjoy the light. It’s all about balance, and the polarities in life. Why is shadow work important in witchcraft? Shadow work is essential to witchcraft because it helps us connect with our inner power, wisdom, and intuition. When we acknowledge and accept our shadow selves, we become more aware of our strengths, weaknesses, and potentials. This process is crucial for our mental health as it promotes personal growth and emotional healing. We often deny ourselves of our potential, but again, to maintain that polarity in life, if we are able to acknowledge our weaknesses, then we better pump ourselves up and embrace our strengths. That’s where the magick happens, and we can use that energy, and that power (not to be cheesy) that can truly only be found from within to manifest our desires, cast spells, and create positive change in the world. Shadow work can also help you overcome the blocks, fears, and doubts that hinder our magickal practice. For example, if we struggle with self-doubt, shadow work can help us identify the roots of this feeling, such as past failures, criticism, or comparison with others. Once you understand the source of our self-doubt, we can release it through journaling, meditation, or energy work, and replace it with self-confidence, self-love, and self-belief. This includes addressing both the positive and negative aspects of our inner selves, which can lead to greater self-acceptance and wholeness. This is where the magick happens. How can we attract true abundance, true love, or any other blessings if we, at our core, do not think we’re worthy of them? It’s an energy block. That underlying whisper of “I don’t actually deserve this” is hindering our magick. Engaging with rituals and practices that connect us to our environment and heritage can align us with the positive aspects of life and enhance our overall well-being. What are the challenges of shadow work for mental health? Shadow work is not easy or comfortable, and it requires courage, commitment, and patience to confront our subconscious shadow, who wants to admit how shitty of a person they are? Who wants to admit that we’re holding ourselves back because we like living in the dark? But, it works! Some of the challenges we face during our shadow work journey includes: By engaging in shadow work, we can align with our true self, facilitating personal growth and transformation. Resistance: Our ego may resist or deny the shadow aspects of yourself, as it seeks to maintain its self-image and avoid discomfort. Learning to properly sit in your pain in a healthy headspace is a true journey in itself. It's not about being sad and lamenting, but rather, sitting in our pain, and learning  from it. Triggering: Shadow work can trigger intense emotions, such as anger, fear, or sadness, that you may not be accustomed to expressing or processing. Once we are triggered, it may take us weeks even months to fully process that trigger, and we may be hit with a series of very deep lows during this period. It's okay! That's exactly what needs to happen. Overwhelm: Shadow work can also be overwhelming or confusing, as it involves confronting deep and complex issues that may require a lot of inner work and external support. To overcome these challenges, it is essential to approach shadow work with a non-judgmental, compassionate, and curious attitude: Observe the situation objectively, logically if you will. Take the emotions out of it. We can also seek guidance from experienced witches, therapists, or healers who can support you on your journey and help you integrate your shadow self. How can you incorporate shadow work into your witchcraft practice? There are many ways to incorporate shadow work into your witchcraft practice, depending on your preferences, needs, and goals. Dream work, such as paying attention to dreams and nightmares and journaling about these experiences, can provide insights into hidden aspects of the self that may need addressing through shadow work. Here are some ideas to get you started: Practical Magick: Practical magick emphasizes the importance of self-exploration and healing within magickal practices, intertwining the idea that engaging with one's inner psyche and addressing deeper fears can enhance one's magickal abilities. Acknowledging the shadow realm, where hidden traits exist, is crucial for personal growth and relationships until these traits are recognized and addressed. Journaling: Writing down our thoughts, feelings, and insights can help us process our shadow material and reflect on our progress. We can use prompts, such as "What are my fears?" or "What are my strengths?" to inspire your writing. It's surface level, but it's a starting point. Tarot or Oracle cards: Using tarot or oracle cards can help you connect with our intuition, receive guidance, and explore our psyche. How to do this : As we shuffle our deck, we ask spirit: "What is my shadow self teaching me?" or "What do I need to release to move forward?" and then as we draw a single card, we reflect on how the themes present in that card may apply to us. Meditation: Practicing meditation can help us calm our mind, observe our thoughts and emotions, and connect us with our higher selves. We can use guided meditations, binaural beats, or mantra meditations to enhance our experience. To do this:  Think of a shadow that we want to address, and simply as our guides to open us space for us. Then put on a guided meditation and journey. I also really enjoy affirmations: I am very much a dark witch (sometimes referred to as a shadow witch, or someone who works within the shadows) and am often conscious of how my energy naturally reverts to doom and gloom. Lately I've been saying "everything is working out for me", and it's helped me keep my headspace clear when I want to freak out and self sabotage. Take deep breaths and consciously and redirect your throughts. Energy Work: Performing energy work, such as Reiki, EFT, or Chakra balancing , can help us release negative energy, balance our energy systems, and increase your vitality. You can work with a practitioner or learn self-healing techniques. Summary: Remember that shadow work is a personal and ongoing journey that requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-care. We must go at our own pace, take breaks from the shadows when needed and remember when to keep it LIGHT for mental balance. Shadow work is not a new concept in witchcraft, but it is a powerful and transformative one that benefits our life in many ways. By embracing your shadow self, we can heal our wounds, liberate our creativity, and expand our consciousness. Shadow work may be scary or uncomfortable, but is integral for healing. Would anyone be interested in Shadow Work Prompts  in an upcoming post or YouTube video? Are you ready to embark on your shadow work journey? I encourage you to start small, be curious, and trust the process. The Season of Anya  is a magickal record of my journey through this unpredictable, challenging, yet ultimately rewarding adventure we call "Life", join me over on YouTube @TheSeasonofAnya to see what kind of shadow selves I'll be talking about there xx What is Shadow Work? | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |

