See You at Mystic South in Atlanta Georgia
Hey witches, I'm going to my first ever Witchy Convention which will be Mystic South in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. This will be my first ever witchy convention and I can't wait to meet some of you there.
Here is a description from their website:
Join us for our fifth annual Mystic South Conference! Mystic South is filled with workshops, educational abstract presentations, rituals, community building, and much more. With the backdrop of the grand city of Atlanta, be a part of our celebration of the diversity of the peoples and religious practices, both past and present, that make up our region.
I actually thought the fee was quite reasonable considering the amount of education that's available. Sometimes a few hour event can cost hundreds of dollars.
I will be traveling with many members of my coven, and I'm just so excited to go. I've been in the witchcraft/metaphysical community for about 5 years, but with covid being a solid 3 of those years, a lot of these events were paused, or I wasn't able to make them. This lineup is badass too!
Not gonna lie, I low key feel like the conference was made for me (shoutout to my Leo tendencies). But for real, this seems to be a nice, well rounded event for a multitude of practitioners. With that said, I'm especially excited to see the Yoga and Drum circles on the ternary every day.

My friends at House of Witchcraft are actually hosting a badass hospitality suite and my mentor and international best selling author Taren S, was selected as one of the candidates for presenting a workshop on Introduction to Graveyard Dirt Magick, and I'm especially proud of her for being one of the presenters because this is quite a prestigious title.
Taren, the coven members of HoW and myself will be hosting some parties in the evening in our hospitality suite....and boy do we love to dance! Don't worry, we are also hosting a tea time recovery hour as well in the day.
Headliners of Mystic South will Include: Najah Lightfoot author Good Juju: Mojos,Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul, Corey Thomas Hutcheson, author of New World Witchery, Laura Temptest author of Weave in the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, and Stephanie Rose Bird, author of 365 Days of Hoodoo: Daily Rootwork, Mojo & Conjuration. I will say, this event really has a nice balance of different topics and different practitioners of all backgrounds. It's important that we all get represented equally and learn and grow from each other.
Anywho, I really just wanted to make it an actual announcement, because if any of you are coming there, or live in the south I'd love to see your faces there and meetup. I'm still figuring out my schedule, because there's so much to choose from! (PS--Mystic South did not pay me or ask me to make this post: Let's be honest, they have no idea who I am lol. I'm just sharing a cool event in case fellow yoga witches are interested in attending!)
Have you ever been to a Witchy convention? Which ones are your favorite? You know what to do, comment below.
PS--Subscribe to my YouTube channel? It would mean the world to me! Catch you on the next one!