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  • How to Create a Spiritual Yoga Practice That Aligns Mind, Body, and Spirit

    How to Create a Spiritual Yoga Practice That Aligns Mind, Body, and Spirit Hi fam! Have you been longing to bring more depth, connection, and magick into your yoga practice? Do you crave a sense of inner peace and a deeper connection to your highest potential without having to be advanced in your physical yoga ? If so, welcome to the world of spiritual yoga—a sacred, intentional fusion of mindful movements and Spirit-led rituals that nurture your inner self. This guide explores how to create and sustain a practice that resonates with your personal spiritual path. Whether you're a beginner yogi, a seeker of mindfulness, or a witch looking to incorporate yoga into your magickal practice, this blog will be your guide. Together, we’ll explore setting intentions, incorporating chanting, and practicing yoga off the mat. Plus, you'll find five powerful ways to keep up your spiritual yoga practice daily and become a fellow yoga witch. Sounds like a deep-breathing, heart-opening, om-azing vibe? Stick with me—I’ve got you! Today's blog post is going to deep dive into some of the core components of building a customized spiritual yoga practice. BTW-- I'm just a white girl who has found that yoga brought me closer to myself, my body, and Divinity. These are some of the things that have helped me show up as the best version of myself, and cultivate a spiritual practice. I encourage you to seek out your local temples for a more profound understanding of this practice. What is a Spiritual Yoga Practice? Spiritual yoga is about so much more than just physical exercise. Although asanas (yoga postures) and breath control (pranayama) are incredible for your entire body, the practice truly shines when it becomes a tool for spiritual growth and self-realization. At its core, your spiritual practice should intertwine movement, breath, and intention to spark a deeper connection between your physical self and your higher self, or Spirit. It’s about moving beyond the material world and exploring your divine essence—your inner consciousness. This type of yoga isn't about getting hot and sweaty in a 105 degree room, but rather focuses on more than balancing your physical movements; it invites you to balance your emotions, mind, and Spirit . Through synchronizing body, breath, and higher power, you can reduce stress, increase compassion, and explore your spiritual path with reverence. Now, with that said, many of these concepts and and will be practiced on or off the mat. Many times I've used my one hour yoga flow to process some really deep and heavy stuff, and by focusing on breath to movement I'm able to release a lot of "the heavy" and return to the present moment. But also, sometimes we aren't afforded the time to practice yoga for hours on end. Please know that the concepts I'll be discussing can and should n be practiced off the mat as well for a fully balanced and integrative practice. Setting Intentions for Your Spiritual Practice Setting intentions is like planting seeds for growth in your life. When developing this practice, setting intentions can be as simple as visualizing a positive outcome for your day or a deeper connection with yourself and the universe. Even if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, setting an intention that the outcome will be different is the magick that cultivates a great spiritual practice. By setting an intention, you are directing your thoughts and energy towards something specific, which can help manifest it into reality. Remember what I said about waking up on the wrong side of the bed? It's up to you to decide how you want the rest of your day to go. Taking active steps towards changing your energy, your vibe (and truly believing your day will get better) is what's going to propel you in your mental health and spiritual journey. So, take a moment before your practice to set an intention and see how it transforms your yoga experience, and allow yourself to be immersed in something different. Practicing Gratitude...It really Works! Don't hate me, I know this one is this one is a bit cliche, but practicing gratitude truly is a powerful practice that can bring us closer to our spiritual selves as it raises our energy and vibration. When we cultivate gratitude in our lives, we shift our focus from what we lack to all the blessings and abundance around us. It's important to note that its not about being grateful for the big extravagant things like health and wealth, but even being grateful for getting a good parking spot or catching all the lights at work. I find that saying it out loud is where the magick really happens. Build that energy by using some enthusiasm and saying it outloud. Somedays it's quite easier than others but if you want to change the energy for the day (and ultimately your life) you have to actually try. On the yoga mat, this can be done through practicing mindful breathing while reciting things we are grateful for or simply taking a moment after our practice to reflect on what lessons we are grateful for and what we appreciate about our body and mind. Gratitude is a wonderful way to shift our perspective and bring more positivity into our lives. Gratitude isn't just about being grateful for the things that are going well, but also being grateful for the challenges and adversity we are facing and the strength we are being offered Yes, I said what I said. It's about finding the silver lining and embracing the challenges as opportunities for growth. By practicing gratitude, we can cultivate a mindset of abundance and see all experiences as valuable lessons on our journey towards self-discovery. Sometimes yes, we must elevate ourselves by giving live a metaphorical flip of the middle finger by choosing to be resilient, rather than being weak and falling into the pattern of embracing the victim mentality. This isn't to say that life doesn't absolutely suck at times, but, especially we are angry, sad, or being handed some really shitty cards in life we must always continue to practice gratitude. Trust me, if we don't acknowledge our blessings, Spirit will remind us that it can always get worse, so count your blessings! Self-Reflection Yoga is not just about physical movement, it's also about going inward and connecting with our true selves. Taking moments for self-reflection during our practice allows us to check in with ourselves and see how we are truly feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally. This can help us identify areas that need more attention or areas where we need to let go and surrender, because we often times all we can do is surrender to Divinity so it's better to let go than to hold on too tight. Self-reflection can also help us gain a better understanding of our thoughts, emotions, and patterns, allowing us to cultivate self-awareness and make positive changes in our lives. As we continue our yoga journey, it's important to incorporate moments of self-reflection into our practice for overall growth and well-being. I have some great posts on shadow work so I won't go into too much detail, but if you're unfamiliar with the concept, it's basically looking into concepts within ourselves that we tend to hide from ourselves, our shadows. This is a great tool in the healing journey but also building self-awareness so we can connect to our highest selves. By aknowledging our darkness we can learn to free ourselves of the toxicity that is associated with those wounds and make room to attract greater and better. Connecting with Your Higher Power Yoga is a spiritual practice that invites us to connect with something greater than ourselves, whether it be the universe, nature, or a higher power. This connection can bring us a sense of peace, purpose, and belonging. You can deepen this connection through incorporating prayers or mantras into your practice or simply visualizing yourself surrounded by loving energy as you move through your poses. Often times during a yoga practice where I have a really hard time connecting with Divinity, I will give this divine energy a specific color, and visualize a tether from the heavens connecting to every essence of my being forming a protective orb around me. This visualization works great when I have a hard time grounding and feeling overencumbered with what's going on in life. If you work with a specific higher power, feel free to call them into your practice just by simply aknolwedging them and asking for their guidance or reciting their prayer. I could do a whole post about calling in various deities and creating a very interpersonal yoga flow. But, for now, just consider the act of calling in your higher power to your practice for an hour. If you're struggling with something, ask them for gudiance at the begining of your practice. Allow each breath and movement to be in flow with your patron deity and if you get off course, just redirect your energy by simply recofusing or chanting. The longer we're able to sustain a direct connection with divinity, the more divinity will effortlessly guide us throughout our lives. The important thing is to find what resonates with you and incorporate it into your yoga routine. Practicing Yoga for Spiritual Growth Now that we’ve established what makes practicing yoga special, how can you incorporate it into your life? While a traditional yoga class focuses on physical postures and fitness, a spiritual practice weaves in mindful rituals and practices. Here’s how you can create your own spiritual yoga practice: 1. Set Intentions for Your Practice The practice of yoga takes on transformational power when guided by intention. Before stepping onto your mat, ask yourself what you hope to cultivate—inner peace, clarity, or perhaps self-discipline? Hold that intention in your heart as you move through each posture or breath. I also encourage you to set an intention for someone else. Often ties we get so caught up in ourselves, our problems that we get lost in our ego and disconnected from society. Setting an entire yoga practice to someone in need of good and healing energy is a great way to expand your consciousness to others and stay connected to divnity. 2. Explore Chanting and Mantras If you’ve attended many yoga classes, you may have heard the class begin or end with sacred chants. Chanting isn’t just about singing words—it’s about invoking energy, Spirit, and connection. Typically you want to do a mantra 3, 11, or even 108 times, but ultimately do what calls to you . The secret sauce is working with mantras is not reciting them robotically, but playing with the inflection, tone and intensity of your mantra, as if you are dancing with the words. This creates a personal connection with the words vibrating throughout you and really builds an incredible energy. Below are some mantras I work with: “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha”    This one’s all about invoking the energy of Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Think of it as a spiritual bulldozer for those days when life feels like it’s throwing roadblocks your way, helping you push through challenges with a little extra determination. “Om Namah Shivaya” This chant translates to “I bow to Shiva,” honoring inner self and divine energy to align your Spirit with your practice and connecting with the spirit of Shiva, Hindu deity known as the destroyer of evil, the master of time, patron of many yogis. "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti”    This one’s all about peace—peace within yourself, peace in your surroundings, and peace in the world. It's super simple and soothing, like a deep breath for your soul. Whether you do it 108 times or Chanting mantras like “Om” or hymns from the Bhagavad Gita can elevate your experience of yoga into a deeply spiritual one. Experiment with these or create your own chants that reflect your spiritual values. 3. Take Yoga Off the Mat As we know, yoga isn’t just physical postures, and i t ’s a way of life and an ongoing spiritual discipline. I've mentioned a few concepts like gratitude and self reflection for off-the-mat yoga, but it's such a small starting point. To really understand the concept of yoga as I way of life, I would highly reccomend checking out the Yoga Sutras of Pantajali which is ancient text of 195 sutras—basically bite-sized tips for leveling up spiritually while keeping it real in the chaos of everyday life. It makes for a great audiobook! The Yoga Sutras teach us to practice non-attachment (vairagya), compassion, and self-discipline beyond our mats. Find ways to make every moment of life apart of your regular yoga practice—whether that’s being kinder to yourself, practicing non-attachment to outcomes, or meditating to reduce stress. 4. Include Meditation and Breath work Breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation are powerful tools to connect to your higher self and create presence. Conscious breathing brings awareness to your physical body while quieting your mental chatter. Meditate after your physical movements to reflect on your practice and tune into Spirit. A simple breath exercise to try? Box Breathing, is an excellent way to calm your thoughts and recenter. Psst- Check out my whole breath work series on my youtube channel for easy breath work techniques to help you chill out. 5. Recognize and Honor Your Spiritual Journey Your spiritual yoga practice is unique and sacred to you. Trust the process and celebrate small milestones. In fact, sometimes my best yoga practices are when I take a step back in my physical practice in order to build strength. At the sake of being super cheesy it really is about the journey and how you get there, and not just the destination. Just like with spirituality, it's not about jumping ahead by by Yoga isn’t about achieving perfect balance or enlightenment overnight; it’s about growth, presence, and connection—one breath at a time. 5 Ways to Keep Up a Spiritual Yoga Practice Daily Spiritual discipline requires consistency. Here are five ways to keep showing up for your practice, day after day. Create a Yoga Altar (And use it!) Set up a space dedicated to your practice. Include items that inspire your Spirit—crystals, candles, or meaningful symbols. I've got tons of resources on creating an altar all over my blog and how I journey with my altar through meditation and sitting still with it. Touch it, change it up seasonally, meditate in front of it, light a candle and connect with your sacred space. This is a huge component of maintaining that connection with Divinity. I love working with my altar and aside from actually practicing yoga flows this is probably my number 1 tip towards building a spiritual connection.... work with your altar often! Journal...Everything Keep a yoga journal to reflect on your growth and spiritual experiences. Write down your mantras, intentions, and any insights from your practice. You can also use journaling as a form of meditation by focusing on your breathing while writing. Not sure what to journal? Try PIES by journaling where you are P hysically, I ntellectually, E motionally and S piritually. Attend a Yoga Retreat or Workshop My journey of spiritual enlightenment began the first time I went to a yoga retreat and my life has never been the same since. Take time to immerse yourself in your spiritual yoga practice by attending a retreat or workshop led by experienced teachers. This will allow you to deepen your understanding and connection to the practice, while also rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit while connecting with others who are on the same path!. Be sure to subscribe to my blog for upcoming witchy yoga retreats and drop a comment if you'd like to go to one! Align with the Moon Phases Use the cycles of the moon to guide your practice. For example, practice grounding asanas during the new moon or expansive postures during the full moon. This is where yoga meets witchcraft, and the journey of the yoga witch, begins. :) It's probably my favorite part of my spiritual practice because you learn how to effortlessly flow through life. Join a Community Many yoga classes offer a spiritual or mindfulness focus. Finding a class or an online group of like-minded souls can help you stay committed and share gems of inspiration with other yogis. Nothing beats dynamic discussions on spirituality, and getting together under a full moon and manifesting our dreams together. Want to be apart of a community ? Subscribe to my blog and Youtube so we can grow a wonderful community together. Final Thoughts Incorporating spiritual practices into yoga is what really makes yoga worth practicing. The journey of self awareness and self discovery in order to cultivate an enjoyable way of living all starts with one big, slow mindful breath. Practice daily, practice gratitude, and challenge yourself to grow into a version of yourself you never thought possible. If you'd like to learn more about the witchy side of yoga and how merge yoga and witchcraft for my spiritual practice, check out this blog post for further resources. Until text time. Namaste. FAQs About Spiritual Yoga What is the most spiritual form of yoga? Kundalini Yoga is often considered one of the most spiritual forms of yoga. It incorporates chanting, breath control, and meditation to awaken the energy at the base of the spine and connect you with your higher self. Is Yoga Teacher Training Necessary for Spiritual Development? It depends on your personal goals and intentions. While teacher training can deepen your understanding of yoga and spirituality, it is not necessary for spiritual development. However, you will learn concepts such as the Yoga Sutras, the 8 limbs of yoga, among other yoga philosophies. How Do I Incorporate Witchy Elements into My Yoga Routine? You can use tarot or oracle cards to set intentions before your practice, meditate with a favorite crystal, or even recite a spell or affirmation during your flow. Aligning your poses with the elements—earth, water, fire, and air—can bring a whole new magick to your mat. Be sure to subscribe to my blog and youtube channel for more yoga witch tips and witchy yoga flows. xox