  • The Magick of Yoga and Witchcraft

    The Magick of Yoga and Witchcraft Welcome to the Season of Anya: Beginner Witchcraft from a Spiritual Yoga Witch! Let's discuss why both combining and practicing both yoga and witchcraft can elevate your spiritual practice to new level. Surprisingly, a top google search is "Is Yoga Witchcraft?". Depending on who you talk to, some may believe it so due to their similarities as combining yoga and witchcraft can greatly enhance your spiritual practice. Let's dive into how you can incorporate both practices for a powerful and transformative experience. Understanding the Similarities and Differences between Yoga and Witchcraft While yoga and witchcraft may seem like vastly different practices, they actually have many similarities. As someone who practices both yoga and witchcraft myself, it's funny to always be met with blank stares when I try to introduce a topic of witchcraft among yogis, or explain a yogic concept like the chakra system to witches. But here's the thing: Both practices focus on connecting us back to our mind, body, and spirit. Let's just say the "marketing" is a little different for both worlds. Yoga and witchcraft also emphasizes the importance of being rooted on this earth by freeing the mind of distractions and training our minds to be present and in the moment by cultivating self-awareness. Additionally, both practices have a long history rooted in ancient traditions and have been used for spiritual growth and enlightenment. However, there are also some key differences between the two. Yoga is primarily focused on physical postures (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation, while witchcraft incorporates spells, rituals, and magic(k). Another difference is that yoga is often seen as a personal practice, whereas witchcraft can involve working with others in a group setting. As your resident yoga witch, I personally enjoy practicing both yoga and witchcraft in group settings, so I humbly disagree with that opinion. Subscribing to me on youtube is the single most helpful way to grow my small blog right now. Engaging on my videos helps tremendous as well. Thank you so much for your support fam! We are just getting started. Combining Yoga and Witchcraft for a Powerful Spiritual Practice Now that we understand a couple of the basic similarities and differences between yoga and witchcraft, let's explore how we can combine both practices for a transformative experience. First, start by setting your intention for combining these two practices. How do you set an intention?: Simply open your practice, meditation or ritual up by saying aloud "Today my intention is ______": This could be to deepen your spiritual practice, connect with your inner self, or tap into your intuition and magic(k). Lately my personal intention is to "be open" as I tend to shut down and shut everyone out when I'm feeling stressed out and defeated. Sometimes my intention will only be for a day, sometimes for a few days, or weeks. There are no rules to setting intentions. Next, consider incorporating elements of witchcraft into your yoga practice. This could include setting up an altar with crystals and candles, using essential oils or herbs during your practice, or reciting affirmations or mantras that resonate with you. Even just pulling from an affirmation deck could be a great way to cast intention on your practice. You can also infuse your yoga practice with witchcraft by focusing on specific intentions during certain poses or sequences. For example, you can set the intention of grounding and stability during standing poses, or the intention of releasing negative energy during twists. Did you have an unstable childhood with a lot of chaos. Yoga hip openers changed my life. Hip openers are also great for shadow work. Yoga Classes and Workshops that Incorporate Witchcraft If you're looking to take your combined yoga and witchcraft practice to the next level, consider attending a yoga class or workshop that specifically incorporates elements of witchcraft. These classes can range from gentle flows with guided meditations and affirmations, to more intense practices with invocations and rituals. You can also seek out a yoga teacher who has knowledge and experience in witchcraft, or even attend a retreat that combines both practices for a transformative experience. Like me, your resident yoga witch, for instance :) Are you looking for an in-person experience but struggling to find the real deal? I plan on doing witchy yoga retreats in the near future so stay tuned. Plus, I have soooo much yoga and witchcraft planned out for my youtube channel, so be sure to subscribe to see what I've got in the works. Top 5 Witchy Deities to Incorporate into Your Yoga Practice Hecate: Known as the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, Hecate can be invoked during your yoga practice to enhance your intuition and spiritual connection. Diana: Diana is the Roman goddess of the hunt, moon, and birth. Invoking Diana can help you tap into your inner strength and resilience during challenging yoga poses. Brigid: Brigid is the Celtic goddess of healing, poetry, and inspiration. Invoking her during your yoga practice can bring a sense of creativity and flow to your movements. Isis: As an Egyptian goddess of healing and magic, Isis can be invoked to bring about transformation and self-growth in your yoga practice. Aradia: This Italian goddess is associated with freedom, bringing magic (magick) back to the people, and witchcraft. Invoking Aradia can bring a sense of liberation and connection to the earth during your yoga practice. 