Ostara DIY Craft: Pentacle Wreath
Hi everyone! I'm so excited to be introducing some Witchcrafts to this blog. If you haven't seen my previous post about Ostara do go a head and check it out to see what energies we are working with this time of year. I will have ALOT of Ostara and Spring Equinox themed videos up on my youtube channel so do check it out.

With that said, right now on this blog I have an AWESOME tutorial for you where most of the supplies (except the glue gun and skewers) can be found at the dollar store (witchy budget crafting for the win!). Not to keep plugging that youtube channel, but below is a corresponding youtube video so you can easily follow along if you prefer to watch me make it instead.
One foam wreath
2 sprigs of fake flowers
Three ivy garlands (small ones from dollar store)
Twine or ribbon
Mini mushrooms
Or other pretty items such as:
-wooden decor
-gems and crystals
-dried lemons or dried
Orange slices
Kebab skewers
Glue gun
Dried Crafting Moss
Pliers, or scissors
Step one: Begin to lay out your pentacle with by using your kebab sticks. Be sure the pentacle can lay comfortably on top of the wreath! Begin to adhere the points of the skewers together to create each point of the pentacle. You may need a plier or scissors to remove any excess glue or excess wood bits from the pentacle.

I recommend mapping it out first so you have your initial shape figured out and then gluing it together triangle by triangle with the hot glue gun. Take your time with this part because the pentacle can look wonky if you rush it. Allow each triangle to completely dry out before assembling the whole thing. Making a beautiful, somewhat proportionate pentacle is a bit of a tedious process, but allow this process to be a labor of love and enjoyment!
NOTE: I bounced back and forth between the pentacle, and making the wreath to save for time as the glue was drying! I recommend doing this to avoid idle time.
Step 2: Grab your foam and secure the first end of the ivy with...ample amounts of hot glue. Really make sure you are enclosing it! Be sure to allow the glue to completely dry first so the end doesn't pop off, and then wrapping it until you reach one end. Once you reach the other end be sure to secure it down with more hot glue. Wait for it to completely dry, and then repeat the process with the two remaining garlands.

At this point you wanna be mindful of which side will be your front and which side will be your back, that way you don’t waste materials, and that way you are able to allocate the excess Ivy leaves towards the front of your wreath for maximum coverage. At this point, take it upon yourself to aesthetically lay a few pieces of the ivy down if they are sticking out oddly or wonky.
You may be able to do this just by fanning out the garland leaves a little bit and filling up spaces, or you can also lay down a couple of the leaves individually with glue. Try to avoid and areas with big holes, but we still have a lot of filler ahead of us so don't stress!
Step three: Begin filling small areas of the wreath of the gaps with the hot glue gun, and then quickly apply the moss to the glue. After your initial application of filling all the gaps, be sure to give it a good shake to gently remove excess moss from wreath. Fill in any missing areas if necessary!

Step 4: Take flowers, and remove stems and leaves. With back of flowers poke hole into the foam. Fill hole with glue in immediately put in the flower allowing it to adhere properly, creating that nice puncture creates a solid setting so the flowers don't fall off as easily.
Step 5: Apply mushrooms and other trinkets and craft items as desired to your wreath! You can use mushrooms as pictured, leaves, bells, crystals, dried orange or lemons slices or any additional items you make this masterpiece your own!
Step 6: At this point the wooden pentacle should be assembled, but we're going to jazz it up a bit.... as we esthetically wrap with twine or ribbon! Secure the first end of the twine, and slowly begin to wrap. This is a great time to weave an intention, a mantra and ingrain bit of magick into your craft! Maybe now is great time to reflect of how you want to connect more with Spirit during until the summer solstice, or maybe it’s a good time to dance around to your favorite music and weave while you dance, or maybe now is a great time to think of absolutely nothing and just focus on being present.

I went a little extra thicker on the points of my pentacle to give it a little extra flair. Have fun with it! While it can take quite a bit of time and patience, this is part of the fun, seeing your creation come to life!
Tip: To make the twine more manageable, cut twine into smaller sections, and adhere to back of the pentacle as needed... the back won't show so it doesn’t have to look perfect from all angles.
Step 7: Once you have completed, weaving the pentacle with a twine, adhere the finished pentacle to your wreath! Add any finishing details that you may need to your beautiful Ostara craft pentacle wreath!

Step 8: Although it is not necessary, you may find that you want to adhere some twine to your wreath to create a little loop hook. I found that it hung just fine by itself without it.
That is it my friends! What do you think of this project? If you like it, and are maybe even planning on making it, do drop a comment and tag me on social media! I'm even back on instagram now where this whole blog started!