  • The Beginner's Guide to Creating a Witchcraft Altar

    The Beginner's Guide to Creating a Witchcraft Altar Have you ever dreamed of creating your own sacred place—a witch altar that feels like a true reflection of your spirit and inner magick? When I set up my first altar, I honestly didn’t know where to start. I thought it had to be perfect, full of traditional tools and just right for casting spells or performing rituals. But as I spent time with it, I realized an altar is so much more than that—it’s deeply personal. It’s not just a place to do “witchy” things, but a space that represents you . Your altar can honor your traditions, hold space for your favorite rituals, or simply serve as a reminder of your connection with Spirit. Whether you’re grounding yourself, setting intentions, worshipping, or just sitting quietly, it becomes a little sanctuary where you can recharge. Mine has grown with me over time, shifting as my journey evolves, and it’s become one of the most meaningful parts of my practice. There’s no right or wrong way to create your own altar—what matters is that it resonates with YOU. So let go of the pressure, and let’s explore how you can make this sacred place your own. Ready to begin? Let’s dive in! What is a Witchcraft Altar and Why is it Important? Your altar is a symbolic space where your spiritual practice and rituals come to life. Whether it’s a small altar tucked into a corner of your bedroom or spread across an entire room (goals, right?), it serves as a powerful place to harness energy, set intentions, and connect with Spirit. Why Create a Witch's Altar? Energetic Anchor :An altar physically and energetically anchors your blessed magickal intentions, radiating positive energy and serving as a visual reminder of your personal power. Spiritual Healing : Your altar is a place of healing and transformation, where you can release negative energies and find peace within yourself. Sacred Space : It creates a safe space for meditation, tarot readings, crafting spells, or simply reflecting on your day. Customization : Unlike other spiritual tools, an altar is a direct expression of YOU. It’s a unique blend of your creativity and spiritual energy. There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to create an altar. Your soul knows what it needs—trust it. Allow spirit to guide you along the journey and see what lessons you learn along the way. Essential Items for Your Crafting Altar Creating an altar doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With just a few basic items, you can build a meaningful and inspiring space using things you already own or by gradually adding affordable tools over time. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to setting up an altar—it’s a deeply personal process that should reflect what resonates with you. Your practice is uniquely yours, and your altar can be just as distinctive and special. 1. Altar Cloth    An altar cloth it's a quick an easy way to dress up your altar. Start with something simple—a scarf, a table runner, or even a piece of fabric you already have lying around. You can also find plenty of fabric options at your local craft store to suit your style. Your altar cloth sets the vibe and creates a designated area for your practice. Switch it out to match the seasons, specific intentions, or moon phases. Experiment with vibrant colors, earthy tones, or patterns that reflect your energy and intentions. 2. Candles    Candles are a must-have for any altar, representing the element of fire. They’re perfect for setting intentions, adding warmth to your space, or simply enhancing the ambiance. Small chime candles, tea lights, or budget-friendly prayer candles from the dollar store work wonderfully. For a flame-free option, consider LED candles or fairy lights to create a similar warm glow without the worry of an open flame. Choose colors that align with your goals—green for growth, white for clarity, or red for passion. Plus, both candles and lights can double as tools for focusing energy toward your intentions. 3. Incense, Herbs or Essential Oils    The scent of incense, essential oils, or even common herbs can instantly shift the energy of your space, creating a calm and focused atmosphere. Burning incense like palo santo, sandalwood, lavender, or frankincense is excellent for cleansing and grounding. You can also use herbs found right in your kitchen or garden—sage, rosemary, or even dried flowers work beautifully. Place them in a cauldron to burn, or arrange them in a nice bowl as an offering. If essential oils are more your style, a simple diffuser can fill your space with soothing or uplifting scents—try lavender for relaxation, citrus for energy, or a custom blend that feels just right for you. These sensory rituals help deepen your connection to your practice. 4. Crystals    Crystals are beloved altar staples because of their stunning beauty and unique energies. They’re incredibly versatile, too—they can amplify your intentions, support meditation, or simply add a personal touch to your altar. If you’re just starting out, try beginner-friendly stones like amethyst (intuition and spiritual growth), rose quartz (love and self-compassion), or citrine (abundance and positivity). Arrange them in a grid, hold them during rituals, or place them to represent the different elements on your altar. 5. Nature Elements    When I go on spiritual walks, I love to gather items from nature to bring back to my witch altar such as wild flower's. There’s something so grounding about connecting with the earth in this way. Whether it’s a smooth stone, a fallen feather, or a handful of autumn leaves, these treasures hold the energy of the four elements and remind me of the cycles of life. Many witches use natural items like these to infuse their space with balance and harmony. For me, the beauty of adding these elements—earth, fire, air, water—is in how they anchor my practice and make my altar feel personal. Each item tells a story of where I’ve been and how my journey continues to evolve. Personalizing Your Sacred Space Anya's Witch Altar Once you've got the basics, it’s time to infuse your witch altar with your personality and magickal vibe. Meaningful Items Add trinkets or symbols that resonate with you to create a powerful focal point. This could include an image of your ancestors, a necklace gifted by a loved one, deity figurines, or oracle cards. Anything that represents sacredness or inspiration belongs here. Seasonal Layers Change things up to align with the seasons or magickal holidays on the Wheel of the Year . For example, use flowers and fertility symbols to celebrate the joy and renewal of life during Beltane, or candles, photos, and meaningful symbols for Samhain. You might even try drawing unique designs to represent the energy of each season. These small updates breathe fresh life and energy into your witch altar. Deities Honoring deities on your altar is a personal practice rooted in your belief. Include statues, offerings, or symbols that represent the goddesses, gods, or spirits you connect with. A candle for Hecate, accents of purple for Aradia, or a handwritten note of gratitude can create a bridge to the divine. It doesn’t need to be elaborate—your belief and intention matter most. If you’re just starting, focus on a specific deity or energy and let your connection grow naturally. Your altar reflects your spiritual path and belief, so trust yourself and enjoy the process! Book of Shadows and Divination Tools Your altar is the perfect place to keep your Book of Shadows and divination tools like tarot cards, runes, or a pendulum. These tools not only amplify your practice but also make the altar an even more sacred corner of your space. Display them proudly or tuck them away in a beautifully decorated box—it’s up to you! Having them nearby ensures that you’re always ready for a quick reading or to jot down an inspired thought or spell in your Book of Shadows. Plus, the aesthetic of these magickal tools adds an extra sprinkle of charm and mystique to your altar setup. Spell Jars and Offerings Crafting spell jars on my altar feels like pure magick. The process is enchanting—carefully selecting herbs and crystals, layering each with intention, and sealing it all with a touch of wax. I adore the chaotic energy it brings, the way the air hums with possibility, and even the mess of spilled herbs scattered around. It’s like building a tiny, meaningful world, brimming with purpose. The imperfections? They only make it feel more authentic and alive. As part of my practice, I also offer food and wine on my altar, a heartfelt gesture to honor the energies I’m working with. Plus, as I meditate with my altar, it’s a perfect time to reconnect with my manifestations. Thematic Altars Are you feeling drawn to focus on a specific intention? Consider creating a themed altar to channel your energy: Yoga and Meditation Altar  – If you're a yoga witch, try creating a tranquil sanctuary with calming elements such as quartz crystals, gentle candlelight, and a plush meditation cushion for ultimate comfort. Abundance Altar  – Invite prosperity into your life with citrine stones, dried mint, and gold-toned candles, each symbolizing wealth and opportunity. Enhance the energy by incorporating spell jars  or money offerings for an extra touch of abundance. Kitchen Witch Altar  – Place it near your cooking space, adorned with herbs, spices, and meaningful kitchen tools that honor your craft. Green Witchcraft Altar  - Celebrate the earth and nature spirits with plants, flowers, and natural elements like feathers or stones your altar can even be outdoors. Wiccan Altar  – As someone who identifies more as a spiritual witch rather than a Wiccan, I still find inspiration in traditional Wiccan altar setups. A traditional altar, as described in Scott Cunningham's teachings, can be simple or elaborate, depending on your practice and preferences. You might include essential elements like a chalice, pentacle, candles, and an athame, adapting them to align with your own spiritual path. Connecting with Your Altar Your altar is more than a physical space—it’s a sacred connection to your daily spiritual practice. Here’s how to make it a meaningful part of your life: Daily Practices Incorporate your altar into your day with intention. Light a candle at sunrise as a form of prayer, meditate beside it under the full moon, or simply rest your hands on it to connect with Spirit. Even a few intentional seconds each day can deepen your practice. Moon Rituals and Sunrise Meditations The full moon is pure magic—like the universe hitting pause and boosting the energy! Use this time to connect with your altar. Sit in the moonlight, breathe deeply, and set intentions or release what no longer serves you. Place moon-charged crystals, water, or affirmations on your altar to soak in the energy. Don’t forget sunrise—it’s just as magical, with a soft, golden glow. Start your day meditating by your altar as sunlight fills the room. Breathe in fresh energy and visualize the light filling you with clarity and warmth. Whether channeling the moon’s glow or the sun’s warmth, your altar helps you align with cosmic cycles. Seasonal Refreshes It's important to refresh your altar with the changing seasons to keep its energy vibrant. Add fresh flowers in spring, seashells in summer, or autumn leaves in fall. These small acts of renewal align your space with the cycles of nature and help you stay grounded in your spiritual journey. The Golden Rule: Keep It Fresh and Dust-Free Your altar—or any sacred space—deserves some love! I’m guilty of setting it up and forgetting about it too, letting dust gather and the energy fade or not allowing myself to feel connected to my spiritual practice during trying times. But it’s so important to check in and give it a little refresh now and then. Swap out items, wipe away any cobwebs (literal or metaphorical), and maybe add something new that reflects where you are in life. It’s your space, so make it feel alive and as dynamic as you are! A Yoga Witch's Altar    Your Magick Awaits Your altar is more than just a collection of objects—it's your sacred space for spells, rituals, and spiritual growth. This altar is a reflection of your magick, your intentions, and your connection to Spirit and the universe. It’s a powerful place to honor your path as a witch, channel energy, and explore the endless possibilities of your spiritual journey. Start small and let your witch altar grow and evolve alongside your practice. Whether you’re using crystals, candles, herbs, or tarot cards, make it uniquely yours. Most importantly, have fun with it—this is YOUR magick to create! If you create your altar soon, share it with me on Instagram @theseasonofanya—I’d love to see your beautiful setups! ✨ Welcome to Your Magickal Journey What is a Witchcraft Altar and Why is it Important? Essential Items for Your Crafting Altar Personalizing Your Sacred Space The Golden Rule of Your Sacred Space What are your must-haves for your altar? Let me know and share pictures! Tag me on Tik Tok or Insta when you create your sacred space @theseasonofanya until next time!

  • How to Write a Book of Shadows (Even if You’re Just Getting Started)