5 Hindu Deities Top 5 Hindu Deities to Incorporate into Your Yoga Practice Shiva: Shiva is known as the god of destruction and transformation in Hinduism, making him an ideal deity to invoke during yoga practices that focus on releasing negative energy. Kali: Kali is a powerful goddess of change and destruction, representing the cycle of life and death. Invoking Kali during your yoga practice can help you tap into your inner strength and let go of what no longer serves you. Ganesha: Ganesha is the elephant-headed god known as the remover of obstacles and the lord of beginnings. Invoking Ganesha during your yoga practice can help clear any mental or physical barriers that may be hindering your progress. Lakshmi: Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, abundance, and prosperity in Hinduism. Invoking her during yoga practices focused on manifestation and gratitude can help bring abundance into all areas of your life. Hanuman: Hanuman is the monkey god known for his strength, devotion, and loyalty. Incorporating Hanuman into your yoga practice can bring a sense of determination and resilience to overcome challenges on your spiritual journey. For a more intense practice, you can incorporate invocations and rituals into your yoga routine. This can involve chanting mantras or performing a spell of sorts during certain poses or sequences. As always, it's important to listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable to you. It's more about building an authentic practice than one filled with bells and whistles. Start slow and see if you need to go deeper. When I finally found a way to make yoga and witchcraft more simplistic is when I found my practice to be ore fulfilling. A Ritual for Combining Yoga and Witchcraft Here's a simple ritual you can try to combine your yoga and witchcraft practices: Begin by setting up your sacred space, whether it be in a room or outside in nature. Light candles, incense, and any other elements that feel aligned with your intentions. Take a few deep breaths and ground yourself by connecting to the earth beneath you. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the ground, anchoring you in. A strong yoga and strong spiritual practice is always built from the ground up. Now, start your invocation. Speak these words with intent: As I step onto my sacred space, my yoga mat, I allow myself to be open. I allow myself the freedom from judgement, the gift to feel with my heart. t for I am a divinely guided and divinely protected. Chant the mantra "om/aum" three times. After the invocation, step onto your yoga mat, carry on with your practice, and feel the magic(k) within. Remember, this is your journey, so make it personal and meaningful. Begin your yoga practice with a few rounds of sun salutations, focusing on each movement and your breath. As you move through the poses, envision yourself shedding any negative energy or thoughts that may be holding you back. Once you feel warmed up, move into a seated position for meditation. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing yourself to sink deeper into a meditative state. As you continue to connect with your breath, visualize the energetic flow within your body. Imagine this energy as a white light coursing through every part of you, from the crown of your head down to your toes. From this place of connection and visualization, recite a simple intention or spell that aligns with your practice. You can also hold a crystal or herb in your hands while doing so. After completing your ritual, take a few moments to sit in silence and gratitude for this time spent honoring both yoga and witchcraft. Finding Support and Guidance in the Community As with any new practice, it can be helpful to find support and guidance from those who have experience combining yoga and witchcraft. Look for local yoga classes that incorporate elements of witchcraft or join online communities dedicated to this unique combination. You may also want to seek out a yoga teacher or instructor who is knowledgeable about both practices and can offer personalized guidance and support. Enhancing Your Spiritual Yoga Practice Through Witchcraft By incorporating elements of witchcraft into your yoga practice, you can enhance the spiritual aspect of your practice. Both practices are rooted in connecting. If you're having a hard time connecting, physical representations of both yoga and witchcraft can be a great way to get you into the headspace. I personally love witchy themed yoga mats to set the vibe. YOGA AND WITCHCRAFT FAQ: How often should I incorporate Yoga and Witchcraft The frequency of incorporating witchcraft into your yoga practice is a deeply personal decision that depends on your comfort level and individual spiritual needs. Some people may find daily integration of both practices beneficial, while others might choose to incorporate witchcraft elements on specific occasions, such as during a new moon or solstice. Remember, the goal is to enhance your spiritual yoga practice in a way that resonates with you. Listen to your intuition—it will guide you on the right path. What are 3 popular yoga poses that I can try? Some popular yoga poses include: Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) Remember, you can always incorporate elements of witchcraft into these poses by setting intentions and visualizing your desired outcome while holding the pose. Can I find a yoga instructor for yoga and witchcraft? You've come to the right place! Not only does my Youtube channel focus on Yoga Magick and Witchcraft, it's also going to be loaded with witchy yoga flows so check it out. Plus, if you're looking for an in-person experience, I will be launching witchy yoga retreats in the very near future. Stay tuned! What are you favorite yoga mats? For a hot yoga sequence, I've really enjoyed my Liforme mat probably the most out of any that i've tried. It's got a great grip, a cute design, and they use biodegradable materials which is a really cool factor. For a lower price point, I've enjoyed my Yoga Zeal mats in the past. Especially their moon phase one, for obvious reasons. Thank you so much for subscribing to the Season of Anya, be sure to check me out on youtube more more yoga magick and witchcraft from a yoga witch. •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Some links may be affiliate links, where I earn a small commission on recommended products at absolutely no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my small channel and helping me grow my dream.

