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92 items found for "where yoga meets witchcraft"

  • Getting Started with Tarot: Choosing a Deck

    There are no rules to witchcraft and Tarot! It's really about the practice of you. If I were to pull a card like the 6 of pentacles, and only see 6 pentacles as the image, it's not going For example, doesn't this image speak to you a lot more than if you were just to look at 7 swords? There is lots of gatekeeping involved with tarot and witchcraft, so ignore all of that nonsense!

  • How to Witchcraft: Connecting With May Full Moon Flower Moon

    How to Witchcraft: Connecting With May Full Moon Flower Moon The Full Moon in may is known primarily How to Connect with the Magick of the Flower Moon Here are a few ways to connect with the magick of the Here are some ways to harness this energy: · Write down your intentions and goals for the coming months Here are some ideas for community celebrations: · Hold a potluck or picnic with friends, incorporating

  • June Full Moon 2023 Explained

    moon, the flower moon represents the flowers blooming everywhere, this full moon represents the time where Click here! June Full Moon and Tarot Divination and Full Moons go hand-in-hand. Click here if you'd like a pretty download of this spell for your BoS Nuture and cultivate what's in

  • See You at Mystic South in Atlanta Georgia

    This will be my first ever witchy convention and I can't wait to meet some of you there. I've been in the witchcraft/metaphysical community for about 5 years, but with covid being a solid 3 My friends at House of Witchcraft are actually hosting a badass hospitality suite and my mentor and international author of New World Witchery, Laura Temptest author of Weave in the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft I'm just sharing a cool event in case fellow yoga witches are interested in attending!)

  • April 2023 Pink Full Moon Water Blessing

    Hi Witches, hope this springtime season is treating you well! It's such a great time to celebrate the soul, to celebrate you! When I was working with March's Worm Moon energy, I had this awesome moment of pure cosmic witchy bliss that was shortly destroyed by the overwhelming feeling of "I don't actually think I deserve this" Damn it, it was true. So, March was a little dark to say the least, haha. Which meant a great opportunity for shadow work at least! Remember, in order for a seed to sprout in the soil it must first be contained by the dark. We water that soil, in the dark, in good faith that it will begin to sprout in due time. Believe that it will, keep nurturing those seeds of hope, but remember, those seeds live, grow and die by you. Believe in yourself and nurture your spirit. Namaste. April Full Moon Water Blessing Anya 2023 April Pink Moon Water Blessing Place distilled water, or any water of sorts into your favorite jar, container, or wine bottle. Connect with it and allow the energies of spirit to encompass it. Use this moon water in a ritual shower, water your plants, or steep it in tea. There are endless possibilities but use this moon water before the upcoming dark moon (within roughly 2 weeks) I receive endless possibilities, embodying the divine blessings of the mother, of the full moon to guide me. I release any doubt, shame, or poor self reflection of my spirit, because I deserve the blessings, and I deserve them from the bottom of my heart. I love myself and I release myself of fear from the unknown. I choose to heal myself and enjoy the journey from within, as it all begins with the longing of a simple intent. I cleanse my heart, I cleanse my spirit, and I allow myself to receive unconditional love. I cannot love another until I have unequivocal love for myself, and tonight I choose me. I allow my soul to embark on the journey, and I charge this water with the nurturing light of the radiant moon. Ase, Namaste, Blessed Be.

  • How to Celebrate Beltane as a Witch

    If you’re looking to celebrate Beltane, or even just honor the day here’s a Witchy guide to get you started give thanks to Spirit for their blessings as any holiday is a time for sharing abundance, no matter where

  • Why do Witches Choose a Witchy Name

    I would start dabbling with that name here and there, but many people in my life did not respect that "Where the hell did that come from?" The Season of Anya has launched a wild, fun, crazy YouTube channel where she dances on the full moon!

  • How to Unblock the Heart Chakra as a Yoga Witch

    How to Unblock the Heart Chakra as a Yoga Witch Welcome back to the Season of Anya! 6 Yoga Poses for Opening the Heart Chakra A good yoga witch should be trying to incorporate at least a little yoga into their daily practice, right? right, you start to see your slowly descend back from the clouds, and you make your descent back into where Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, The Season of Anya, where I will have a corresponding

  • Easy Tarot Tips: The Major Arcana

    Here's a couple quick tips I've learned over the years to enhance my divination: Do a Three Card Tarot witch #witchywoman #realwitch #pagan #theseasonofanya #spiritualyogawitch #pagan #paganism #witchy #witchcraft #witchesoftiktok🔮🌙 #witchcraftblog #spiritualblog #tarot

  • Moon Magick: New Moon Water for May

    Over here after a good rainy season, we are gifted what's called a superbloom, which is where the wildflowers around here go crazy! energy I'm bringing into this season, with this New Moon for May, as cliche and cheesy as it is, is where This isn't just a "get drunk with other witches" type of celebration, think of it as a dance circle where This is a time of year where we can lean into the funk, and the rhythm, and get creative and have some

  • How to Unblock Root Chakra for Witches

    Unblock Root Chakra for Witches, we will be looking at why it's important, and how it correlates to Witchcraft This chakra is connected to the earth, so for a comparison to witchcraft, think of it as the Tarot suit What needs were not met as a child? Here's the thing, we cannot, and i mean cannot even consider dabbling in Witchcraft, psychic practices -Earthing, get outside and get your bare feet in the dirt, in the sand.

  • Flowing with the Wheel of the Year: A Guide to Seasonal Witchcraft

    information on celtic traditions, a curious nature lover, or someone dipping their toes into modern witchcraft Get intentional with your modern witchcraft practices—light candles, perform rituals for new beginnings Align your modern witchcraft practices with the changing seasons for deeper resonance. Lammas or dancing around a Beltane bonfire, step into this sacred space of ancient traditions and modern witchcraft as other modern witchcraft tips for seasonal wellness.

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