    How to Write a Book of Shadows (Even if You’re Just Getting Started) Anyone exploring witchcraft, wiccan traditions, or the metaphysical arts has likely heard of the legendary Book of Shadows. But what makes it so special, and how do you create your own book? A Book of Shadows (BoS) is a personal, sacred guide—a spiritual journal where you document your unique journey. For solitary practitioners or those blending witchcraft & wiccan traditions, other spiritual paths, and traditions, it becomes a deeply reflective space. Unlike a grimoire, which serves as a general reference for magickal knowledge, your own book is a private record for recording spells, honoring your traditions, and growing your connection to Spirit. Starting your personal BoS can feel overwhelming (we’ve all been there), but whether you’re a curious seeker or a solitary practitioner, this article will show you how to create your own book step by step. The History and Importance of the Book of Shadows Ancient Roots of Spiritual Record Keeping For as long as humans have walked the earth, they’ve sought to connect with the divine and record their magickal journeys. Throughout history, humans have always sought ways to document their spiritual practices. From the p apyrus scrolls of ancient Egypt to the spells inscribed on Grecian tablets, people across cultures recorded rituals, prayer, and intention. These writings often held immense power and were kept private—even sacred. Fast-forward to medieval Europe, and you’ll find grimoires (a close cousin to the Book of Shadows) serving as manuals for magickal practices, written by witches, alchemists, and occultists. The distinction? Grimoires were often shared across practitioners, whereas your Book of Shadows is meant to reflect your  soul and the evolution of your life and Spiritual practice. Why Your Book of Shadows Matters Today For modern witches and spiritual seekers, a Book of Shadows acts as a living document—a place to: Record your spells and rituals Reflect on spiritual growth Deepen your connection with Spirit Explore your unique relationship with energy and intention Personally, I keep two—one is my tried-and-true reference guide (filled with reliable spells and correspondences) and the other is experimental, where I get messy, creative, and wild. Together, they track my growth in ways I treasure deeply. Step 1: Preparing to Create Your Book of Shadows Choosing Your Format This is where a lot of witches get stuck, so here’s the truth—you don’t  need a fancy leather-bound tome (unless that’s your vibe because YES!). Your BoS could be: A simple spiral notebook (charmingly humble, if you ask me) A bullet journal for structure lovers A digital document (Google Docs or Evernote work great) Or even a mix of methods—like printing and pasting into a scrapbook Choose what feels right . Your Book of Shadows is a reflection of your energy, so don’t stress about aesthetics. You can always evolve and upgrade as you go! Infusing Meaning into Your Book Make your BoS a magickal object from the start: Decorate the cover with symbols, stickers, or sigils that resonate with your Spirit. Cleanse it with incense, an herbal spray, or a sprinkle of moon water. Set an intention for it—speak aloud, “This book is a sacred space where my inner light and wisdom can shine.” Setting the Foundation Start simple. Will your book be organized into neat sections with a table of content (herbs, moon phases, and spells), or will you be chaotic like me and jot down everything as it flows? There’s no wrong way to do this, but trust me—leaving blank pages for future notes is always a good move. Pro Tip: I like to keep an index or table of contents at the front of my book so I can find spells or correspondences easily over time. Step 2: Blessing Your Book of Shadows Before you begin to write your first spell or intention, consider taking a moment to bless  your book. While this step is optional and not something I personally do, many witches find it to be a meaningful ritual. Blessing your book can be a beautiful way to infuse its pages with focused spiritual energy and intention. Here’s a simple blessing ritual to try: Place your BoS on your altar or a clean surface. Light a white candle to symbolize clarity and purity. Write this blessing on the first page (or something similar):     “May this book be a vessel of truth and light,    A guide in my practice, both day and night.    With each word I write, I honor my soul,    May it always inspire, help, and make me whole.” Speak your intention aloud while holding your hands over the book. Adding an Inspiring Quote to the 1st Page Book Blessing from Book of Shadows At the very beginning of your Book of Shadows, consider including a quote that inspires you! The title page is the perfect spot for such a thing. A meaningful quote can set the tone for your entire practice, serving as a reminder of your values, intentions, or outlook on life. Whether it’s a line from a favorite author, a verse from sacred text, or even your own words, this little addition can infuse every page with purpose and positivity. I also like to pick random pages to include quotes Remember, your Book of Shadows is a deeply personal creation, so choose something that truly resonates with your spirit! Step 3: What to Include in Your Book of Shadows Now comes the exciting, fun, and creative part—filling your Book of Shadows with content! Think of it as crafting a personal treasure trove of wisdom, inspiration, and magic that's uniquely your own. This is a deeply personal process, so don’t rush it. Take your time, light a candle, put on some soothing music, and immerse yourself in creating something that truly reflects your spiritual journey. When I started my first Book of Shadows, I remember feeling overwhelmed by the blank pages staring back at me. I had absolutely no clue where to start, and something about writing in it felt so...permanent. But then I realized—this isn't about perfection, it’s about authenticity. Initially, I started by listing countless herbs—many of which I had never even heard of, let alone recognized. In hindsight, I believe that was completely the wrong approach. Then I decided to take a simpler approach:  jotting down my favorite spells, sketching sigils I felt drawn to, and writing about the first time I felt connected to the energy of the moon. As an avid dreamer I wrote down my vivid dreams. Over time, those blank pages turned into a vibrant, living document of my practice. To help you get started, here are a few core ideas and suggestions: record your daily rituals, write down correspondences for herbs and crystals, note moon phases and astrological insights, and keep a section for your favorite spells or affirmations. You could also include personal reflections, meditative insights, or even artwork and pressed flowers that resonate with your energy. Remember, this is your sacred space—make it as messy, colorful, or minimalist as feels right to you. Above all, enjoy the process  of creating something that’s entirely, beautifully yours as there's no such thing as a write or wrong way to compose your Bos. Core Components These key elements, rooted in many traditions and stories, can form the heart of your personal Book of Shadows (BoS). Throughout history, sites of significance to witchcraft have provided inspiration and access to knowledge, offering hope and guidance for practitioners as they weave their own unique path. Your BoS becomes your greatest teacher, a living, breathing guide that evolves with your journey, holding your wisdom, experiences, and inspiration. Explore more in our featured articles for deeper insights and inspiration. Spells and Rituals : Your go-to magickal recipes and the heart of your practice. These could include everything from simple candle spells for setting intentions to elaborate full moon rituals that align with lunar energy—perfect magical things to include in your practice. You might also want to document protection spells for your home, banishing rituals, or charm bag recipes on a dedicated page in your book of shadows. Don’t forget to include detailed notes on your experiences, results, and any adjustments you made—it’s a great way to refine your craft over time and track what works best for you under different circumstances. Consider organizing these spells by purpose, such as love, prosperity, protection, or healing, for quick reference. Each story behind a spell and its results adds more depth to your magical journey. Herbs and Crystals : Correspondences that align with and enrich your practice. Create detailed lists or charts of herbs, their magickal properties, and how you’ve used them in spells, teas, or healing elixirs. For example, document how lavender aids in peace and relaxation or how rosemary enhances protection and memory. Include crystals, their meanings, and ways to work with them—like using amethyst for intuition or citrine for abundance. You might even add photos, sketches, or pressed herbs for a more immersive entry. Consider attaching a small pouch to your book to hold crystal chips, dried herbs, or other small magickal tools for quick access during rituals. Divination Tools : A section for exploring and expanding your connection to the unseen. Document your favorite tarot spreads, oracle card insights, pendulum charts, or scrying notes in detail. Include instructions for spreads that you’ve found particularly useful, as well as interpretations of recurring symbols or themes. You can also create a section for recording your readings, noting the date, the question asked, and the results or insights gained. Over time, this section becomes a valuable resource for identifying patterns, themes, or even answering future questions by reflecting on past readings. For added depth, include tips for connecting with your divination tools, such as cleansing techniques or rituals to strengthen your intuition. God and Goddess Lore:   A place for honoring and learning more about deities from various pantheons. You can include descriptions, symbols, stories, or even personal experiences with specific gods or goddesses. Consider adding artwork, prayers, incantations, or rituals dedicated to certain deities. This section not only deepens your understanding of different spiritual traditions but also helps you cultivate a deeper connection with the divine. You may even feel inspired to create your own deity profiles by researching their origins and associations. Astrology and Moon Magick & Phases : Document the cosmic influences that shape your magickal practice. Keep a detailed log of moon phases, planetary alignments, and zodiac transits, along with how they resonate with your energy and rituals. You could add a cheat sheet for astrological houses, the qualities of each zodiac sign, and the correspondences of each planet to help guide your work. For further introspection, consider including your personalized birth chart along with any insights or connections you discover over time. This section could also include information on eclipses, retrogrades, or other celestial events that influence your practice. Add notes on how to align your spells and rituals with these energies to maximize their effectiveness. Essential Oil and their Properties:  For those who use essential oils in their practice, create a section to document the properties and benefits of different oils. Include information on how to safely use and blend oils for rituals, spells, or everyday wellness. You can also add personal experiences with using certain oils for specific intentions or goals. Along with traditional correspondences, you could also explore the spiritual and emotional properties of each oil, such as calming scents for meditation or uplifting scents for manifestation work. Encourage readers to experiment with different combinations and find what works best for them. Dreams:   Explore the power of dreamwork in magickal practice. Share techniques for lucid dreaming, dream recall, and interpreting dreams to gain insight and guidance from the subconscious mind. You could also include a dream journal template for readers to track and analyze their dreams over time. Consider offering tips on how to use dreams in spellwork or ritual work, such as setting intentions before sleep or incorporating dream symbols into spells. Encourage readers to pay attention to recurring themes or symbols in their dreams and how they may relate to their spiritual journey. My personal Book of Shadows incorporates yoga as an integral part of my spiritual practice . I blend yoga elements and philosophies seamlessly throughout, though you could choose to dedicate each subject to a separate book if that suits your approach better. Personalized Touches A Book of Shadows should feel alive, vibrant, uniquely yours, and will vary from person to person as no two books are alike. My favorite part is adding personal touches—infusing it with your personality through little anecdotes, doodles, or memories that bring it to life and make it truly one-of-a-kind: Artwork, Doodles, and Stickers : Hand-drawn sigils, sketches of your altar setup, or stickers that reflect your spiritual journey. Favorite Quotes or Affirmations : Collect and include words that inspire you, whether they’re from sacred texts, literature, or your own reflections. Journaling Prompts or Personal Reflections : Write about what drew you to your practice, moments of spiritual growth, or challenges you’ve faced. Use this space to explore your evolving beliefs and lessons learned. Mementos : Tape in dried flower petals, feathers, ticket stubs from inspiring events, or anything else that carries meaning or personal power. Each addition makes your BoS truly one of a kind. I like to print out sigils or even include pressed flowers from nature walks. These elements feel like they add energy and intent to my book, creating a sense of connection to my surroundings and practice. Practical Tips Creating a beautiful Book of Shadows doesn’t require artistic talent! If drawing isn’t your strength, don’t worry—there are so many resources out there to help. Pinterest and Google offer countless witchy printables, such as charts, sigils, or decorative borders, that you can easily use to enhance your book. You can also check out craft stores like Michaels or Hobby Lobby for scrapbooking supplies, specialty paper, and embellishments to give your BoS a creative flair. For a more digital approach, consider using a tablet with apps like GoodNotes or Canva to design a digital Book of Shadows. This is a great option if you want something editable and portable, plus it allows you to integrate multimedia elements like photos or links. No matter how you choose to structure your Book of Shadows, remember that this is your  sacred space. There’s no right or wrong way to do it—what matters most is that it resonates with you and supports your spiritual journey. Take your time, experiment, and let your creativity flow! Step 4: Share and Source Ideas While your Book of Shadows is personal, the witchy community is an incredible place to draw inspiration: Collaborate  with friends and other witches and share ideas. It's fun be inspired by other people who are passionate about witchcraft! A high priest or high priestess should be open to sharing their books and knowledge with you. Source inspiration from nature  by taking walks, collecting natural materials such as leaves, flowers, or rocks, and incorporating them into your book. Hop online Need more witchy friends? Reddit groups and Pinterest boards are full of creative layouts. Shop smart —You can find some beautiful stores like Michaels or Joann’s have gorgeous papers and tools (there almost always a 40% coupon available) Speaking of shopping smart, the Dollar Store often has a lot of cool art supplies. Remember to always credit sources  if using someone else's ideas or content in your Book of Shadows. Giving credit not only shows respect for your fellow witches' work but also allows others to discover their contributions. Some of my favorite workings have been passed down from Step 5: Keep It Evolving A Book of Shadows should never feel “done.” It’s a living document, which means it evolves alongside you. Return to old entries, revise spells that didn’t work, and make space for new lessons, and remember, if you don't like how a page turns out, you can always paste a new entry write over it. I still laugh when I look back at my early BoS entries (some spells were a little cringe), but seeing those moments reminds me how far I’ve come. Treat your BoS like an old friend—it’s here to grow with you, imperfections and all. Your Next Step on the Journey Creating a Book of Shadows isn’t just about writing spells or documenting your practice—it’s a way to connect with yourself and honor your spiritual evolution. Take my advice on this one: Don’t stress over perfection—just start. If you’ve already started your Book of Shadows, drop a comment with your favorite section or share some helpful advice for fellow witches. And if you haven’t begun yet, there’s no better time than now. Trust your Spirit. You’re magickal. ✨ Witchcraft is all about your personal journey!

  • How to Witchcraft: Three Easy Spells for Witches

    Three Easy Spells | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | How to Witchcraft: Three Easy Spells for Witches Hello again witches!!! Today's post is a subject that I hold dear to my witchy heart, and if you've been following this journey with me then you've already read my blog post about What is a Book of Shadows , if you haven't, please go check it out! Included are some goodies about how to personalize your very own Grimoire Book of Shadows. Eventually on this blog we'll discuss how to make spells of your own, but for today's post I'm going to give you three easy spells for witches to add to your book of shadows so you have a starting reference point. Witch Spells Book of Shadows | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | What should you put in your Grimoire/Book of Shadow? If you didn't read my prior post on a witch's book of shadows, the simple answer is: Whatever calls to you, boo!! Some witches like to start their books off with a blessing on their first page. I like to have an inspirational/magical quote with mine. I like to download a pretty font and try to replicate it by hand and make it artsy as it's a great way to put some good energy into a new BoS as well as channel my creative outlet. Another great idea is to pre-plan out about a dozen or so pages in your book and to schedule out a year and a day's worth of Full and New Moons. Write down each month what you do and document your story with working with the moons. I have yet to do this because I'm a perfectionist and want to start it on the first moon of the year. Hopefully I'll have my shit together by 2024. With that said, I have been documenting each moon cycle in recent months, hopefully I'll be able to share that project with you all within the next year or so. But, it's on the hush hush for now. Another great way to utilize your Grimoire as a working tool is to create knowledge sections in your book. Spend an afternoon with your book and write down a handful of tarot spreads and how to interpret them in the future, or maybe designate a few pages to crystals, herbs, etc, or you can dedicate a page to each element and what connections they have to magick. This doesn't all have to be done in an afternoon! Get a couple entries in and leave a couple blank pages so you can build your book. It's better to have a few entries done at a time so you can remember what you're inputting into your book instead of just pushing through it for the sake of completion. Alright, now that we have some good Inso for your BoS, let's get on with the spells.... Spells and Rituals for a New Book of Shadows Here is a few spells that have been donated to you all from my amazing coven members. Each witches grimoire is a very personal documentation of their journeys with witchcraft and they are always so generous to share their knowledge with myself and other witches. I love doing the same for ya'll just as much, through sharing, we can grow our divine wisdom. Book Blessing Spell for a Witches Grimoire Sit with your Grimoire, Book of Shadows, Witches Journal, whatever you want to call it, and really meditate on what you want to create with this magickal tool. You may want to simply create a book to reference all things magickal and metaphysical. It can be as deep or as simple as you want it. When done meditating, write this at the beginning pages of your book, and say it aloud three times: "Words of Wisdom this book shall be, Acts of honor recorded in thee. Spells, Herbs, and Lore, From the heart of the ancestors before, Knowing that the Mysteries are within. These pages have but words to lend, Remember Karmic law has thee, Chilivery and honor are key. Protected by the elemental forces, That forever safe. Never for cowan to see, This book is mine. I give it to Divine. Blessed be." Witches Circle Cast This can be how you begin getting into that "Magickal headspace" we love so much. Check out the Youtube video I made on Getting into Magickal Headspace for more on that, but this witch's circle cast can be a great way to start: "I call up on Earth, the power to make, I all upon Air, the power to take, I call upon Fire, the power to grow, I call upon Water, the power to flow. I cast this circle three times round, to make this land Sacred Ground." Three Easy Spells for Witches | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch | Candle Magick Manifestation Spell Place sacred oil on the palms of your hands and begin to rub it into the candle you are working with, starting from the top and going to to the bottom, then back up. Close your eyes and see with your minds eye what you are trying to manifest, then begin chanting: "From above, to below, Flows the pattern of perfection, From desire ,to manifestation, Flows the pattern of magick. From within, to without, Flows the pattern of my will." If the candle burns bright and strong, magickal forces are with you. If they are low and flickering, it means they are against the idea. What are some of your must-have spell for your BoS? Share down in the comments below. Until next time!