  • Tarot for Beginners: Swords Tarot

    Tarot for Beginners: Swords Tarot Welcome back to my Tarot For Beginners series! We are finally ending this portion of our tarot suit series with the Swords Tarot. Today we will be exploring the suit of swords in tarot cards and what they represent. This post is more of an easy reference guide for understanding the nuances as opposed to the themes as a whole. If you haven't checked out my tarot videos on youtube check them out as they provide a great additional resource for learning tarot. The videos explore the abstract concepts as opposed to the individual meaning of each card. Whether you're a seasoned tarot reader or just starting out, we hope this guide will provide you with some valuable insights into swords tarot. At the end of this post, I'll have some common FAQs laid out to help you better connect with the overall thee and energy of the tarot Swords. Let's get started! The Suit of Swords In a tarot deck, there are four suits - cups, pentacles, wands, and swords. Each suit has its own unique symbolism and meanings. The swords represent the element of air and deal with matters of the mind, intellect, communication, and conflict. The Suit of Swords in the Tarot deck represents the element of air and corresponds to mental activity, thoughts, and intellect. It's associated with challenges, conflicts, and change. When a Swords card appears in your tarot spread, it often reminds you to make decisions based on logic and rational thinking, rather than emotion. Be mindful that this suit also carries a warning about potential conflicts or struggles, signaling the necessity to face them with courage and honesty. Swords cards invite us to delve deeper into our minds, encouraging introspection and clarity of thought in our quest for personal growth. Tarot readings with Swords cards can be insightful and thought-provoking, providing guidance on how to navigate through life's difficult situations. These cards often represent the need to think before acting and make decisions based on careful consideration. They remind us that words have consequences, and we must use them wisely. The Suit of Swords also speaks to the importance of communication in our relationships, encouraging us to express our thoughts and feelings honestly and openly. The Swords Tarot cards may also reveal the presence of secrets or hidden truths that need to be uncovered and dealt with. They remind us that keeping secrets can lead to inner turmoil, which can manifest as conflicts in our external relationships. By embracing the energy of this suit, we can learn how to communicate effectively and handle conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner. Below is a quick and easy reference guide for understanding the swords in tarot. I will also have a video up soon talking more about the nuances of the Swords in tarot for a better understanding of the suit as a whole. Swords Tarot Card Meanings There are 14 cards in the suit of swords (Ace to King), each with its own distinct representation and meaning. These cards often indicate challenges, struggles, and difficult decisions that may need to be made. They can also symbolize mental clarity and the power of the mind. Let's take a closer look at some of the swords cards and their meanings: Ace of Sword Ace of Swords: The Ace of Swords represents a moment of great clarity or breakthrough. It symbolizes the start of a new mental endeavor, a time when your intellectual power is at its peak. It's a card of truth, decisiveness and clear vision. In a reading, this card may be telling you that it's time to face the truth and cut through the confusion in your life. Ace of Swords Reversed: When the Ace of Swords appears reversed in a reading, it might indicate that you're experiencing confusion or mental blocks. It could also signify a miscommunication or a truth that you're not ready to face. The reversed Ace of Swords advises you to avoid making hasty decisions and to take time to gain a clear understanding of your situation. Two of Swords Two of Swords: The Two of Swords often signifies a stalemate or a decision that needs to be made. It's a card of weighing options and finding balance. It may represent the need to make a difficult choice between two equally appealing or unappealing option Two of Swords Reversed: When this card appears reversed, it could indicate that you're avoiding making a decision or ignoring an issue that needs to be addressed. It may also suggest being stuck in indecision or feeling Three of Swords Three of Swords: The Three of Swords is often associated with emotional pain, heartbreak, and sorrow. It's a card that signifies a difficult time, often due to conflicts or losses. This card may appear during times of emotional upheaval or when you're experiencing sadness in your life. However, it also serves as a reminder that pain and sorrow are often a part of growth and personal development. Three of Swords Reversed: When the Three of Swords appears reversed, it may indicate that a period of sorrow or heartbreak is beginning to heal. It's a sign of recovery and emotional healing, and it may also suggest a need to forgive, both others and yourself. It encourages you to release past hurts and move forward with optimism and resilience. Four of Swords Four of Swords: The Four of Swords symbolizes a period of rest and recovery after a time of challenge. It may represent a need to recuperate or to pause and gather your thoughts. It encourages you to take a break and contemplate your next steps carefully, with calmness and clarity. Four of Swords Reversed: When the Four of Swords appears reversed, it's a sign that you may be pushing yourself too hard. It may suggest a need to slow down, relax, and take care of your mental and physical health. Five of Swords Five of Swords: The Five of Swords often represents conflict and tension. It may indicate a victory, but one that is achieved at a great cost. It may also symbolize betrayal or an unfair outcome. Five of Swords Reversed: When the Five of Swords appears reversed, it may be a sign of regret or guilt following a conflict, or it could suggest a desire for reconciliation. Six of Swords Six of Swords: The Six of Swords signifies a journey or transition. It indicates a move towards a more positive and peaceful state. This could be emotional recovery or moving away from conflict towards harmony. Six of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card may indicate resistance to change or difficulty in moving forward from a challenging situation. Seven of Swords Seven of Swords: The Seven of Swords often represents deception or a lack of honesty. It may indicate a situation where someone is being sneaky or trying to get away with something. Seven of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can suggest the unveiling of secrets or deception. It may also suggest that it's time to be honest and transparent in your dealings. Eight of Swords Eight of Swords: The Eight of Swords often represents feelings of restriction or being trapped in a situation. It may suggest that you feel as if your hands are tied and you have no options. Eight of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can suggest a release from restriction or finding a way out of a difficult situation. Nine of Swords Nine of Swords: The Nine of Swords often represents worry, anxiety, or