June New Moon for Yoga Witches
Can you believe that the June new moon is just around the corner? I can't! Where the heck is this year going, fam? If only there was magick to make time slow down a little bit. Anywho as witches, we understand the power of the moon in our craft, and the new moon is the perfect time to plant the seeds of our intentions and set our magick into motion. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the June new moon and how we can harness its energy to enhance our personal growth, spirituality, and power.
Understanding the June New Moon
With the June New Moon comes an opportunity to manifest our deepest desires and embrace the magick of the lunar cycle. I do believe the June New moon is an extremely powerful time to manifest: We're at the half way part of the year, and with the summer solstice happening a few days later, we are also entering the dark half of the year. So think of all the wonderful light energy we have with us that we can take into the second half of the year.
Just a PSA--now is a great time to revisit your vision boards and regroup: See what you've been slacking on, see what needs adjusting, pivot, and start moving towards those goals again. Trust me when I say it's not too late to start up your boards. Last year, I kind of forgot about mine until June, and still managed to get everything on my list accomplished. So manifest witches!
The June new moon, also known as the strawberry moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and is characterized by its dark and mysterious energy. This is the time when the moon is not visible in the sky, making it a prime moment to turn inward and focus on our innermost thoughts and desires. According to astrology, the June new moon falls under the sign of Gemini this season, which is known for its communicative and adaptable nature. When manifesting with this in mind, think about how you can show up a bit better for yourself by learning how to be more communicative, and to adapt and overcome obstacles.
Setting Your Intentions
The new moon is a powerful time to set intentions and manifest your deepest desires. Whether it is a new job, a fulfilling relationship, or spiritual growth, the new moon provides the perfect opportunity to focus on your goals and make them a reality. To set your intentions, it is important to take a moment of stillness and ask yourself what you truly want. Once you have set your intentions, visualize them with clarity and detail, and feel the emotions associated with them. This is the time to trust in the power of the universe and the magickal energy within yourself.
Crafting a New Moon Ritual Spell
As we know, crafting a ritual is one of the most effective ways to tap into the energy of the new moon. You can create your own ritual or use one that has been passed down from other witches, or of course, create your own! A general guideline for ritual is to cleanse your space, set an intention, cast a circle, and call upon the elements and spirits to guide your magick. You can also incorporate candle magick, oracle cards, or crystals into your ritual to enhance the energy and intention of your practice. Always!
Embracing the Energy of the June New Moon
The energy of the new moon is not limited to just one night, and as witches, we can harness this energy throughout the lunar cycle. It is important to nurture your intentions and continue to take actions that align with your desires in the following days and weeks. You can do this by journaling, meditating, or incorporating daily rituals into your practice. Honor the energy of the new moon by honoring yourself and your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.
New Moon Divination
The new moon in June is a great time to sit under the dimly light nights sky with your divination tools. If you're into tarot, a three card spread could be a good way to figure out how to spend the rest of this new moon cycle. Don't worry so much about what the cards are supposed to say, but rather what spirit is saying through the energy of these cards. Do not limit yourself with tarot, though! Divination is great in any form under the June new moon.
The June new moon is a time for new beginnings, growth, and manifestation. As witches, we have the power to harness this energy and use it to enhance our practices and transform our lives. By setting intentions, crafting rituals, and embracing the energy of the new moon, we can manifest our deepest desires and live in harmony with the cycles of the universe. Remember, the power of magick lies within you. Embrace it, and let the June new moon guide your way. Blessed be.
Tell us in the comments below how you plan on spending this June New Moon, and thank you so very much for taking this journey with The Season of Anya with me, xx