  • How to Live a Happy and Balanced Witchy Life

    How to Live a Happy and Balanced Witchy Life How to Live Happy and Balanced Witchy Life Welcome back everyone. Todays we're going to day-to-day living as a witch. Living a balanced witchy life is more than just spending a ton of money on an arsenal of crystals , herbs, and tarot cards. The magick about this spiritual practice is about finding harmony within your soul, connecting with the energies around you, those energies found within nature, and embracing the beautiful simplicity of magick within everyday life, including crafting magickal recipes. As witches, we tend to experience the world a little differently; by taking the time to be more connected with nature and learning how to weave liminal space. At its heart, balancing witchy life is all about learning to appreciate the small moments and taking in the beauty of the world around you. The real "witch training" is about being firmly rooted in nature, and learning how to stay connected  to the world around us. Art and Magick in the Everyday While I love a good spell working or ritual from time to time, the majority of my practice is actually focused on staying deeply connected to the world around me. It’s about finding beauty and magick in the mundane, in my everyday activities. Just as a gardener connects with the earth through their hands in the soil, or a kitchen witch discovers the magick in the alchemy of cooking, you too can find spells in the smallest details of life. Whether it’s noticing the synchronicity of nature on a morning walk, appreciating the colors of a sunrise, or even savoring the rich aroma of your morning tea, every moment holds potential for magick. In my previous life That’s what embracing a witchy life is really about. Many witches agree that the art of witchcraft is not confined to sacred spaces; it resides in your every action, every thought, every breath. As you move through your daily tasks, see them not as chores but as acts of mindfulness, each an opportunity for grounding and connection. Even the act of breathing can be transformed into a meditation, a moment of self-awareness and harmony with your inner self. This is your  witchy life – a life where art is not just a product of creativity, but a way of being, and magick is not an elusive force, but a daily reality. It’s a choice.  It’s about viewing your world through a lens of awe, wonder and gratitude, recognizing the inherent enchantment that permeates every aspect of your existence. Embrace this perspective, and you’ll find yourself living your witchy life story with more joy, fulfillment, and intention than ever before. Just as witches brew potions tend to their gardens, connecting with nature and crafting spells, you too can cultivate a magickal life through everyday actions. Embrace Your Inner Witch Embrace your inner witch Embrace your inner witch Everyone has their own unique witchy path. Some of us feel drawn to the vibrant energy of a kitchen witch , crafting spells with culinary creations. Others feel at home in the garden, aligning with the green witch path, connecting with the earth and its bountiful flora. Or perhaps you find balance in the calm focus of a yoga witch, using poses and breath work to channel your energy. Some may even feel like a troublesome witch, trying to find their path amidst challenges and chaos. It’s important to remember there’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to be a witch. The key is to follow your intuition, listen to your inner voice, and honor your unique journey as the main character of your own story. Let’s dive a little deeper into some of the witchy genres. Stay Grounded as a Kitchen Witch with Magickal Recipes Stepping into the realm of a kitchen witch, you’ll find grounding in daily rituals, from stirring a pot of soup to baking a loaf of bread. Each action, each ingredient, carries its own energy, its own magick. The kitchen becomes not just a place of nourishment but a sacred space of transformation. As a first generation Italian-American family cooking in the kitchen has always been magickal for me and also provides me with a connection to my ancestors. Regardless whether you're invoking your heritage and ancestors in the kitchen, you may still might approach kitchen witchcraft with a deep sense of tradition and intention. For others, this may mean embracing the medicinal qualities of the ingredients you put into your meals and cooking with specific ingredients to resolve ailments or embrace a healthier lifestyle. As a kitchen witch , you’ll learn to infuse your meals with intention, harnessing the power of herbs, spices, and elements of nature to create dishes that are as spiritually fulfilling as they are physically nourishing. It's not about "engaging in official witch business", such as gathering herbs and brewing potions, but rather simply getting lost in the art of cooking which then becomes an integral part of your daily routine. Lovingly chopping herbs and getting lost in the rhythm of chopping and dicing ingredients so eloquently is what this craft is about. This path of witchery may reinforce your identity and responsibilities in your home, for me, it feels like I'm embracing an integral part of being an Italian woman. It's not that you're doing spells in the kitchen, but rather getting excited and immersed in the experience of cooking. Your kitchen becomes your altar, your meals your spells, grounding you in the comforting, tangible rhythms of the natural world and embracing daily life. Embrace this path and discover a deliciously satisfying way to live your witchy life. Ancestral Connections Through Cooking Green Witch for Harmony with Nature and the Wheel of the Year Many pagans by default already have a connection with nature, but you may have heard the term  Green Witch  before, and that simply means that your path is deeply rooted in the Earth and its rhythms. You connect with the natural world on a profound level, collect plants and herbs and understand their magickal and medicinal properties. You enjoy finding solace and wisdom in the rustling of leaves, the blooming of a rose, or the whisper of the wind. Your garden becomes your sacred space, each plant nurtured with love and respect, every seed sown a testament to the cycle of life and death. Green witches might prepare for a harvest festival, such as one of the sabbats of the Wheel of the Year  by foraging and gathering herbs and implementing them into their seasonal cooking. You’ll find magick in the simplest of acts – from tending to your herbal garden to harvesting the fruits of your labors of your garden. Sure, long as the days of gathering for a week-long village festival, but I encourage you any of you to learned how to work with the seasons. You’ll learn to listen to nature’s subtle messages, harnessing the power of plants in your spells and rituals, and establishing a deep, harmonious relationship with the Earth. I also have found that learning to work in the seasons has allowed me to apply these nuances for my own personal life and journey of healing, hence The Season of Anya.   Anyhow, this way of living offers a rich, fulfilling way to live your own witchy life, grounded in nature’s wisdom and abundant beauty. Find Your Zen as Yoga Witch Yoga Zen Since you're here on this blog, you probably and enjoy or are interested in practicing yoga and witchcraft  and you've found that this journey is one of inner peace, balance and constant self-exploration. With the mat as your sacred space, each yoga pose becomes a powerful symbol, an expression of your inner strength, flexibility, and balance. Through meditation and mindful breathing, you’ll connect with the elements around you, grounding yourself with the earth, feeling the fiery energy within, becoming one with the air during your breath work , and flowing like water in your transitions. Tarot readings may complement your practice, offering insights into your spiritual growth and maintaining mental clarity. You can also perform tarot readings to deepen your connection with the mystical, crafting spells, leading meditations, and making personal connections with the villagers. Even the most questionable life choices can serve as valuable lessons on this path. The Yoga Witch’s path intertwines physical discipline with spiritual enlightenment, allowing you to live your witchy life in harmony with your body, mind, and spirit. Just as the moon follows its cycle, your practice evolves with you, creating a flow of peace and well-being that permeates every aspect of your witchy life. Create an Art Book of Shadows Witchy Life Happy Sun Charms Creating your own art book of shadows  is not just a creative outlet, but a powerful tool for your witchy practice, and is an excellent creative outlet. Although I'm a writer, I love breaking open my art book of shadows and using different media to craft art. Sometimes just breaking out some cheap watercolor and mixing colors together can be very therapeutic, and doesn't require much technical skill, which is great for those days where you need to shift your headspace but lacking that creative touch. Other times i'll use press flowers that i've collected, washi tape, stencil, and various forms of media I have laying around the house. I find that my best peice is when I ignore my traditional crafting supplies and think more outside the box. My current book is something I picked up from a thrift store and many of my supplies were from the dollar store. Sometimes I'll upcycle the torn lace from a garmet and craft magickal art that way. The possibilities are endless. Art Book of Shadows Meditate Often and Connect with Divinity Meditation is a cornerstone of spiritual practice, allowing you to clear your mind, focus your energy, and deeply connect with your witchy life. It carves out a quiet space in your day for reflection, revelation, and communion with the divine. By meditating often, you strengthen your spiritual muscles (yes, there are considered muscles), enhancing your ability to sense the divine in the everyday things. It’s like having a constant, intimate conversation with the universe, one where you listen and are listened to, fostering a profound sense of belonging and understanding. Half of being able to converse with Spirit is just allowing ourselves to listen to the whispers of spirit. Meditation is definitely official witch business, as it plays a crucial role in gathering your thoughts, brewing inner peace, and performing the magickal recipe of self-discovery. Meditation is not about sitting down with your legs crossed and getting lost in a trance for hours on end. Doing traditional forms of meditation like sitting in front of your altar or practicing yoga is just prep to integrate the act of being present in all aspect of our daily lives. Remember, there’s no ‘right’ way to meditate. It’s your journey, your conversation, your story. Embrace it, own it, and let it empower you. Discover and Work on Your Shadow Self This wouldn't be a proper article about modern witchcraft if I didn't touch a little bit on shadow work.  The journey to live a balanced witchy life invites you to delve into the realm of your shadow self, a realm many people refuse to acknowledge. The shadow self, a term coined by Carl Jung, represents the aspects of our personality we choose to reject or suppress. However, to truly own your witchy story, it's essential to acknowledge and work with your shadow self. Recognizing this part of you isn't about encouraging negativity; it's about achieving holistic self-understanding. Incorporate shadow work into your meditations, your spell craft, and your healing journey. Reflect on your fears, regrets, and hidden desires. Remember, your shadow self isn't your enemy; it's a part of you. Embracing it can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of your witchy life. Just like the moon, we all have a shadow side, and acknowledging it is as essential as basking in the light. Shadow Work as a Witch Embrace that Witchy Love of Life The most important part of this spiritual path, is that witches have a deeply profound love of life that permeates It’s not about spells and potions, in fact, I don't think I've ever made a potion one in my life. but a holistic outlook that recognizes and respects the interconnectedness of every form of life on this planet. This path is one of constant learning, growth, and transformation, where everyday tasks, even the most mundane, take on a sacred significance. Be it gardening, cooking, or practicing yoga, each facet can have a place in your life. These diverse paths all embody that beautiful, witchy love of life, that celebration of the divine while staying connected to the earth beneath our feet. This way of living is about is about creating the life you want to life and making it your own witchy tale of sorts. Your story can be unique and filled with magick, chaos, friendships, and romance. Allow life to reflect the journey of trying to prove oneself within their family and community, and creating a dream life. May you find the joy, wonder, and magick that comes from embracing life in all its beautiful complexity. How do you live your best witchy life? Comment below and let me know! Thank you so much for checking out The Season of Anya. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more witchy content. My beautiful coven doing our annual Samhain Witchy Tea Witchy Altar by my Coven

  • Samhain Altar Ideas

    Samhain Altar Ideas Welcome back witches to my Wheel of the Year Series! With us being officially in the month of October, let’s talk about setting up your Samhain altar for the season of the Dead. If you haven’t read my previous post about the history of celebrating Samhain , please go ahead and check that out! On my youtube channel I also discuss some ways you can celebrate Samhain as a witch , as well as my altar video. As we enter the harvest season and approach Samhain, the veil between our world and the spirit world becomes thinner. It’s a time to honor our ancestors, reflect on our own mortality, and embrace the energy of transformation. Many pagans incorporate elements of nature like bones and ashes into their altars to honor death and reflect on life, emphasizing the importance of remembrance and connection to ancestors. One way to connect with this energy is by creating a Samhain altar, a sacred space to honor and celebrate this special time of year. Why set up a Samhain Altar? Setting up a Samhain altar is a powerful way to engage with the energy of the season and honor the cycle of life and death. Having an altar can provide a focal point for your celebrations and rituals, becoming a symbolic representation of your intentions and a space for you to connect with your ancestors and the spiritual world. From lighting altar candles in memory of deceased loved ones, to filling your sacred space with harvest items like root vegetables and dark cloths symbolizing the final harvest, this sacred space is a physical manifestation of your spiritual journey during this transformative time. Samhain is a great time to honor our ancestors and remember those who have passed on. You can incorporate this theme into your altar by leaving offerings, lighting candles, or using divination tools to connect with their spirits. One popular way to honor ancestors during Samhain is by creating an "ancestral altar." This can be a separate altar or section of your main altar dedicated to honoring and remembering those who have come before you. You can include pictures, items that belonged to them, or even write letters expressing your love and gratitude for their presence in your life. Creating a Sacred Space Creating a sacred space is essential for connecting with the dead. To start, choose a quiet and peaceful location where you can set up your altar without distractions. This space should feel comfortable and inviting, a place where you can retreat and focus on your spiritual practice. Consider using a black altar cloth to represent the night and the great mystery of the unknown. This dark backdrop can help to ground your altar and create a sense of depth. Adding a white candle to your altar can symbolize the light and the spirit world, providing a balance between darkness and light. Decorate your altar with seasonal elements like pine cones, leaves, and branches to bring in the natural world. These items not only enhance the aesthetic of your altar but also connect you to the earth and the changing seasons. Lighting candles in autumnal colors like orange, yellow, and red. These colors represent the autumn and the cycle of life and death, adding a warm and vibrant energy to your space. You can also use essential oils like sage, lavender, and patchouli to purify and consecrate your space. Take a moment to smudge your altar with sage or sweetgrass to clear any negative energy and invite the ancestors to join you. Honoring the Ancestors This time of year, when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, offers a unique opportunity to connect with the departed. To do this, consider adding photos or mementos of your loved ones to your altar. These personal touches can help to cultivate a sense of connection and remembrance. You can also include traditional Samhain foods like pumpkins, and apples to nourish the spirits. These offerings can be a way to share the bounty of the harvest with your ancestors, symbolizing your gratitude and respect. Take a moment to reflect on the past year and the loved ones who have passed on. You can write down their names on a piece of paper and place it on the altar as an offering. This simple act of remembrance can be a powerful way to honor their memory and keep their spirit alive. You can also use ritual practices like meditation, prayer, or chanting to connect with the ancestors and relive their memory. These practices can help to create a sense of sacredness and focus, allowing you to deepen your connection and feel their presence more strongly. Whether you choose to sit in quiet reflection, speak aloud to your ancestors, or engage in a more structured ritual, the important thing is to approach this time with an open heart and a spirit of reverence. Samhain Altar Ideas Altar Candles Candles are an essential part of any altar, and for Samhain, consider incorporating candles in autumnal colors such as orange, red, and brown. These colors represent the changing of the seasons and the final harvest before winter. Personally, I prefer purple and black candles when I set up my Samhain altar. There are so rules to your spiritual practice, choose to set up your sacred space based on what inspires YOU. You can also place candles in a cauldron (i like to fill the cauldrons with either dirt or salt and stick my little chime candle in them for an extra touch. I really love purchasing a bunch of prayer candles from the dollar store and keeping them lit throughout the season. Lighting Candles Lighting candles on your altar not only adds a cozy and warm ambience, but it's also a symbolic way to honor the spirits of our deceased loved ones. Consider lighting a candle for the souls of the departed you wish to honor during this time. Typically, when I first illuminate my altar for the season, I like to make a bit of a sacred moment out of it with a small prayer or ritual of sorts. As you light your altar candles, take a moment to set an intention or say a prayer for the spirits of your ancestors. If possible, I do like to keep some type of candle or something illuminated throughout the entirety of October and November. If lighting a candle isn't safe for you, I also very much so recommend fairy lights, or led candles to keep that illuminated glow. Especially in the spirit of connecting with our ancestors, it offers a very beautiful and symbolic message that we are receiving their energies and that we are acknowledging that the portal is open. Altar Cloth Ideas for Samhain When it comes to picking the perfect altar cloth for Samhain, it's all about channeling the spirit of the season. Black is an ideal color as it invokes a darker energy associated with mourning the dead. Other great options include deep purples, deep reds or anything lacy . Or if you want to witch it up and would prefer a cloth decorated with moons,  stars, or other celestial bodies . Personally, I love going to a local halloween shop and get some pretty cloths there--bonus points if you go after halloween and get everything heavily discounted. For the more creatively inclined, you could even consider crafting your own altar cloth. This not only gives you the freedom to design something that truly reflects your personal connection to the season, but the process of creating it can also serve as a wonderful ritual in itself. And remember, it doesn't have to be a traditional cloth at all. Feel free to think outside the box and use other items as a base. You could spread a layer of fallen leaves (this works AMAZING if you have a glass table cover), or lay down a piece of dark velvet for a more luxurious feel, or even use a cherished family heirloom like a watch or as a meaningful and personal touch. The key is to choose something that resonates with you, something that enhances your own personal experience and celebration of Samhain. Divination Tools for Samhain Samhain is the perfect time for divination, as the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. Connect with your ancestors by practicing divination. Here are a few tools you might consider adding. Tarot Cards For Your As we know, tarot cards are a great tool for divination, and suit a Samhain altar quite well. There are many decks to choose from, and each carries its own unique energy and symbolism. If you're looking for something traditional, you might consider the Rider-Waite deck . Its imagery is closely connected to the symbolism of the the equinox and the changing seasons, making it a perfect fit. Another great idea is that you can also select specific cards from your deck to display on your altar, choosing those that resonate with the energy of Samhain. The Death card , with its themes of transformation and endings, is a powerful symbol for this time of year. Other cards that might resonate include The Hermit, representing introspection and inner guidance, and the Wheel of Fortune, symbolizing the turning of the seasons. Be sure to check out my tarot series on youtube  for more information on understanding tarot! Scrying Mirror Adding a scrying mirror to your Samhain altar can be a powerful way to connect with the spiritual world during this potent time. Scrying mirrors, with their reflective surfaces, have been used as divination tools since ancient times. They're perfect for Samhain, a time when we honor our ancestors and seek wisdom from realms beyond our own. To use your scrying mirror during Samhain, light your altar candles and dim the lights around you, creating a sacred space for your ritual. Look into the mirror, not focusing on your reflection, but rather allowing your gaze to soften and see beyond the image. You might see shapes, colors, or even images in the mirror. These are messages from the spirit world. Remember, scrying takes practice, so be patient with yourself and trust your intuition. Introducing the Pendulum Adding a pendulum to your Samhain altar can serve as a direct line of communication to the spiritual realm. A pendulum, swung over a surface or chart, responds to subtle energy vibrations, making it a simple yet powerful divination tool. Used with a clear and focused intention, it can help answer questions that weigh on your mind or heart. For Samhain, you might ask your pendulum about the upcoming year, seek guidance for challenging situations, or even use it to connect with your ancestors' spirits. To use it, hold the pendulum in your hand, still your mind, and ask your question. The pendulum's swing—back and forth, side to side, or in a circular motion—will provide your answer. Remember, like any divination tool, using a pendulum requires trust and patience. With time, you'll understand its movement patterns, and it will become an invaluable addition to your Samhain altar. Samhain Altar Offerings There are many options for your Samhain altar when it comes to offerings. Fresh or dried flowers or bay leaves are a favorite offering of mine, especially when I can harvest them myself. An offering of wine, a favorite meal of the departed, or photos of you during your time with the departed are great ideas. Check out this video below with additional inspiration for offerings as well as a tour of my personal Samhain altar. A centerpiece item or symbols should be placed in the middle of the altar as an offering although do what feels intuitive to you! As Samhain falls during harvest season, incorporating root vegetables onto your altar can be a nod to the final harvest of the year. Carrots, potatoes, and turnips are all great options that can also add a pop of color to your altar. You can also use these vegetables in your Samhain meals and rituals. Top Root Vegetables for Samhain Samhain is the perfect season to incorporate the rich and earthy power of root vegetables and herbal magick into your spiritual practice: Mandrake:  Known for its powerful magical properties, mandrake has long been used in witchcraft as a talisman for protection and prosperity. Its root, which often resembles the human form, is said to contain potent energies. Dandelion Root:  Considered a bridge to the spiritual realm, dandelion root is often used in divination and communication with the spirit world. Its association with wishes and desires makes it a suitable tribute for loved ones who have passed. Burdock Root:  Famous for its purifying properties. Use it in your Samhain rituals to release negativity and emotional baggage from the past. Ginger:  Ginger's warming and invigorating properties make it perfect for Samhain, representing the warmth of the hearth during the coming winter months. Top Crystals for Samhain Top Crystals for Samhain Black Obsidian:  Highly regarded for its protective properties, Black Obsidian is a must-have crystal for your Samhain altar. This powerful stone is said to shield against negative energy and promote emotional clarity, making it an ideal companion for any spiritual exploration during this sacred time. Smoky Quartz:  A crystal renowned for its grounding and cleansing properties, Smoky Quartz can help clear away the old and pave the way for new beginnings. Amethyst:  Perfect for promoting spiritual awareness, Amethyst is a beautiful crystal to have on your altar during Samhain. Its calming energy aids meditation and spirit communication, which is particularly poignant during this time of year. Carnelian:  Known for its connection to life's cycle, this vibrant stone is believed to facilitate a deeper understanding of the cycle of life and death, helping you to honour the past, live in the present, and look forward to the future. Moonstone:  As a stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone can guide you as you delve into the mysteries of the season. Its nurturing energy soothes emotional instability and stress, providing a peaceful environment for reflection and introspection. Selenite:  This crystal, with its ethereal glow, is perfect for lighting your way in the darker months. Known for its cleansing and rejuvenating properties, Selenite is an excellent tool to clear your sacred space. Its high vibrational energy can help you connect with higher realms and your spiritual guides, making it an excellent companion for tarot reading or any form of divination. In conclusion, setting up your Samhain altar is a deeply personal and spiritual process, one that allows you to connect with the divine, honor your ancestors. Remember witches, it's not about what you have  these are merely ideas for tools to enhance the sacred space you're creating. You do not need anything other than intention, a love for your ancestors and connecting to spirit. How will you be celebrating Samhain? Thank you so much for subscribing to my blog, my youtube channel , and all your support as this blog continues to grow. x