despair. It may indicate that you're feeling overwhelmed by a situation. Nine of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can suggest finding ways to cope with your worries and anxieties. It may also indicate that you're starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Ten of Swords Ten of Swords: The Ten of Swords often represents betrayal, pain, or endings. It may suggest that something has come to an abrupt end or that you're feeling the pain of a betrayal. Ten of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can indicate moving on from a painful situation. It may also suggest that you're starting to see things in a new light and finding ways to forgive past hurts. Page of Swords Page of Swords: The Page of Swords often represents curiosity, energy, and a thirst for knowledge. It may suggest that you're eager to learn or take action in a situation. Page of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can indicate recklessness or jumping into things without proper preparation. It may also suggest the need to slow down and think things through before taking action. Knight of Swords Knight of Swords: The Knight of Swords often represents ambition, determination, and taking charge. It may suggest that you're ready to take control of a situation and move forward with confidence. Knight of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can indicate impulsiveness or acting without considering the consequences. It may also suggest the need to be more mindful in your actions and decisions. Queen of Swords Queen of Swords: The Queen of Swords often represents independence, intelligence, and clear communication. It may suggest that you're able to handle any situation with grace and confidence. Queen of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can indicate coldness or harshness in your communication. It may also suggest the need to be more empathetic and understanding in your interactions. King of Swords King of Swords: The King of Swords often represents authority, logic, and rationality. It may suggest that you're able to make tough decisions and lead with a clear mind. King of Swords Reversed: When reversed, this card can indicate abuse of power or manipulation. It may also suggest the need to be more humble and open-minded in your leadership style. Tarot Swords FAQ

  • Samhain Herbs for the Season of the Dead

    Best Samhain Herbs for Witches Welcome to Samhain Season witches! If you've been following my blog, check out my prior posts about Samhain including my samhain altar setup and tour video on youtube! A quick Blurb about Samhain So, what is Samhain? Samhain, also known as the Witches’ New Year, marks the beginning of winter and is traditionally celebrated on October 31st. It’s a time when the veil between the living and the dead is believed to be thinnest, making it the perfect occasion to honor and remember our ancestors. And what better way to do so than by incorporating herbs in our Samhain celebrations? Samhain is deeply rooted in the practice of witchcraft, serving as a significant sabbat in the Wheel of the Year. It signals the end of the harvest season and the onset of the darker half of the year. In witchcraft, this time is seen as a potent period for divination, meditation, and introspection, as well as for honoring the spirits of the departed. The thinness of the veil between worlds creates an opportunity for witches to communicate with their ancestors, seek guidance, and honor their memory. The use of herbs in Samhain celebrations is a tradition that harks back to ancient times. These "Samhain herbs" each c arry unique properties and are chosen for their ability to enhance spiritual connections, provide protection, or attract prosperity. They can be used in a variety of ways in Samhain rituals, such as in crafting a Samhain wreath, burning as incense, or integrating into a feast. Herbs have long been associated with magick and can be used for various purposes, such as protection, healing, and divination. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the top 15 best herbs for Samhain and how they can enhance your magickal practice. Best Samhain Herbs for Witches In the realm of witchcraft, herbs hold an esteemed position, serving as powerful conduits for channeling energy and intentions. Each herb possesses a unique vibration, resonating with specific desires, emotions, and objectives, making them key components in spells, healing practices, and rituals. They are nature's gifts, each imbued with distinct magickal properties that can be harnessed to manifest intentions, boost personal power, and foster spiritual connections. For centuries, witches and herbalists have relied on the rich bounty of nature, using herbs in a myriad of ways, from concocting potions and tinctures to crafting protective amulets and conducting cleansing rituals. The versatility of herbs makes them indispensable tools in witchcraft. Whether you're seeking protection, desiring to promote healing, or aiming to communicate with other realms, the right herb can be a potent ally. As we delve into our exploration of the top herbs for Samhain, remember that the magic lies not just in the herbs themselves, but also in the intention you infuse into them. Top 15 Samhain Herbs 1. Rue Rue often tops the list of Samhain herbs due to its strong protective properties. Known as the 'Herb of Grace', Rue has been a staple in spiritual and magickal practices for centuries. In Samhain rituals, this robust herb is often used for warding off negative energy and creating a sacred and safe space. Rue's potent protective energies make it an excellent addition to any Samhain altar or protective amulet. Additionally, its unique aroma when burned as incense can help facilitate communication with other realms, making it an invaluable tool for Samhain. Ruda water is always great to keep on hand for a grounding and warding off negative energy. 2. Sage Sage is another powerful herb that’s commonly used in Samhain rituals. Its purifying properties make it perfect for smudging and cleansing the energy of both people and spaces. Burning sage can also help banish negative energies, allowing you to connect with your ancestors without any distractions. 3. Tobacco In Samhain rituals specifically, tobacco can be sprinkled into a fire as a gift to the ancestors, creating a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual realm. Its aromatic smoke signals respect and reverence, setting the stage for a profound spiritual communion 4. Yarrow Yarrow is a powerful herb that has been used in divination and protection spells for centuries. I actually just learned that the name Yarrow is derived from Achilles, the Greek warrior who was said to use yarrow to heal his soldiers' wounds during battle. Burning yarrow as incense can help increase your psychic abilities and connect you with your ancestral guides during Samhain rituals. 5. Bay Leaves Bay leaves have long been used in magick and rituals, especially during Samhain. They are believed to bring protection and good luck, making them a great addition to any spell or ritual during this time of year. You can also write wishes on bay leaves and burn them as a way to release your intentions into the universe. 