My Experience at Mystic South 2023 As a Yoga Witch
Hello to all my fellow Spiritual Yoga Witches and witchy practicioners! First off, let's start with the fact I will need the next week off of all responsibilities to recover from the wild shenanigans the coven and I got into this last weekend at Mystic South, Georgia! I am so blessed to be able to go there to not only to make a formal introduction as The Season of Anya: Spiritual Yoga Witch as a channel, blogger, and as a brand, but to connect with and learn from the amazing pagan, spritual and witchy community.
Let me first give out a big thank you to those who I connected with. I cannot tell you how nervous I was coming out there and introducing myself to the community. Networking to promote myself is truly one of the hardest things for me. I know I am a very small channel just starting out, but you all were so gracious with me and full of so much positive encouragement. Thank you for believing in my message and encouraging me to spread my message, and dealing with Anya being a ball of nerves the whole time. Seriously, I haven't been that nervous in a very very long time. Being open about who I am, as a Yoga Witch and my authentic self was truly one of the scariest but fulfilling experiences I've had in a long time.
Behind the Scenes Youtube: With that said, let's talk about what it was like going to Mystic South 2023 as well as my first experience going to a Witchy Conference all the way in the beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. PS--I'm going to have a fun video on my YouTube Channel so be sure you're subscribed when it's out! Spoiler alert: There will be a video of me drunkingly fumbling the YMCA dance somewhere in there...ha.

Hospitality Suites:
At conferences, established covens can sign up to offer a Hospitality Suite. It's where we get the chance to show other magickal folks what our tradition looks like on a more personal level, sit and chit chat, host a chill out and regrouping tea time and also host a killer party. It was super fun getting to hang out with
my friends at the House of Witchcraft, serving drinks, and even getting to taste some delicious home-made chai mead from those attending our suite.
Belly Dancing:
Gwenna Obscura, thank you for the first official workshop I took at Mystic South, Incorporating Belly Dance into You Spiritual Practice, it was a fun way to get out of my head, try something new and you had a great playlist (thanks for sharing!)
Yoga Magick:
Shout out to Daniela Semina who taught Yoga Tech for modern pagans. We did chair yoga, which was actually a really enjoyable experience that can be enjoyed by anyone of any bodily shape, physical ailments, and busy work schedules. Thank you for sharing your knowledge as well as that yummy meditation at the end.

Desperate House Witches: Thank you so so much to Raina Starr for being one of the first witches from this community to welcome me to the community, letting me practice my book pitch with you, and scheduling me to be on your podcast, the Desperate House Witches (please link). You were such a warm welcome and bring a light to this community. It was so great sharing that one on one experience with you and really being able to connect and share our journeys together. Please check out her podcast Desperate House Witches!

Drumming Rituals:
Thank you Eric Olson for hosting your drumming workshops, What is a Drum Circle Anyways?, and creating a really cool and collaborative drumming workshop for all of us. It was a great experience getting to not only be apart of another drum circle, bt being able to drum among witches and other like-minded spiritual folx.
Brujeria Style Psychic Self Defense: I got the pleasure of attending Wendy Mata Houseman's workshop, Brujeria Style Psychic Self Defense and learning some amazing techniques for shielding
myself and being more aware of picking up on psychic energy and different shielding techniques. Very cool information and I took a lot out of this class. Congratulations for hosting your first in-person workshop, I never would have guessed it.
Dancing with Witches at a Ball:
Dancing with witches under a full moon is something I have become quite used to, but being able to dance with a room full of other witches at a Phoenix Ball was super fun. Make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel to see some of the great videos the DJ took of us as well as my Mystic South compilation videos.... including me somehow messing up the YMCA. I told you I was a ball of nerves. Mama Taren: Congratulations on hosting your first workshop (at this event) Introduction to Graveyard Magick and not only completely filling up a classroom but so much that there was standing room only. You deserve it.

Going to a Witchcraft Convention with a Coven
I have been blessed to be a part of the House of Witchcraft for the past five years and have gotten to travel with these beautiful souls at our "Witchy Retreats" for the past three years and enjoying some magickal life experiences. Getting to go to a Witchcraft Conference as a coven was super cool.
Being able to run around a hotel lobby among all different sorts of people, including a lot of random strangers. (who were actually very nice and didn't seem to be weirded out by a hotel full of witchy people) was AMAZING. I really enjoyed being able to not only further my spiritual practice and techniques, but also reaffirmed my own spiritual practice. Oftentimes we wonder if "we are doing it right?" while the answer is generally yes, we truly learn from each other through discussion. I was so pleased to how many people were interested in the concept of being a Yoga Witch as I'm learning to be more authentic to who I am and spread a message of healing through my spiritual practice of Yoga and Witchcraft.
See you at Mystic South 2024! West coast Witches, where are the gatherings at? I'd love to go to another witchy pagan conference here in California. Lets connect! PS--Subscribe on YouTube for even more content and a compilation video of some of my experiences at Mystic South.