  • Healing through Landmines

    Healing through Landmines Hey fam, welcome back! Today's post is going to be a little more intimate as I am slightly stoned, enjoying some lemon ginger tea and a few indulgent drags of my spirit cigar in my zen room. Gasp! I preach all about yoga and wellness and here I am tainting my lungs with a cigar. Yep!!! I sure am. You know why? Because it helps me reconnect with my soul from time to time. Today's post is going to be a bit personal, and it's going to be one that comes from the heart. It's a bit dark, but it's not scary. It's life, and there's a happy ending, so hang in there. It appears as though his last year or so was sought out to completely destroy me of my essence. I found myself asking, Where did Anya go ? Even as I type those words right now I realize how quickly I am still able to lose myself as I'm still finding stability throughout this topsy-turvey maze of healing. Let's rewind a bit to August 2022, where one major life change led me to a journey of fighting to maintain homeostasis while living life at a series of crossroads. I made the decision to leave my husband August 2022. Originally, the process started with normal amounts of grief that one could expect when dealing with heavy loss. However, I'm a highly sensitive person . So this means, I feel emotions with great intensity and it's sometimes I feel on an excruciatingly painful level. As a result, I've learned how to navigate this process, as one does when they are on a mission of mending their broken heart. I have since learned that this is a hard task for me because when I finally figure out how to be open, my emotions just burst from pressure. When, at my core, I am feeling alive, and connected to source my positive energy is infectious and I become a magnet and the life of the party. The downside is, when I'm feeling down, the heaviness that surrounds me becomes uncomfortable and nobody wants anything to do with me. I am quite introverted by nature so much of my human interaction these days has been dealing with clients which, as a hairstylist is a bit of a mind fuck; it's often a superficial and highly transactional relationship. This means I have to appear authentic, despite what's actually going on, which during this past year has been a constant explosion of really heavy....let's call them life bombs ( new and unexpected traumas). So, in order to successfully keep my business afloat I've had to learn how to mask my emotions, leaving me learning how to appear happy when I'm actually in a zombie state on my worst days. Often times throughout this year I would find myself crying in between clients in the back room, having to suck it up, and then go back to being a happy hairdresser, and making sure to not only appear happy, but not screw up a clients hair I am am specialist and people pay a premium for my skillset. Any hairdresser will tell you there is no worse feeling in the world then when you mess up someone's hair despite your best efforts. For many people , their hair is among their top two favorite features about themselves, and it's a lot of pressure to make sure your client feels great about themselves when they leave that chair as "good hair" is a very subjective feeling. Technical precision aside, it has taken a lot of energy to mask my true feelings, and even more energy to find the will to come home to an empty house. Despite being an introvert, I'm also someone who very much enjoys her home life, which used to consist of having someone to come home to, the cutest most loving and adorable furbaby Loki to snuggle with, where my home is my happiness. So, it was really hard to leave my marriage and give up my dog to my ex; it was especially hard since it was in Loki's best interest to give him up. Oh that one hurt. Despite the hurt, I realized I had to completely change up my entire life as I once knew it in order for me to give myself this gift of time to heal. Throughout this new time in life, I've also learned that my healing has required that I distance myself from a lot of people, and many of my family members to protect my inner-peace at all costs . This shift resulted in feelings of even more isolation, and an emptier, lonelier home life which I so deeply long for once more. What about your friends, Anya? I have friends who adore me, and I adore them. But I have to battle my demons alone at this point. The journey requires it. Because adding a little more lonliness sure sounds great, doesn't it? I have spent many nights curled up in a ball, laying in bed engulfed in the broiling flames of pain and suffering through the agonizing process of transformation. The process of death and rebirth through spending a season of having the courage to give myself an opportunity for a fresh start; the Season of Anya. What is a season? A season is not determined by a calendar year, but rather, a shift in energy and the world surrounding us. All it takes is one small shift to set off the domino effect and the next thing we know is that the heat of summer turns into a brisk fall chil. One thing which is important to remember, is that while there are indicators that seasons are changing, everything has to fall into place, at it's timing, for the transformation to complete. The Sweet Nectar of Clarity Throughout this process, there have been many lessons, many observations, and a distinct feelings of clarity: Moments where I feel my heart, my body and my soul aligned in a harmonious dream state which can only be described as "an exceptionally vivid feeling of being alive and grounded", a place where where both love and fear live in beautifully chaotic harmony". With that it's as though the the world around me has changed because I have somehow managed to learn how to upgrade the technology of all four of my senses. Suddenly I physically see and receive information in 4k, while before I experienced the world in sepia tone. Scents and aromas have managed to grab my attention, joy is discovered in the smallest of events and the heavy fog has finally started to dissipate around me. A feeling which is described in the yoga philosophies as Samadhi, a divine union of inner and outer consciousness; a healed spirit. The Dynamic Depths of Healing However, throughout the healing journey, what you slowly find out, is that these moments come and go. To experience and realize the shifts in your reality is quite literally heaven. This state of clarity offers hope and endless possibilities with just a tiny dash of magick, I am a witch afterall. Haha. During these moments clarity I have proudly announced to myself so many times that "I am healed!". Somemtimes I get cocky and announce it to others, o only to fall (again) and be met with an old, oozing and infected trauma wound in dire need of tending to. Every, single time, my spirit would die I knew that taking the time to tend to that wound would send me all the way back to that painful, scorching, and soul-crushing inferno once more. Except for the longest time I didn't believe that I would come out the other end with an even more renewed strength. I cannot tell you how many times I have fallen, and taken a step back to this dark and isolating place of despair, and just losing all hope, losing all of my clairty, my magick: Losing Anya. I'd revert back to that familiar feeling of laying in my bed, unable to move due the shell-shock of the pain from revisiting forgotten trauma and having it suck the soul out of me once again, that very soul of which I have worked so hard to create. Did I want to revisit this trauma? Fuck no! But god damn it, every time I try to ignore it those emotions burst out. This is why I adore shadow work because as a highly sensitive person, I need a place to deal with my deepend sadness. When I live out of balance to try to favor my light, my shadows only grow stronger. You see, the majority of my life, I didn't know that a "happy life" (happy meaning one filled with normalcy and stability) existed for me this lifetime. My life was been filled with what I refer to as "la pazzaria" in Italian: A never ending deranged circus, if you will, and I figured I was given a specific hand of cards which dictated my life. I submitted to the fact that my prior conditioning and repetitive life experiences was forever going to be my story. I didn't realize that I had the power to fold my cards, and simply reshuffle and try something new. I didn't realize that having a beautiful relationship with nature, and with my soul through yoga witchcraft was going to forever change my life and grant me the tools to find myself and regain my power. I can't even begin to describe the sensation of this empowerment. "Freeing" is a vastly understated way of putting it, as I didn't know I even had any power to gain. To be able to rebuild myself was never even an option for me. My calling along this process has given myself the power to shine, because when I shine, illuminate others, it's my magick , and it's why I started this blog. Here for a Short Time, not a Long time Imagine finding your soul, your purpose, and that insatiable feeling of alignment, just to have to stripped away from you in a depressive episode with no glimmer of hope in sight. However, I learned that despite the setback, every time I connected with the moon, stayed consistent in my yoga practice, and gave the middle finger salute to my demons, my inner peace would always find it's way, because I am manifesting my dream life filled with love, magick and happiness and simply will not take anything else for an answer. This has not been an easy process!!! It's taken me over an intense year to keep having the gumption to press forward. Finding that balance of allowing myself the grace to rest and nourish myself amid mental setbacks and then to press on with full steam ahead when I'm back to flowing and creating magick along the way. Loosing my long lost light has been a difficult, process. But when connect with my higher self, with spirit, I always seem to find my way back to heaven once more. I know soon that my version of hell will be a distant memory, and I will be fully integrated to my seasoned of living life as a healed woman, who is no longer afraid of the dark. I've decided I'm no longer going to put a timeline to my healing, and I will continue to surrender to the journey of healing. I surrender control and resistance and simply allow myself to flow. I choose the path of healing, which in a sense is a path of darkness: If i knew where I was going I wouldn't have chosen this path. I surrender. Final Wisdom Every time I fall, I build strength, from the ground up, while navigating my darkness head on. I keep reshuffling that deck I've been given, and the cards I'm dealt seem to be more and more in my favor, so I keep pressing on, despite any setbacks. I started this blog post at the beginning of this week, feeling optimistic, with a sense of purpose. Then on cue, unexpectedly processed some deep and heavy shit while encompassed in a whirlwind of heavy emotions. Yet, here I am, finalizing my edits and ready to hit "publish" while sitting in front of an illuminated altar, connected to Divinity. For those of you on a healing journey, I want to offer you love and compassion with this this wisdom: You willfall. Just when you think you have life figured out, something else will come in the way and bring you right back down to your old habits, and you may revisit a place where you never wanted to return. However, to fall is to have had the courage to climb . To see both the light of heaven and the engulfing flames of hell while living here on this earth means to know there is always hope, so long as we find the courage to have it. When you have no where else to look, gaze up at the stars and the moon and you will always find your way. A message from Anya I f you enjoyed this post, please please PLEASE share it among friends who you think would enjoy my content. Please subscribe to my youtube and comment, share and like my videos as it REALLY helps me grow my audience. I have so much more to share and to build an awesome community of witches like yourself. If you read this, you awe AWESOME. Thank you so much for supporting my dream. xx.