6. Cedar Cedar is a sacred tree in many cultures and has been used for centuries in spiritual practices. Its strong and grounding energy makes it perfect for honoring ancestors and connecting with the spirit realm during Samhain. You can burn cedar as incense or use its branches to create a protective circle around your ritual space. 7. Juniper Berries Juniper berries carry a unique energy that is excellent for Samhain rituals. Their sweet, yet pungent aroma is believed to enhance psychic abilities and protect against negative energy. During Samhain, these berries can be used to create a protective shield around your ritual area, or they can be incorporated into a spell to cleanse your space of any unwanted energy. You can also burn them as an incense to create a harmonious atmosphere, inviting positivity and clarity as you honor your ancestors and delve into the mysteries of this sacred season. 8. Cloves During Samhain, you can use cloves in a myriad of ways. Add them to incense blends to create a protective ambiance, carry them as a charm or a mojo bag for courage while communicating with the spirit realm, or use them in a prosperity spell to bring abundance and success. Cloves serve as a wonderful addition to Samhain rituals, blending their potent energy with the profound significance of this sacred time. 9. Mullein Mullein is a versatile herb that can be used for protection, healing, and divination. You can also burn mullein as incense or add it to your divination tools for enhanced intuition and psychic abilities. 10. Wormwood Wormwood is a powerful herb with strong energy that can aid in spirit communication and astral travel. Its name comes from its ability to ward off evil spirits, making it an ideal herb for protection during Samhain rituals. You can also burn wormwood as incense to clear negative energies and enhance your connection with the spirit world. 11. Rosemary Rosemary is a popular culinary herb, but it also has magickal properties that make it perfect for Samhain rituals. Its strong scent can help dispel negative energies and bring about clarity and protection. You can add rosemary to your divination tools or use it in cleansing rituals to create a sacred and protected space for connecting with your ancestors. 12. Cinnamon Cinnamon is among the top herbs for Samhain, carrying a warm, spicy fragrance that evokes feelings of comfort and nostalgia. Besides its enticing aroma, cinnamon boasts potent magickal properties, making it an ideal addition to Samhain rituals. Cinnamon is associated with fire and the sun, symbolizing warmth, transformation, and life. It can be used to kindle love, passion, and prosperity while also providing protection. In the realm of divination, which is central to Samhain rituals, cinnamon is used to heighten psychic awareness and clairvoyance, assisting in seeking wisdom from the spirit realm. 13. Frankincense Frankincense is a sacred resin that has been used in spiritual practices for thousands of years. Its woody and earthy scent can help create a meditative state and enhance your connection with the divine. Burning frankincense as incense during Samhain rituals can help you connect with your ancestors and receive messages from the spirit world. I just adore the smell of frankincense and having a few resins on hand are handy because they are a nice stabilizer for incense blends and don't ever really go bad and need to be replaced. 14. Myrrh Myrrh is another sacred resin that has been used in spiritual ceremonies for centuries. Its strong aroma is believed to have purifying and protective properties, making it an ideal herb for Samhain rituals. Burning myrrh as incense can help clear negative energies and create a sacred space for connecting with your ancestors. 15. Mugwort Mugwort, also known as the witching herb, has been used in magick for centuries. Its psychoactive properties can help induce vivid dreams enhance your inution and visions, making it a powerful tool for divination during Samhain. Samhain Herbs Conclusion Remember, it's not about what you have, but rather the intention you are setting and putting out there. By all means please do not feel the need to buy everything (or anything) from this list. I like to include a variety or herbs on these lists to educate you on the meanings behind it for some additional witchy knowledge! You do not need to spend a dollar to be a "qualified" witch. Just practice and open yourself up to different ideas. Thanks for subscribing! If you haven't already, please check out my youtube channel! I am currently putting out three videos a week along with two blog posts per week, on top of my regular job so a subscription to the Season of Anya on Youtube would mean the world to me and is absolutely free. Thank you for all the support! Catch you on the next one. xx •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Some links may be affiliate links, where I earn a small commission on recommended products at absolutely no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my small channel and helping me grow my dream. Samhain Herbs FAQ

  • Dark Moon Spell to Release and Manifest with Shadow Work

    Dark Moon Spell to Release and Manifest with Shadow Work Welcome back to my 31 Days of Witchcraft Challenge! Check out my previous post about this challenge to get a general idea of what we've been working on if you're just now tuning in to this series. If you missed the first phase of this full moon/dark moon spell, don't worry about it! Just pick it it now, the timing doesn't matter as long as the intention and focus is there, we are good! Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel for a supplemental videos for this challenge. And, if you're catching this post at a totally different time of year, this spell stands on it own quite well, so please feel free to utilize it and revisit it as needed. Now....for those of you who are STILL with me....can I get a hell yeah? Proud of you. Low key, I'm proud of me too lol. This is a commitment you guys! But as witches, we stand strong and help others because we are dedicated to showing up for ourselves so we have the energy and resources for showing up for other who are in need of help and may not have the same energy and resources as ourselves. With that said, we are officially 15 days in, let's keep at it, we're almost done. (Well okay technically only 7 by the time this blog post comes up but ya know...) BTW: I'm also doing daily check ins on my Tik Tok to help keep me...I mean us motivated and in witchy headspace. I've got additional shadow work prompts, quotes, meditations and random other stuff to keep the energy going so we can finish this strong. Go check it out. Dark Moon Spell & Ritual with Shadow Work to Release and Manifest Supplies Needed: Palo Santo, Sage, or Incense Book of Shadows, or something to write with A black candle or anything that glows Moon water that was prepared on full moon (ideally prepared with sea salt or essential oils) Bowl Handkerchief or small towel Bay leaf Light a black candle (or anything that you have), take a few deep breaths, and gaze into the light, allowing yourself to be fully immersed in the present moment. When the time feels right, whisper out loud: With the magick of Divinity, my ancestors, and the benevolent spirit of the land around me, I open up this sacred space to dive deep into the psyche of my past self. I open the portals to my soul with a loving heart. I am fostered with divine strength to visit the