  • What is a Green Witch? The Art of connecting with the Earth

    What is a Green Witch? The Art of connecting with the Earth Have you ever felt Spirit call you to the healing power of plants and the Earth beneath your feet? Do enjoy listening to birds singing in the morning as you enjoy your morning cup of tea, and feel a deep Maybe you’ve wondered if there’s a way to work with nature that honors its energy and your own intuition. If so, you might just have the heart of a Green Witch. Green Witchcraft isn’t just about casting spells or blending herbs—it’s a lifestyle rooted in connecting deeply with the Earth, the spirits of the plants, and cycles of the natural world. This complete beginners guide will tell you everything you need to know about starting the journey of . amplifying your connection to the power of nature. By blending spirituality with the natural energies of plants, it brings healing, balance, and intention to our lives, while honoring every living creature as part of the larger cycle. Who (or What) is a Green Witch? What is a Green Witch? At its core, a Green Witch is someone who connects deeply with the magick (magic) and energy of the natural world. Unlike popular stereotypes, you don’t need to live in a secluded cottage in the woods or spend all your time foraging wild plants to embody this practice. Being connected to the ratural realm is more about intention, intuition, and the energy you bring to your craft. It’s a personal and fluid path, rooted in your unique relationship with nature and its wonders. Green Witches are often compared to hedge witches, as both share a profound appreciation for the earth’s great elements—earth, air, fire, and water. However, they focus specifically on plant (magick) magic, working closely with herbs, flowers, and trees to draw energy and healing from their natural properties. They honor the cycles of nature and find beauty in its simplest moments, such as the rustle of leaves in the wind, the phases of the moon, or the sacred scent of dried herbs wafting through the air. The Practice of a Green Witch Green Witches rely heavily on their intuition and connection with Spirit, whether that’s through meditation, spellwork, or simply grounding themselves in a patch of sunlight. Their tools are often natural objects—stones, leaves, feathers, or dried herbs—and their sacred space is any place where they can feel aligned with the earth’s energy. This could be a kitchen countertop filled with houseplants, a garden bursting with blooms, or a quiet forest clearing where they feel most at peace. Unlike practices dictated by rigid spellbooks or strict rules, Green Witchcraft is highly personal and adaptable. Each practitioner creates their own rituals and practices based on what resonates with them and their environment. It’s a craft that celebrates individuality while maintaining deep respect for the natural world. Healing Through Nature Most Green Witches use their practice for healing, both for themselves and for others. This could involve brewing herbal teas for physical ailments, creating plant-based remedies to support loved ones, or performing energetic rituals to cleanse and balance their sacred space. The use of dried herbs, essential oils, and even fresh flowers plays a significant role in their craft. These practices align spirituality with practical intention, showcasing the gentle yet powerful force of plant magic. Natural Magic Natural Magick) In addition to healing, Green Witches also use their craft for manifestation and spiritual growth. They believe that working in harmony with nature can bring about abundance, success, and personal transformation. By harnessing the energy of the elements—earth, air, fire, water—and connecting with the cycles of the moon and seasons, they are able to manifest their desires and intentions with ease. This is often done through spellwork, visualization techniques, or creating altars filled with natural objects charged with intention. Environmental Stewardship A golden rule to achieve balance is to it's important to remember, anytime we take from nature—we give back. With deep respect for the planet, many embrace environmental stewardship, striving to protect and nurture the natural world. This might mean growing their own herbs to reduce reliance on mass-produced products, composting plant waste, or supporting conservation efforts. Green Witchcraft isn’t just about connecting with nature—it’s about honoring and preserving it for future generations. The Green Witch Lifestyle Ultimately, being a Green Witch is about living in harmony with nature and drawing energy from the world around us. It’s a blend of spirituality, intention, and healing through the earth’s gifts. Albeit creating a remedy from dried herbs, meditating in your sacred space, or simply noticing the beauty of a wildflower in bloom, you’re practicing the craft. Green Witchcraft is more than just a practice—it’s a way of life that encourages you to live mindfully, embrace the magic of the earth, and tread lightly with gratitude and respect. Whether you identify as a Green Witch, a hedge witch, or simply someone drawn to the wonders of the natural world, this path invites you to connect deeply with the planet and celebrate the beauty it offers. What is Herbal Magick? Herbal magick is the art of harnessing the medicinal qualities of herbs and blending that knowledge into your spells and witchcraft practice. It’s not about flashy wands or dramatic spells—herbal magick is subtle, profound, and deeply rooted in a connection to the natural world. By working with the energy of herbs, flowers, and plants, this practice brings healing, protection, and intention-based results while reconnecting with the Earth, your own power, and the ancient traditions of wise women. For centuries, medicine women worldwide used herbal magick to heal and protect, a legacy modern Green Witches honor by continuing the deep connection between nature's wisdom and spiritual healing. Here are a few examples of how herbal magick might show up in your practice: Lavender  for calming rituals and restful sleep, promoting peace and overall well-being. Rosemary  for protection and clearing negative energy, helping you find harmony in chaotic environments. Chamomile  for peace and to soothe anxiety, offering a gentle way to heal the mind and spirit. Cinnamon  for abundance, prosperity, and fiery energy, helping you ignite your inner power and passion. The Core Principles of a Green Witch’s Practice While this article focuses more on herbal magick, there are also other tennents of this practice. Like any spiritual path, Green Witchcraft is guided by a few key principles: Connection to Nature At the heart of Green Witchcraft is a deep love and respect for the Earth. Green Witches live in harmony with nature, tending gardens, observing the cycles of the seasons, and fully soaking in the beauty around them. Even small acts, like watering your houseplants or walking barefoot in the grass, can strengthen your connection to the Earth. Spirituality and Rituals Rituals are not about perfection—they’re about presence. Green Witches infuse their daily routines with spirituality through simple rituals, like brewing herbal tea with intention, meditating on the energy of a plant, or creating sachets filled with herbs to carry specific energies. Align with the Seasons and Infuse the Elements into Your Rituals Rather than following a strict dogma, Green Witches align their practice with the cycles of nature and the elements. For example, working with fire during the summer solstice or incorporating water into rituals for emotional healing. This allows for a more fluid and intuitive approach to magick. Connection with Animals and Wildlife Many green witches feel a strong connection with animals, seeing them as messengers, guides, and companions. From the chatter of squirrels to the calming presence of a cat or the flight of a hawk, animals offer wisdom to those who listen. Honoring them can be as simple as leaving seeds for birds or planting flowers for pollinators. Pay attention to the animals you encounter—they may carry a message from the Divine or remind you to stay present and connected to nature. Tips for Starting Your Green Witch Path Feeling ready to step into your Green Witch shoes? Here are a few beginner-friendly tips to get you started: Start Simple  – Brew herbal teas (like chamomile or peppermint) with specific intentions in mind as you begin to memorize and learn their medician and magickal blends. Then grow you herbalism skills by trying our different herbal blends. Learn about Local Plants  – Spend time identifying the plants around you and learning how they grow. Pro. Tip: If you search "Plant Identifier" on your phone's app store, you can identify any plant just by taking a picture of it. Start an Herb Garden  – Whether you have a sprawling backyard or just a sunny windowsill, growing your own herbs is a fantastic way to connect with nature. Basil, mint, and rosemary are great beginner options—and they smell amazing, too! Plus, there's nothing quite like snipping fresh herbs for cooking or rituals. Plus home-grown herbs can be great for crafting sacred foods by incorporating them into your Kitchen Witchcraft practice. Plus home-grown herbal blends really amplify your magick. Document Your Journey  – Keep a journal to write down things you’ve learned, magickal recipes, or how certain plants make you feel when you work with them. Tips for Starting Your Green Witch Path Feeling ready to step into your Green Witch shoes? Here are a few beginner-friendly tips to get you started: Start Simple  – Brew herbal teas (like chamomile or peppermint) with specific intentions in mind as you begin to memorize and learn their medicinal and magickal blends. Then grow you herbalism skills by trying our different herbal blends. Learn about Local Plants  – Spend time identifying the plants around you and learning how they grow. Pro. Tip: If you search "Plant Identifier" on your phone's app store, you can identify any plant just by taking a picture of it. Start an Herb Garden  – Whether you have a sprawling backyard or just a sunny windowsill, growing your own herbs is a fantastic way to connect with nature. Basil, mint, and rosemary are great beginner options—and they smell amazing, too! Plus, there's nothing quite like snipping fresh herbs for cooking or rituals. Plus home-grown herbs can be great for crafting sacred foods by incorporating them into your Kitchen Witchcraft practice. Plus homegrown herbal blends really amplify your spellwork. Work with the Seasons  – Work with the Seasons  – Connecting with the seasons is key in Green Witchcraft. Celebrate nature’s cycles by planting in spring, enjoying summer sun, harvesting in fall, or cozying up in winter. Each season brings unique energy and lessons from the divine. Plus, for those of you who have weather and use elemental magick, the power of thunder and lightning is an absolute vibe. Spiritual Walks in Nature-  There's nothing better than shifting your focus towards Divinity while enjoying a meditative walk. These walks are the essence of nature magic, and provide everyday healing not only for the body, but the soul. Noticing the subtle details as the seasons change, such as noticing when the leaves begin to fall, or witness the first the blooming of the flowers of the spring brings us back to our senses. Anya's Tip: Gather some rocks, fallen flora or even twigs and leaves and create a sigil and leave it as an offering to the earth. How Will You Work with the Spirit of the Earth? You don’t need to be wildly experienced or have special skills to answer the call of the Green Witch. Start small, stay curious, and honor your relationship with nature. If you’re ready to step into the world of Green Witchcraft, just follow your intuition and remember—it’s about passion, not perfection. Happy brewing, friends. 🌙✨

  • How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love

    How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love Ah, love! Where are my fellow helpless romantics at? It’s a beautiful thing that we all strive for in life. Whether you’re single and searching or in a long-term relationship, or you wish to create a little more love for yourself,  love spells can help you manifest the love you are searching for. And what better way to do that than with a homemade love spell jar? These little jars filled with personalized magickal ingredients can be a powerful tool in your spellcasting practices, creating a beautiful spell that enhances your emotional and aesthetic connection to the magic. So, welcome to the world of witchcraft and magick, where love spells can be crafted in a handy dandy jar! Spell jars are a popular form of magic where the practitioner combines various ingredients and energies in a jar to cast a spell. Love spell jars, in particular, are used to attract love and romance into your life. In this blog post, we will be discussing the history of spell jars and love spell jars and delve into creating detailed spell jars for love. How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love Also, if you’re new to Spell Jars, head on over to my Youtube Channel The Season of Anya and check out my Abundance Spell Jar video  ;) History of Spell Jars and Love Spell Jars The practice of using spell jars in witchcraft and paganism dates back centuries. In the Medieval Era, witches began using bottles and jars as a storage container for various ingredients, from healing herbs to protection wards. The practice became so popular that it soon evolved into spell jars containing a mix of ingredients for a specific purpose. There is a jar spell for: love, self-love, prosperity, abundance  and all sorts of intentions. Love spell jars, in particular, became popular in the 17th century when the belief in love magic and love charms were prominent. The spells were usually cast during the waxing moon phase, believed to be an optimal time for manifestation. They contain herbs, crystals, and oils meant to increase romantic interest, passion, and intimacy. These ingredients serve not only as physical representations of the desire one is trying to manifest, but they also empower the spell with their energetic properties. Honey Jar The popularity of love spell jars in modern witchcraft increased after the release of Charmed TV series in the 90s, where the three sisters frequently cast love spells using honey jars. Since then, many witches have adopted this practice in their own spell work. I may be aging myself right now, but if it’s good enough for the Halliwell Sisters, it’s good enough for me! (Juuuuust kidding guys! But you know we all  watched Charmed.) It’s important to note that while love spell jars can be an effective tool, they should never  be used to control or manipulate someone else’s free will. The goal of one of these should be to attract love and positive energy into your life and should never be used to harm others. Before going too deep into creating your spell jar for love, here’s one witches Pro’s vs Con’s list on doing any type of working for manifesting love. Pro's and Cons of Love Jars Pros on Creating a Love Jar 1. Easy to create:  Creating a love spell jar is easy and requires only a few simple steps. All you need is a jar (aesthetically i love a pretty jar with a cork) herbs that you can commonly find in your spice cabinet, crystals, and a candle. 2. Enhances your vibrations:  The herbs and crystals used in a are believed to enhance your vibrations and attract positive energy into your life. This can help you feel more positive and confident, which is attractive to potential partners. For spell jars I love incorporating tiny crystals, they’re a little cheaper and you can sprinkle them in. 3. Customizable:  They are highly customizable and can be tailored to your specific needs. You can choose herbs and crystals that resonate with you and add personal touches such as photos or love notes. Aside from the basics, I love using loveage root (make sure it’s the root and not the herb itself), as well as tiny rose buds and dried roses as they invoke that loving energy. Plus you can use these for a ritual bath at a later time or even use the jar for a future spell jar. 4. Affordable:  A love spell jar doesn’t have to break the bank! The materials used in creating one are affordable and can be found in most craft stores, plus you can up-cycle them. PRO TIP:  Trader joes makes the best jars to upcycle! Cons on Creating a Love Jar 1. Not Guaranteed: I think  this one goes without saying but here we go. While they can enhance your vibrations and attracting love, they are not guaranteed to work. There are no guarantees that you will find love or attract positive energy into your life. It's about connecting with the energy you are trying to attract. With that said, give it TIME. 3. Can be Misused:  While love spells can be used for good, they can also be misused. It's important to ensure your intentions are pure and not manipulating someone else's free will. It's not going to work, and you'll just come off as desperate. Instead, invoke the spirit of love . 4. Spiritual Risks:  Using magic and spells can have spiritual risks, especially if you don't fully understand what you're doing. It's important to research and educate yourself before creating a spell jar. As long as you're not weird, manipulative, or controlling about it, you'll be fine. Just don't put the energy of desperation into it, ya dig? Creating a Spell Jar for Love Before you start creating jar, it is essential to know your intention. Do you want to attract love, strengthen an existing relationship, or heal a broken heart? Is it for romantic love, or self love? Self love spell jars are one of my FAVORITE ways to reconnect with myself. Once you know your intention, gather the necessary ingredients such as rose petals, jasmine, cinnamon, rose quartz, clear quartz, a honey jar is always a must, and other herbs or crystals that resonate with love energy. Cleanse your ingredients under running water or with sage, then add them to your jar. Visualize your desired outcome while focusing your energy into the jar, and then activate the spell. Seal your jar with candle wax, remember to charge that bad boy up once. month, and you’re done! For you overachievers, let’s break this down into a little more detail: 1. Choosing a Jar Mason jars are great for spell jars The first step in creating your love spell jar is to choose the perfect jar. It's important to select a glass jar with a lid that's tight-fitting only if you're going to seal it with wax or something warm. Otherwise plastic is fine. If you want to be particular, glass will keep your ingredients stay fresh and potent for as long as possible. The size doesn't matter, as long as it's big enough to hold your magikcal ingredients. It's a good idea to cleanse and bless your jar with some sage before using it, to rid it of any negative energy. 2. Selecting Your Ingredients When thinking about the ingredients for your jar it’s essential to consider your intentions and the kind of love you want to attract. Some popular ingredients for love spells include dried rose petals, lavender, cinnamon sticks, rose quartz crystals, honey, and essential oils (I love a good fire amber or jasmine essential oil blend for this). You can add anything that resonates with you and your desires. It’s essential to research each ingredient and its magical properties before adding them to your jar, though. Best at least understand what you’re feeling called towards! Be sure to add a piece of paper with your self love affirmation written on it, so the universe can understand what you want. 3. Assembling Your Jar Once you have all your ingredients ready, it's time to assemble your jar. Start by filling the bottom of the jar with your dried herbs, then add your crystals, oils, and other ingredients. As you do this, focus on your intentions and visualize yourself with the love you desire. Be sure to add a piece of paper with your intentions written on it, so the universe can understand what you want. Seal the jar by screwing the lid on; you can add some wax to make it extra secure. Pink wax from a pink candle is one of the best ways to get that amazing self love energy into your jar. 4. Activating Your Spell Your spell is now ready for activation! You can do this by holding the jar in your hands and focusing on your intentions and desires. Say a chant or a prayer to the universe and place the jar in a special place. You can also bury it outdoors, preferably under a rose bush or in a garden, to let it activate and connect with nature. It's important to leave the jar in a safe, quiet place that you won't disturb. Meditate with your jar under the nights sky 5. Recharging Your Spell After a while, your love spell jar may require recharging, as its energy fades or becomes stagnant. I like to recharge my spell jars on the New Moon of each month. You can do this by repeating the activation process or adding or removing ingredients to suit your desires and energy. Always trust yourself and your intuition when recharging your spell jar; it's important to ensure that you're still aligned with your intentions and the love you desire. FAQs about Love Spell Jars 1. How does this work? A spell jar works by combining the energy of your intention with the energy of the ingredients in the jar. The jar acts as a container for the energy and sends it out to the universe, which goes for anything in life. 2. Can it be reused? Yes, they can be reused for the same intention or a similar one. If you're going to reuse it, I would suggest connecting with it's energy under a full moon. 3. How long does this last? There is no definite answer to how long it will last. It depends on many factors such as the strength of your intention and the energy of the ingredients used. Any sized jar can work for a spell jar 4. Does the size of the jar matter? The size of the jar does not matter as long as it can contain the ingredients and your intention. 5. Can I add something personal to it? Yes, you can add something personal like a photo or personal items that resonate with your intention. 6. Can anyone make this? Yes, anyone can make one regardless of experience. Remember to be respectful and cautious with your intentions and energy. 7. Can I cast it for someone else? No, it is not recommended to create one for someone else without their consent. 8. Are there any specific moon phases or days to enhance it's potency? There is no specific moon phase or day to make a love spell jar, but it is recommended to do it during a new or full moon. 9. Can this backfire? Oh yeah-- it can backfire if done with negative intentions or unethical practices. 10. Can I break a spell jar if I change my mind? Yes, you can break a spell jar by burying it in the earth or throwing it in running water. I'd reccomend remove the candle wax and discarding its contents first. Love comes in all shapes and sizes These jars are a beautiful way to attract love and romance into your life. By combining your intention with the right ingredients and energy, you can cast a powerful spell that sends out your love vibration to the universe. Remember to be respectful, ethical, and cautious when practicing magick. With the right mindset, intentions, ingredients, and energy, you can create an amazing working that will bring you the love and romance you desire. However, it's important to consider both the pros and cons before creating one. If you're willing to invest time, energy, and intention into this practice, these can be a beneficial addition to your spiritual practice. Always remember to be kind and mindful of your actions when using magick and spells. Good luck on finding ever lasting love my friends. Don't forget to enjoy the journey. xx

  • The Goddess Aradia: Queen of the Witches

    Some links may be affiliate links, where I earn a small commission on recommended products at absolutely no cost to you. The Goddess Aradia: Queen of the Witches Inviting the presence of a deity into your spiritual practice can be a profound experience for many. By understanding their lore and stories, each god or goddess carries unique energy and wisdom that can guide us on our path. While she may be lesser known than Hecate, daughter Aradia is often sought after for her teachings on personal empowerment, Italian Magick, and the wonders of the feminine and lunar energies. I very much enjoy working with the Goddess Aradia. Charles Godfrey Leland's 1899 work, 'Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches,' is a key text that explores her story and significance. I hope you enjoy this soulful exploration into working with this powerful deity as much as I do. Introduction to Aradia Aradia is a mysterious and enigmatic figure in the realm of witchcraft and paganism. Often hailed as the “Queen of the Witches,” she is deeply intertwined with the goddess Diana , the Roman goddess of the moon. Aradia’s story has been explored through various neo-pagan and folklorist accounts, each adding layers to her legend. Influenced by Italian folklore, ancient mythology, and literary works, Aradia’s origins remain shrouded in mystery. Despite this uncertainty, she holds a significant place in modern pagan witchcraft and Wicca, embodying the essence of empowerment and lunar magic. Understanding Aradia – Queen of the Witches by Charles Godfrey Leland Aradia’s narrative is intertwined with that of the Strega, the old Italian witches, and the embodiment of a moon goddess. The story of Aradia presents a tantalizing mix of pre-Christian deities and more recent folk traditions. For many, their first encounter with Aradia is through Charles Godfrey Leland’s “Aradia, or the Gospel of Witches”, a text that proposes to be the record of Italian witchcraft but is equally enigmatic. In this work, Leland's goddess Diana plays a crucial role as the mother of Aradia and a central figure in the narrative. From my understanding, Aradia’s story captures the essence  of the Italian Magick, in the sense that her charm is that of the empowered Italian woman archetype–one that is not afraid to use her voice stand up for justice, and to empower those who are in need. Her story also provides a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of religious witchcraft, blending ancient pagan traditions with more recent folk practices. The Story of Aradia According to Charles Godfrey Leland’s 1899 work “Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches,” Aradia is the messianic daughter of the goddess Diana and Lucifer. Sent to Earth with a divine mission, she was tasked with teaching witchcraft to the oppressed, empowering them to rise against the Roman Catholic Church and the upper class. Aradia’s mission was not just about rebellion; it was about rekindling the ancient pagan religions and promoting the worship of the goddess Diana. Her story, deeply rooted in Italian folklore and ancient Etruscan mythology, continues to inspire modern pagans and witches, serving as a beacon of resistance and spiritual awakening. Origins and Influences Aradia’s origins are as enigmatic as her legend. Some scholars suggest that she was originally a supernatural figure in Italian folklore, later merging with other folkloric entities like sa Rejusta of Sardinia. Others propose that Aradia was a historical figure named Aradia di Toscano, who led a group of “Diana-worshipping witches” in 14th-century Tuscany. Regardless of her true origins, Aradia’s story has been shaped by a rich tapestry of Italian folklore, ancient mythology, and literary works, including Leland’s “Gospel of the Witches.” This blend of influences has cemented her place as a pivotal figure in the world of witchcraft and paganism. Characteristics and Epithets Aradia is often associated with a range of powerful epithets and characteristics that reflect her multifaceted nature: Queen of the Witches Freer of slaves Glorifier of the oppressed Pillar of strength Born of light and darkness Daughter of the goddess Diana and Lucifer Messianic figure Teacher of witchcraft Champion of the oppressed These epithets highlight Aradia’s role as a beacon of empowerment and a guiding force for those who seek to reclaim their power and embrace their spiritual journey. Aradia the Rebel Witch in Italian Witchcraft Whether she was a historical figure or not, Aradia’s tale is one of rebellion and empowerment. As the daughter of Diana , goddess of the hunt and moon, and her brother Lucifer, god of light and knowledge, she was born into power. But it was her choice to favor humanity and life here on earth over divinity that set her apart as a rebel among the gods and goddesses. In some versions of her story, it is said that she was sent to earth by her mother to teach witchcraft and magick to oppressed people, empowering them to overthrow their oppressors. Mother Diana, as a powerful deity in Wiccan and Neo-pagan traditions, is often depicted as a protector of witches and a transmitter of mystical knowledge. When you think about it, her story comes during a time of famine, poverty, and people being oppressed by the church. This portrayal of Aradia as a liberator and bringer of witchcraft has made her an icon among modern-day witches who seek to reclaim their power and embrace their spiritual journey. I think especially in modern times, it’s important for we the people to understand that we can maintain our power. An empowered individual empowers others, thus creating a more empowered world. (See the theme here?) Creating an altar for Aradia is a profound way to connect with this powerful goddess. Here are some tips to help you set up a sacred space in her honor: Choose a Quiet Space : Select a peaceful area for your altar, ideally one that resonates with the moon or the goddess Diana. Color Scheme : Use a black and white color scheme to symbolize Aradia’s connection with the blending of light and dark principles. Symbols and Tools : Incorporate symbols associated with Aradia, such as the crescent moon, cypress trees, and magical essences like cypress, John the Conqueror, lemon, jasmine, and anise. Offerings : Offer crescent moon cakes, poppyseed cakes, and grapa (an Italian wine) as tokens of your devotion. Contemplation : Spend time reflecting on what it means to serve this aspect of deity and ask Aradia how you can embody her energy in your life. By creating an altar for Aradia, you can deepen your connection with her and tap into her wisdom and strength, enriching your spiritual practice. Creating an Altar for Aradia The Feast of Aradia and her Offerings As Aradia is a lunar witch, a moon goddess, it's important to note that her feast day is on the February Full Moon. You can honor here any time of year, but a feast day is simply a day where you can have a dinner, a feast, by yourself or among your coven members to honor a deity and tell their stories. If you are going to have a feast for Aradia be sure to have a table not only for feasting but for offerings. In prior coven feast days, we would often have a feast (let's be honest, it was a delicious potluck...witches love potlucks) and have a separate table on the side that we would set up that evening in her honor. Often times we'd put a plate of food, paired with a delicious red wine to raise in her honor. The color purple is a great color to symbolize aradia as it's a color that not only represents royalty but divination as well (think third eye chakra, for example). If you have some moon stone, a pentacle, a crystal ball or even a tarot deck those would also make wonderful offerings to Aradia. Ultimately, offerings are a a way to express gratitude, to reciprocate the blessings of the moon's light with earth's bounty. Dancing with Aradia and Invoking Her Spirit DDancing under the full moon with this moon goddess is a wonderful way to celebrate Aradia. Typically after an intense ritual, we would dance it out. Dance with yourself (yes, I do that quite frequently actually), or with your moon siblings, but dance nonetheless. Invoking the spirit of Aradia may be telling her stories, creating a ritual of empowerment, or divination, for example. Acts of Blessing and Shared Communion As the night deepens and the rituals conclude, it's time for acts of blessing. Light candles representing aspects of life and release them into the darkness. Then, share in a communal meal prepared with love and intention, each bite a direct experience of the goddess's grace and guidance. Most importantly, HAVE FUN, celebrate with your friends and coven, and enjoy the evening by being utterly in the moment. Reflection and Gratitude As the Feast comes to an end, take a quiet moment to reflect on the evening. Record any visions, insights, or feelings; these are gifts from her spirit. Then, express gratitude – to the goddess, to the participants, and to the moon, whose influence is felt in every aspect of the life and light shared, just express gratitude! It's a time for joy, for magick, and above all, a time to revel in the spiritual bonds that unite us in the one life here on earth. The invitation is open, and the night is yours. Aradia Invocation Prayer Spell Enjoy this Aradia Invocation spell I created: Ground in front of your altar to get into headspace (preferable the Feburary full moon), visualize your desires, and recite the above prayer three times. Just remember, when you ask for blessing be sure not only to leave an offering, but think of how you can show up better in your own life for others, because she will require it of you:  Whether it be your family, or community, use this time to support and empower others. Remember, nothing comes for free . It could just be showing up for someone when they really need you even though you are tired, supporting your local small business, or doing an act of charity, no matter the size. In order to receive we must always give back in order to live life in balance. I truly hope you enjoy this blessing as it comes from my heart. Epic Witchy Story Time (2025 UPDATE) Rarely do I say: " Damn, that spell worked so well" , but this one sure did. When you receive a gift from a goddess, she whispers in your ear, and that's exactly what happened. I sought her help to find love, and on her full moon, I met someone for the third time—her lucky number. Though the relationship didn't last, it taught me valuable lessons in spirituality and communing with the Divine, specifically Aradia. I wasn't living in balance, and got too wrapped up in love and neglecting my spiritual responsibilities. Her wisdom was always there, sometimes heeded, sometimes ignored. From the start, I knew it was a lesson. Despite the outcome, it brought me closer to my family and helped me achieve personal transformation and empowerment like never before. Does anyone else here work with Aradia? Share your stories below them below and thank you so much for journeying with me. xx

  • The Spiritual Power of Magick with a "K"