woundings of my past, my lacerations, my emotional hurt and my deep-rooted pain. With this open state of conciousness I choose to face my shadows for I longingly seek the journey of inner-healing so that I may embrace and walk this path anew . Dark Moon Shadow Work for Witchcraft Journal Prompts -What is my deepest wound that impacts my ability to believe in myself? What memories are tied to these insecurities? -What parts of myself do I deliberately hold back from myself and others? -What have I done that makes you feel most like a failure? - What is the meaning of success to me? What do I fear most about it? How have I gotten in my own way? -Why am I ready for this energetic release? What action steps will I take to make room for my manifestations? Place moon water into a bowl. Wash your hands with moon water and as you mindfully wash your hands, finger by finger (taking your time), recite three times: "I release the impurities of my thoughts and experiences, to recieve a new perspective, and a fresh approach to a new world filled with self compassion and a jovial heart." Dry off you hands, take three deep, powerful breaths. Close your eyes, and begin to think of something you have been trying to manifest for a long, long time. Something that subconsciously think you don't deserve, or something you thought you could never achieve. Is it a monetary or professional goal? Is it a personal goal or perhaps a loving relationship? Write it down one word to represent this manifestation on a bay leave, or write down a sigil of yours (need some information on sigils? click here) and carefully burn it into your cauldron or somewhere safely on your altar. As you burn this bay leave, connect with the energy of what you're manifesting, with great detail. Picture it. Picture every moment of what this new manifestation looks like. Envision yourself as though you already have it. What feelings are associated with this blessing? What colors are associated with it? Who will be around you when you are enjoying this new manifestation? How will it impact your future? Take time to also receive the messages and take the journey, let the information come to you. Take the time to journal about what you experienced. Make sure you embrace the good energies as well. When you're ready, close off the energies and say: I thank divinity this blessing of divine guidance, healing, and paving the path to a more brightly lit future. Blessed be. Extinguish candle or let it burn out. If you have a working altar I highly recommend you give fresh offerings of fruit, wildflowers, or even a bit of spare change. If using fresh items, be sure to replenish as necessary until the next moon cycle. Remember to connect with your altar daily, even if it's just lighting some incense, and touching it while you take three mindful breaths. I promise, it's easy to maintain that witchy/magickal headspace, so long as you maintain it. What did you think of my Dark Moon Shadow Work Spell & Ritual to Release and Manifest blog post? How was everything? Did you all enjoy the shadow work? What are you manifesting? Please drop a comment below with your experience! Reminder, don't forget to subscribe to my blog and my Youtube channel for the final phase where we celebrate in gratitude with our Blue Super Moon this august. See you in a couple weeks on the Blue Moon and don't forget to connect with your altar daily. Catch me on Tik Tok for daily updates, inspiration, quotes and everything you need to keep you magickal and connected. Namaste. #theseasonofanya

  • Honoring your Ancestors as a Witch: A Practical Guide

    Honoring your Ancestors as a Witch: A Practical Guide As a witch, you might have heard about ancestor veneration – one of the oldest and most widespread spiritual practices in the world. If you haven't, don't worry, I had to Google it too the first time I heard it. We're going to break ancestor veneration down today, and show you how you can honor your ancestors during this season of the dead. During the season of the dead, which begins with Samhain and ends with Yule, this connection becomes even more potent. The veil between the worlds is said to be at its thinnest at this time, making it easier for us to connect with our ancestors and receive their wisdom. Honoring your ancestors can be an incredible source of spiritual nourishment. It connects you to your lineage ancestors, the ones whose blood and DNA have passed down through generations. Additionally, it can create a bridge to the affinity ancestors – those whom you are not related to by blood but share a common bond through your experiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create an ancestor altar and share different prayers and spells that will help you on your spiritual journey and help gain a deeper spirituality. Ancestor veneration is one of the most widespread spiritual practices across various cultures. As a witch, honoring your ancestors is a way to deepen your spirituality and tap into the magical power that comes from your lineage. Setting up an ancestor altar is a beautiful way to connect with your ancestors and receive their spiritual nourishment. However, this practice can be quite mystifying for some who are just starting on their spiritual journey. Like I said earlier, we're gonna break down the basics of honoring your ancestors as a witch and give you practical tips on how to create a powerful ancestor veneration team. First, let's start with some Frequently Asked Questions about how you can honor your ancestors as a witch: FAQ: The Season of the Dead and Ancestor Veneration What is ancestor veneration? Ancestor veneration is the act of revering and paying homage to one's ancestors. It is a way to connect and honor those who have come before us, our lineage ancestors, and affinity ancestors. An ancestor altar is a place of spiritual power where you can connect with your ancestors and receive their spiritual nourishment. How do I set up an ancestor altar? Setting up an ancestor altar is a way to create a sacred space where you can connect with your ancestors. It can be simple or elaborate, depending on your personal preference. To set up an ancestor altar, you will need a table or space, a white or black altar cloth, candles, incense, pictures of your ancestors (I love to put them in small 2x3 photo frames), and any other objects that represent your loved ones. When placing your items on the altar, remember to keep it tidy and clean, and avoid placing any non-related items. Gramma liked a clean house, after all! How often should I honor my ancestors? Like any spiritual practice, honoring your ancestors is a personal and intuitive process. Many witches choose to honor their ancestors once a week, on the full or new moon, or on special holidays like Samhain. The idea is to create a regular practice that allows you to connect with your ancestors and receive their guidance and energy. Can I still honor my ancestors if I don't know much about them? Yes! You don't need to know every detail about your ancestors to honor them. You can start by lighting a candle and saying a prayer for them. As you deepen your practice, you may want to learn more about your ancestors and your lineage. This will help you create a deeper connection with them and understand the gifts and challenges that come with your bloodline. Setting up an ancestor altar is a practical way to create a sacred space where you can connect with your ancestors regularly. Remember that this is a personal and intuitive process, and there is no right or wrong way to honor your ancestors. By connecting with your ancestors energetically, you can receive their guidance and support as you navigate your own spiritual journey. How can honoring my ancestors benefit my magical practice? Honoring your ancestors can be a powerful way to tap into your magical power and deepen your spiritual journey. Your ancestors are part of your lineage, and they carry the wisdom, gifts, and lessons of those who came before you. By connecting with them energetically, you can receive guidance and support as you navigate your own path. Additionally, ancestor veneration is a way to acknowledge and heal any energetic wounds or trauma that may be inherited through your lineage. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's dive into a couple different ways you can honor your ancestors as a witch during the season of the dead: Ancestral Invocation Prayer Light your ancestral altar and envision your ancestors and loved ones surrounding you as you say: "My ancestors, guides, fierce protectors, and sacred healers. Please stand with me (Say your name), child of (Parent's or Family name), be with me in this moment and guide me as I go down my road called Life, with a cool head and a clear mind. I am root of your root, soil of your soil, bone of your bone, and blood of your blood. Not deaf to our sincere cries; nor blind to our honest placations, keep the gifts of perfect health, wealth, and prosperity close so that we may honor and grow your legacy. I have not forgotten my lineage, and I vow to never forget. Blessed be, thank you." Honoring your Ancestors: Cast a Circle of Light Another way to honor your ancestors is to cast a circle of light, either alone or with others. This can be a powerful way to create a sacred space, invoke the spirits, and receive messages and guidance from the dead. To cast a circle of light, start by selecting a quiet, private place where you can work undisturbed. Gather your materials, including candles, incense, herbs, and any tools or symbols that you use in your practice. Light the candles and incense, and then begin to create the circle by moving clockwise around the space, envisioning a ring of light and protection forming around you. As you create the circle, you can call upon your ancestors and other spirits to join you. One of my favorite circle casts can be altered slightly to apply to our ancestors and spirits: "Ancestors, Witches, and loved ones of the past: I cast this circle three times round, So you may visit, And make this land sacred ground. " Once the circle is complete, sit or stand within it and allow yourself to tune into the energy and guidance of the spirits. Herbs for Honoring your Ancestors Some herbs that work well with the season of the dead include: Sage Palo Santo Cedar Mugwort Rosemary Yarrow Wormwood You can use these herbs to make incense, teas, oils, or other offerings that resonate with the energy of the dead. Simply burn the herbs, sprinkle them on your altar(I love doing this!), or use them in a ritual to connect with your ancestors and receive their blessings. History of Ancestral Veneration Across Human History Honoring our ancestors has been a deep rooted tradition for humans (And even some animals) for thousands of years. Each country and region of land has its own unique way to honor their ancestors, and to celebrate the season of the dead. We could go on, and on, and on with this topic so we'll try to keep it short and sweet! Celtic Ancestry: The Celts were known for their strong connection to nature and their reverence for the ancestors. One way they honored their ancestors was through ancestor worship, which involved setting up shrines or hearths for the spirits of dead ancestors. They also celebrated Samhain, a day in the Celtic calendar that was dedicated to remembering and honoring the dead. During this festival, people would light bonfires, wear costumes, and make offerings to the spirits. Norse Ancestry: In Norse mythology, the ancestors were considered to be the guardians of wisdom and knowledge. The Norse people honored their ancestors through offerings of food, drink, and other gifts. They also believed that the dead remained a part of the family and that they could offer guidance and protection from the afterlife. In some cases, Norse runes were used to communicate with the ancestors. African Ancestry: In many African cultures, honoring the ancestors is a central part of spirituality. Ancestor veneration is seen as a way to connect with one's roots and to receive blessings and guidance from the ancestors. Many African religions use ancestral altars or shrines, which are decorated with offerings, candles, and other symbols of the ancestors. Some of these religions also have ancestor spirits or deities that are worshipped. Chinese Ancestry: In Chinese culture, ancestor worship is a tradition that goes back thousands of years. The Chinese believe that the ancestors have the power to bless or curse the living, and that by honoring them, they can receive good fortune and protection. Ancestral altars are a common feature in Chinese homes, and offerings of food, incense, and other gifts are made to the ancestors. The Chinese also celebrate Qingming, a festival that is dedicated to cleaning and maintaining the graves of ancestors. Indigenous Ancestry: Many indigenous cultures have complex beliefs and practices around honoring the ancestors. For example, in some Native American traditions, the ancestors are seen as protectors and guides, and their spirits are believed to live on in the natural world. Offerings of tobacco, sage, and other sacred herbs are made to the ancestors during prayer or ceremony. In some cases, people may also take part in vision quests or other rituals to connect with their ancestors. Let's Recap: Ancestor Veneration and Honoring Your Ancestors As witches, we are called to serve as guardians of the spiritual realm, and to honor the legacy and wisdom of those who came before us. By practicing ancestral witchcraft, we can tap into a deep well of ancestral knowledge and power, and use it to make a positive impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. So this season of the dead, take some time to honor your ancestors, and see where your journey into the world of the dead takes you. We are called to serve as guardians of the spiritual realm, and to honor the legacy and wisdom of those who came before us. By practicing ancestral witchcraft, we can tap into a deep well of ancestral knowledge and power, and use it to make a positive impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. So this season of the dead, take some time to honor your ancestors, and see where your journey into the world of the dead takes you! •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Check out my YouTube channel The Season of Anya for more resources on how you can honor your ancestors as a witch xxx •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Some links may be affiliate links, where I earn a small commission on recommended products at absolutely no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my small channel and helping me grow my dream.

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