    The Spiritual Power of Magick with a "K" Today's post for all the baby witches and those who want a deeper understHave you ever stumbled across the word "magick"—with that unmistakable "k" at the end—and wondered what it really means? I remember the first time I read a book about Witchcraft, and I couldn't help but ask myself, “Is this just a quirky spelling of magic, or something more?” I was even mores perplexed that witches actually practice magic. As I began my journey as a witch, I learned that the “k” holds actually profound significance. It’s not just a letter; it’s a distinction, a bridge between the mystical and the mundane, separating sacred practices from stage illusions. Today We'll explore why that little letter matters so much, dig into the rich history of magickal practices, and uncover how modern witches like you can bring these sacred rituals into your daily life. Plus, I’ll share a few beginner-friendly tips to kickstart your own magickal path suited for any new age spiritualist. The Origins of "Magick" Aleister Crowley and the "k" It’s impossible to discuss the modern idea of "magick" without mentioning Aleister Crowley. This colorful and controversial figure of the early 20th century gave "magick" its distinctive spelling. Why the "k"? For Crowley, it wasn’t just for show—it marked a clear divide between true magick and the tricks performed by illusionists. To him, magick wasn’t about deception or entertainment; it was about transformation. Crowley defined magick as "the art and science of causing change in conformity with Will." The emphasis on "Will"—with a capital “W”—reflected his belief that magick was about aligning inner power with greater forces to create intentional change. This certain aspect of Crowley’s conceits reshaped how occult practices were perceived, infusing them with deeper philosophical and magical implications. Historical Roots The concept of magick has deep historical roots, extending across cultures and millennia. While Aleister Crowley popularized modern magick, its origins can be traced back to ancient practices. In ancient Egypt, the idea of supernatural forces influencing the material world was central to their rituals and beliefs. They described "khu" as the highest manifestation of spiritual or magical energy, a divine power that connected the physical and spiritual realms ( The Egyptian Book of the Dead , Budge, E.A. Wallis). This notion of channeling unseen energies to shape reality also appears in other traditions. In Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita  explores the "shakti" aspect—divine feminine power—as a transformative force behind gods and avatars who demonstrate abilities beyond human limits (Eknath Easwaran, The Bhagavad Gita ). Similarly, Biblical miracles, such as Moses parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-22) or Jesus turning water into wine (John 2:1-11), reflect the use of divine forces to alter the physical world. Across cultures, practices like ritual, prayer, and spellwork have long served as ways to connect with these energies. Whether described as the ancient Egyptian khu or the shakti aspect in Hinduism, these concepts highlight humanity’s enduring belief in unseen forces and their potential to transform reality. Magick Through the Ages and Its Relevance Today From Ancient Traditions to Modern Occultism The evolution of magic/k is a captivating journey through time. From the spellwork of ancient Egyptian priests to the meditative practices of Vedic sages, magick has always reflected the cultural landscapes in which it thrived. Today, modern occultism blends these ancient traditions with contemporary tools like tarot, energy healing, and astrology apps, creating a dynamic fusion of the old and the new. This ever-evolving practice emphasizes self-discovery and personal empowerment while honoring its timeless roots. By bridging tradition with innovation, magick remains a powerful and relevant guide for seekers navigating the complexities of modern life. Why the Metaphysical Community Is Drawn to Magick For many in the metaphysical community, magick represents a way to take the reins of their own destiny. It’s not just about casting spells or performing rituals—it’s about tapping into the universal energies that connect us all, transforming intention into action. Magick inspires a sense of self-empowerment, allowing practitioners to feel like active creators of their reality rather than passive participants. It also offers answers to life’s big questions, providing a way to bridge the gap between the seen and unseen. Whether through Spirit, ritual, or simple mindfulness, magick helps individuals feel more aligned with the forces that shape their lives, unlocking their potential to create meaningful change in the world around them. The Spelling and Its Meaning Now, about that "k." This isn’t just Crowley being artsy—the "k" has meaning. It’s the eleventh letter of the alphabet, and in spiritual traditions, eleven symbolizes balance, intuition, and creativity. It represents bridging the seen and unseen, the known and the magical. Beyond numerology, the "k" ties into magick as , and the number attributed to it carries its own significance. Every spell begins with a word, after all. Crowley's conceits around the "k" continue to influence how we think about magic and its ability to What Does Magick Really Mean? Magick isn’t about pulling rabbits out of hats or sawing people in half on a Vegas stage—that’s stage magic, based on illusion and sleight of hand. To differentiate, magick (with its mystical “k”) is something far deeper and more primal. It’s the art of working with unseen forces, bridging the natural and spiritual worlds to shape reality. While stage magic entertains with deception, magick taps into supernatural powers, harmonizing energy that exists beyond the physical realm. And no, it’s not all chaotic forces or dark spells—though chaos magick is a fascinating branch worth exploring another time. True magick balances light and shadow, earth and spirit, order and wildness. At its core, magick is rooted in intention: focusing will, belief, and energy to create change. This ability to align with powerful forces, like the divine energy of creation and destruction (known as Shakti), is key to its practice. Modern witches often draw upon this energy through rituals, meditation, or spellwork to connect with the natural world and the supernatural alike. Magick isn’t about controlling these powers—it’s about aligning with them, becoming attuned to the flow of energy within yourself and the earth. You can spot magick in everyday life if you know what to look for. Think of those moments of intuition that feel too perfect to be mere coincidence or the synchronicities, like thinking of a friend right before they call. That’s magick weaving Spirit into the mundane. Witches and modern practitioners integrate magick into daily routines through small rituals, such as lighting candles with intention, journaling affirmations, or grounding themselves by connecting with the earth on mindful walks. Magick is alive, dynamic, and accessible—helping us navigate a world of supernatural powers and find meaning in the chaos. Examples of Magick in Practice Rituals and Spell Work Rituals and spell work are like the bread and butter of magick—simple, accessible, and endlessly customizable. Picture this: lighting candles to set the mood, sprinkling aromatic herbs to charge the space, and tapping into the power of the moon to amplify your intention. These practices aren’t all theatrics; they’re about channeling your focused energy into something tangible. Whether it’s a full-blown ceremonial ritual or a low-key moment of quiet intent, the key is belief and purpose. Take a white candle, for instance. Light it while visualizing clarity or peace, and boom—you’re aligning yourself with that energy. Tarot cards? They’re not just for fortune-telling; they can help you clarify your goals, set intentions, and even connect with the power of shakti aspect, allowing you to align with your ultimate destiny. With rituals and spell work, it’s about directing your energy with focus and inviting transformation into your life. Harnessing the word magick through spoken affirmations or chants only strengthens these intentions, giving your practice even more power. Natural Forces and Magick Magick and nature go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly—a combo that just works . The elements—earth, fire, air, and water—are the backbone of many magickal practices. They aren’t just poetic metaphors; they’re energetic forces practitioners lean into when setting intentions and manifesting change. Want to ground yourself? Work with earth through crystals, soil, or even a potted plant. Need some fiery motivation? Light up a flame, revel in its warm glow, and channel that energy toward your goal. The cycles of nature are another big player here. The waxing and waning of the moon, the shifting of seasons—they all provide powerful moments to sync up with universal rhythms. A perfect example? Using the full moon to release what no longer serves you or taking a moment each winter solstice to visualize fresh starts. By tuning into these natural forces and tapping into the power of shakti aspect, magick feels less like effort and more like a flow, weaving the power of the universe into your everyday life. When you combine this with the word magick of clear intentions and affirmations, you align yourself with your ultimate destiny in the most organic way possible. Global Ritual Magick & Practices Across the world, many cultures have their own unique versions of magick that go beyond the witchy vibe. Take pujas, for example—a vibrant and devotional Hindu ritual where offerings like flowers, incense, and food are made to deities. It’s all about creating a sacred connection, inviting divine blessings, and fostering a sense of inner peace and gratitude. Then there’s the Japanese practice of Shinto, where people visit shrines to clap, bow, and pray, often writing their wishes or intentions on wooden plaques called ema. How cool is that? And don’t forget about the Tibetan prayer flags, fluttering in the wind as their mantras and positive vibes are carried into the universe. These practices may look different, but they all share that same spark of magick—tuning into something greater, setting intentions, and fostering a deep connection to the spiritual or natural world. Who says magick has to look one specific way? It’s everywhere! The Psychology and Science Behind Magick Magick, often differentiated from the word magic used in stage performances or illusion, is described as the art of creating change in accordance with will. At its core, the practice of magick relies on belief, intention, and energy to amplify its effects. Belief serves as a psychological anchor, helping a person focus their mind and align actions toward specific outcomes. Intention provides clarity and purpose, directing energy—whether seen as metaphysical, emotional, or physiological—toward manifesting goals. Modern perspectives are increasingly connecting magickal practices with fields like psychology and energy science. For example, visualization techniques common in magick align with practices in cognitive-behavioral therapy, where mental imagery helps reframe thinking and foster positive habits. Rituals in magick also parallel the placebo effect, demonstrating how a person’s belief in an action can create real-world changes. Even energetic concepts like auras or vibrations find potential connections in quantum mechanics and biofield studies, which examine subtle interactions between energy and the human body. The writings of scholars and thinkers such as Carl Jung offer further insights into magick. Jung linked the subconscious mind to archetypes, suggesting that rituals and symbols in magick can unlock profound inner transformations. Dr. Dean Radin, a leading researcher in consciousness studies, has explored the relationship between intention and measurable changes in the physical world, offering compelling evidence of how magick operates at both practical and esoteric levels. These writings show how magick bridges ancient practices and modern science, providing a deeper understanding of this fascinating art. Types of Magick White Magick vs Black Magick White Magick and Black Magick are often viewed as two opposing spectrums of magickal practice, but in truth, the distinction lies within intention and ethical perspective. White Magick, sometimes referred to as "positive" or "constructive" magick, focuses on healing, protection, and benevolent outcomes. Practitioners of White Magick often work in harmony with natural energies and universal principles, using their craft to spread positivity, foster growth, and align with the greater good. Think love spells to mend relationships, charms to ward off negativity, or rituals to promote collective well-being. On the flip side, Black Magick is generally associated with manipulation, control, and outcomes that may serve the practitioner’s desires at the expense of others. This branch of magick is often shrouded in mystery and fear due to its portrayal in folklore and media. However, not all practitioners of Black Magick view it as inherently "evil"—many argue it simply involves wielding power more directly and unapologetically, even if it ventures into morally gray areas. The ethical debate surrounding Black Magick remains alive and well within many spiritual communities. At its core, the discussion of White vs. Black Magick invites deeper reflection on personal moral codes, the nature of intentions, and the profound impact our actions can have on the energetic balance of the world. The true "color" of magick may simply be a reflection of the wielder's heart and purpose! Disclaimer: Let’s move past outdated labels and focus on what truly matters—intention, ethics, and impact. Color-coded framing oversimplifies the rich, nuanced world of magick. Instead of old patterns, ask, "What energy am I putting into this?" and "Does this align with my values?" Lunar Magick Now, let's talk about one of the most enchanting practices—lunar magick! The moon, with all its glow and mystery, plays a big role in many magickal traditions. Harnessing the cycles of the moon, practitioners align their intentions with its phases for transformation, renewal, and manifestation. During the full moon, it's all about releasing what no longer serves you and celebrating abundance. The new moon, on the other hand, is the perfect time to set fresh intentions, dream big, and sow seeds of growth. Rituals often involve connecting with Spirit and tapping into divine feminine energy, making lunar magick a truly powerful and rhythmic practice. Ceremonial Magick For those who love a bit of structure in their spiritual practice, ceremonial magick is where it's at! This highly disciplined approach focuses on certain aspects like tools, invocations, and symbolism to channel divine forces with precision and purpose. Ceremonial magick is often seen as a means of achieving spiritual growth while also manifesting desires in the physical realm. Think of it as crafting a beautifully orchestrated ritual where every element—from candles to sigils—works together in harmony to invite transformational energy into your life. Chaos Magick If you're into breaking the rules and exploring the supernatural, chaos magick might be your thing! This edgy and experimental form of witchcraft celebrates flexibility, creativity, and doing what works for you. Chaos magicians see belief as a tool, allowing you to shift and adapt your mindset to suit your intention. Unlike traditional practices, chaos magick thrives on difference—there’s no strict doctrine or universal "right way." Instead, it’s all about your unique approach to working with energy, the natural world, and manifesting your desires. Whether you’re chanting, visualizing, or using quirky personal symbols, chaos magick empowers you with the freedom to innovate. Think of it as being an artist of the supernatural, creating a vibrant masterpiece that resonates with your vibes in the moment. Folk Magick Folk magick occurs in many forms, deeply intertwined with cultural heritage and everyday rituals, blending folklore traditions with a hint of the mystical. In Appalachian granny magick, for example, ancestral wisdom and the magical power of nature come together through remedies, charms, and spells passed down for generations. Similarly, African spiritual practices incorporate rituals, songs, and elements like herbs or candles to channel energy and seek guidance from the spiritual realm. Folk magick often shows up in Western culture as traditions we might not even recognize as magical, like eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day for luck or tossing spilled salt over your left shoulder to ward off bad energy. Superstitions, another form of magick, often blur the line between ritual and routine. Family traditions like carrying a lucky coin or knocking on wood stem from ancient beliefs, such as Anglo-Saxon practices where runes served as tools for protection and problem-solving. Understanding your ancestry can provide a definition of unique folk magickal influences, connecting you to practices that celebrate everyday life and mystical empowerment. Who knows what hidden answers and magical potential you might discover as a person exploring your own folklore? Growing up Italian, I never realized how much folk magick was woven into our culture—especially in Napoli, where my family is from. It wasn’t until I got older that I started connecting the dots. I remember riding in my grandparents' beat-up Fiat, the bright red "il corno" (the horn) dangling from the rearview mirror, swaying with every bump. At the time, I thought it was just a cool charm, but later learned it’s a symbol to ward off the malocchio, or evil eye. My nonna would mumble under her breath and make a little hand gesture whenever someone complimented me too much—she was protecting me from envy! Looking back, these moments were everywhere in our lives, and I never realized how magical and intentional they were. Italians—especially Neapolitans—don’t mess around with spiritual protection! The Connection Between Magick and Natural Rhythms Magick in the Seasons Ever notice how your energy shifts with the seasons? That’s no coincidence—seasonal changes, like solstices and equinoxes, carry powerful energy that can amplify magickal workings and other forms of creative energy. From the blooming promise of spring, symbolizing beginnings, to the reflective quiet of winter, each season offers unique opportunities to align intentions with the natural cycles of the Earth. Celebrating sabbats, like Samhain or Yule, allows practitioners to honor these rhythms and speak to the flow of time. Tapping into these energies isn’t just about following tradition; it’s about working harmoniously with the world around you to shape your ultimate destiny. By aligning your magick with the seasons, you’re not only practicing self-development but also using the cycles of the Earth as a powerful means to amplify your ability to cause change to occur. This definition of seasonal energy reminds us of the deep connection between nature and our personal power. Earth Magick and the Elements Earth, fire, air, and water—they aren’t just elements on the periodic table; they’re essential forces in modern occultism and everyday magick. Want to feel grounded? Call on earth energy to center yourself. Need a fresh start? Work with water to cleanse and purify your spirit. Whether it’s lighting a candle to harness the spark of fire or breathing deeply to connect with air, each element offers its own unique, powerful way to channel energy. By tuning into these natural forces, you build a stronger connection to Spirit and deepen your ability to transform both your inner and outer world. Earth magick is about working hand-in-hand with nature to embody harmony, balance, and empowerment—all while crafting the life you want. After all, nature has a knack for helping us realize our ultimate potential. How to See Between the Veil and Start Practicing Magick Your intuition is like a muscle—it gets stronger the more you work it! By immersing yourself in practices such as meditation, journaling, and grounding exercises, you create a direct line of communication with Spirit. Meditation allows you to center your energy, while journaling opens a space to explore thoughts and messages from beyond. Grounding connects you to the physical world, anchoring your power (or shakti aspect) and strengthening your ability to perceive the unseen. These practices act as means to sharpen your sensitivity to subtle energies, fine-tuning your inner compass and enhancing the art of causing change both in yourself and the environment around you. Manifestation and Daily Magick:    Magick doesn’t have to be reserved for special rituals—it can beautifully weave into your daily life! Simple practices like charging your water with intention, expressing gratitude for even the tiniest blessings, and paying attention to synchronicities in your day-to-day life are potent ways to embody witchcraft. These means are some of the most seamless ways to bend reality and have change occur in conformity with your will. By aligning your energy with your desires, you co-create a life filled with purpose and meaning—because magick isn’t just about altering the world; it’s about transforming yourself and your relationship with it. Claiming Your Magickal Identity Defining your magickal path is such a personal journey—it’s honestly one of the most exciting parts of stepping into this world. I remember when I first started out, I had no idea where to begin. I just gave myself permission to explore—reading everything I could get my hands on, diving into different traditions, and seeing what resonated with me. And you know what? I quickly realized there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and that’s the best part! For me, the biggest shift came when I stopped trying to follow someone else’s rulebook and started trusting my intuition. Magick isn’t just about the spells or the tools—it’s about discovering yourself along the way. At first, I thought I had to pick one system, like Wicca, and stick to it, but as I kept learning, I found myself pulling bits and pieces from all over. Now, my practice is this unique blend that feels so me . What I love most is how empowering magick is. It’s this constant reminder that I’m co-creating my life. For me, it’s not just about channeling energy—it’s about reclaiming my power. I’ve adapted rituals, made up my own, and just let my craft grow with me. And the coolest part? Every time I show up authentically, it feels like I’m not just doing magick—I am  the magick. ✨    Conclusion At its heart, magick is the perfect blend of art and science, a dance between intention and Spirit. It’s where creativity meets conscious effort, where your personal energy weaves through the fabric of the universe to create something meaningful. Every spell, every ritual, is its own masterpiece—crafted with intention, guided by intuition, and powered by the connection to something greater. But magick isn’t just found in the big rituals or fancy tools—it lives in the small, quiet moments too. It’s in the way you light a candle with purpose, find meaning in nature’s rhythms, or set intentions while stirring your morning tea. These everyday moments remind us that magick is all around us, waiting for us to notice and engage with it. I encourage you to explore how magick can fit into your own spiritual practice and daily life. What does it mean to you? Where do you feel it the most? Play, experiment, and discover your own unique flow. Start small, trust your instincts, and see what unfolds. Witchy Challenge: And here’s a little challenge for you—go find magick in something mundane today! Maybe it’s the sunlight filtering through your window, the glint of dew on grass, or even a random moment of synchronicity. Share your experiences with your magickal practice—what worked, what surprised you, what lit you up inside. Your story could inspire someone else to uncover the magick in their own life.

  • New Moon Witchy Yoga

    New Moon Witchy Yoga Flow witchy Hi all, have you seen my second Witchy Yoga flow video on my youtube channel??! Well, if you haven't, click the link and check it out! This year I'm going to challenge myself to do a couple witchy yoga flows a month, I'm thinking they will typically correlate with the Full Moon, New Moon, or even Dark moon if we're in the mood for shadow work! In an effort to keep my content authentic, I am trying to be less of a perfectionist and just keep it real as to where I'm at as a fresh graduate of yoga teacher training....eventually I'll be that Spiritual Yoga Witch Zen master 5000, but for now, we're gonna just go with the flow. Here are some of my notes from the video.... Tools Required: Manifestation Spray (click for tutorial!), incense, or grounding aroma of choice Candle of choice Print this out for your book of shadows Steps for this Witchy Yoga Ritual:   1)  Take three breaths 2) Think of intention 2) Spray Manifestation spray or light incense 3) Light candle 4) Repeat three time: I fully embrace this life that I desire, one filled with never-ending dreams to fuel my fire. 5) Flow with me! If you want to do your own thing here are the poses I used for this video:   Cat//cow Kneeling Half Moon Kneeling Cactus Table top Cobra Sphinx Sphinx gaze left/right Child’s Pose Rabit pose Seated Wide legged forward fold Seated Wide legged forward fold Wind removing pose left right Savasana And as promised, here are some ideas to help you decide which candle color to use for this spell: White : Purity, healing, and truth, white candles are your go-to for clarity and new beginnings. Red : Passion, strength, and vitality, these fiery candles fuel your goals related to love or courage. Green : Abundance, growth, and wealth, green candles are perfect for planting the seeds of prosperity. Blue : Peace, wisdom, and harmony, blue candles encourage serenity and spiritual growth. Yellow : Joy, intellect, and creativity, these sunny candles brighten and quicken your projects. Purple : Spirituality, power, and psychic awareness, use purple to unlock the unseen. Pink : Affection, friendship, and self-love, pink candles are all about the heart's domain Black : Protection, banishing, and mystery, black candles are the powerful shields in your spiritual arsenal. Have you ever felt a nagging negativity? Well, that's when a black candle comes to your rescue, sweeping away those vibes. Orange : Change, adaptability, and encouragement, light an orange candle when you need a cosmic cheerleader. Silver : Reflection, intuition, and lunar connections, and female energy: Silver candles are your spiritual mirror, revealing the hidden aspects of yourself and the secret messages from the Universe. Gold : Prosperity, success, and male energy, let gold candles be your beacon for abundance and power. Ever wish for a Midas touch in your endeavors? Strike a match and let the gold candle's shimmer help turn your efforts into gold. Brown : Stability, grounding, and decisiveness, a brown candle is like a hug from Mother Earth herself, steadying your feet when life whirls like a dervish. Gray : Neutrality, balance, and contemplation, gray candles are the unsung heroes when you aim to find calm amid chaos. Can't decide if you need a shield or a sword? Light a gray candle for guidance to a balanced path. What are you manifesting this new moon? Enjoy the video and be sure to subscribe to the Season of Anya for more Yoga Magick and Witchcraft from a Spiritual Yoga Witch xx

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