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How to Write a Book of Shadows (Even if You’re Just Getting Started)

How to Write a Book of Shadows | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners

How to Write a Book of Shadows (Even if You’re Just Getting Started)

Anyone exploring witchcraft, wiccan traditions, or the metaphysical arts has likely heard of the legendary Book of Shadows. But what makes it so special, and how do you create your own book?

A Book of Shadows (BoS) is a personal, sacred guide—a spiritual journal where you document your unique journey. For solitary practitioners or those blending witchcraft & wiccan traditions, other spiritual paths, and traditions, it becomes a deeply reflective space. Unlike a grimoire, which serves as a general reference for magickal knowledge, your own book is a private record for recording spells, honoring your traditions, and growing your connection to Spirit.

Starting your personal BoS can feel overwhelming (we’ve all been there), but whether you’re a curious seeker or a solitary practitioner, this article will show you how to create your own book step by step.

The History and Importance of the Book of Shadows

Two Book of Shadows | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners

Ancient Roots of Spiritual Record Keeping

For as long as humans have walked the earth, they’ve sought to connect with the divine and record their magickal journeys. Throughout history, humans have always sought ways to document their spiritual practices. From the papyrus scrolls of ancient Egypt to the spells inscribed on Grecian tablets, people across cultures recorded rituals, prayer, and intention. These writings often held immense power and were kept private—even sacred.

Fast-forward to medieval Europe, and you’ll find grimoires (a close cousin to the Book of Shadows) serving as manuals for magickal practices, written by witches, alchemists, and occultists. The distinction? Grimoires were often shared across practitioners, whereas your Book of Shadows is meant to reflect your soul and the evolution of your life and Spiritual practice.

Why Your Book of Shadows Matters Today

For modern witches and spiritual seekers, a Book of Shadows acts as a living document—a place to:

  • Record your spells and rituals

  • Reflect on spiritual growth

  • Deepen your connection with Spirit

  • Explore your unique relationship with energy and intention

Personally, I keep two—one is my tried-and-true reference guide (filled with reliable spells and correspondences) and the other is experimental, where I get messy, creative, and wild. Together, they track my growth in ways I treasure deeply.

Step 1: Preparing to Create Your Book of Shadows

Candle Ritual | How to Write a Book of Shadows | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners

Choosing Your Format

This is where a lot of witches get stuck, so here’s the truth—you don’t need a fancy leather-bound tome (unless that’s your vibe because YES!). Your BoS could be:

  • A simple spiral notebook (charmingly humble, if you ask me)

  • A bullet journal for structure lovers

  • A digital document (Google Docs or Evernote work great)

  • Or even a mix of methods—like printing and pasting into a scrapbook

Choose what feels right. Your Book of Shadows is a reflection of your energy, so don’t stress about aesthetics. You can always evolve and upgrade as you go!

Infusing Meaning into Your Book

Make your BoS a magickal object from the start:

  • Decorate the cover with symbols, stickers, or sigils that resonate with your Spirit.

  • Cleanse it with incense, an herbal spray, or a sprinkle of moon water.

  • Set an intention for it—speak aloud, “This book is a sacred space where my inner light and wisdom can shine.”

Setting the Foundation

Start simple. Will your book be organized into neat sections with a table of content (herbs, moon phases, and spells), or will you be chaotic like me and jot down everything as it flows? There’s no wrong way to do this, but trust me—leaving blank pages for future notes is always a good move.

Pro Tip: I like to keep an index or table of contents at the front of my book so I can find spells or correspondences easily over time.

Step 2: Blessing Your Book of Shadows

Before you begin to write your first spell or intention, consider taking a moment to bless your book. While this step is optional and not something I personally do, many witches find it to be a meaningful ritual. Blessing your book can be a beautiful way to infuse its pages with focused spiritual energy and intention.

Here’s a simple blessing ritual to try:

  1. Place your BoS on your altar or a clean surface.

  2. Light a white candle to symbolize clarity and purity.

  3. Write this blessing on the first page (or something similar):

   “May this book be a vessel of truth and light,

   A guide in my practice, both day and night.

   With each word I write, I honor my soul,

   May it always inspire, help, and make me whole.”

  1. Speak your intention aloud while holding your hands over the book.

Adding an Inspiring Quote to the 1st Page

Book Blessing for Book of Shadows | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners |
Book Blessing from Book of Shadows

At the very beginning of your Book of Shadows, consider including a quote that inspires you! The title page is the perfect spot for such a thing. A meaningful quote can set the tone for your entire practice, serving as a reminder of your values, intentions, or outlook on life. Whether it’s a line from a favorite author, a verse from sacred text, or even your own words, this little addition can infuse every page with purpose and positivity. I also like to pick random pages to include quotes Remember, your Book of Shadows is a deeply personal creation, so choose something that truly resonates with your spirit!

Step 3: What to Include in Your Book of Shadows

Now comes the exciting, fun, and creative part—filling your Book of Shadows with content! Think of it as crafting a personal treasure trove of wisdom, inspiration, and magic that's uniquely your own. This is a deeply personal process, so don’t rush it. Take your time, light a candle, put on some soothing music, and immerse yourself in creating something that truly reflects your spiritual journey.

When I started my first Book of Shadows, I remember feeling overwhelmed by the blank pages staring back at me. I had absolutely no clue where to start, and something about writing in it felt so...permanent. But then I realized—this isn't about perfection, it’s about authenticity. Initially, I started by listing countless herbs—many of which I had never even heard of, let alone recognized. In hindsight, I believe that was completely the wrong approach.

Then I decided to take a simpler approach: jotting down my favorite spells, sketching sigils I felt drawn to, and writing about the first time I felt connected to the energy of the moon. As an avid dreamer I wrote down my vivid dreams. Over time, those blank pages turned into a vibrant, living document of my practice.

To help you get started, here are a few core ideas and suggestions: record your daily rituals, write down correspondences for herbs and crystals, note moon phases and astrological insights, and keep a section for your favorite spells or affirmations. You could also include personal reflections, meditative insights, or even artwork and pressed flowers that resonate with your energy. Remember, this is your sacred space—make it as messy, colorful, or minimalist as feels right to you. Above all, enjoy the process of creating something that’s entirely, beautifully yours as there's no such thing as a write or wrong way to compose your Bos.

Core Components

These key elements, rooted in many traditions and stories, can form the heart of your personal Book of Shadows (BoS). Throughout history, sites of significance to witchcraft have provided inspiration and access to knowledge, offering hope and guidance for practitioners as they weave their own unique path. Your BoS becomes your greatest teacher, a living, breathing guide that evolves with your journey, holding your wisdom, experiences, and inspiration. Explore more in our featured articles for deeper insights and inspiration.

  • Spells and Rituals: Your go-to magickal recipes and the heart of your practice. These could include everything from simple candle spells for setting intentions to elaborate full moon rituals that align with lunar energy—perfect magical things to include in your practice. You might also want to document protection spells for your home, banishing rituals, or charm bag recipes on a dedicated page in your book of shadows. Don’t forget to include detailed notes on your experiences, results, and any adjustments you made—it’s a great way to refine your craft over time and track what works best for you under different circumstances. Consider organizing these spells by purpose, such as love, prosperity, protection, or healing, for quick reference. Each story behind a spell and its results adds more depth to your magical journey.

  • Herbs and Crystals: Correspondences that align with and enrich your practice. Create detailed lists or charts of herbs, their magickal properties, and how you’ve used them in spells, teas, or healing elixirs. For example, document how lavender aids in peace and relaxation or how rosemary enhances protection and memory. Include crystals, their meanings, and ways to work with them—like using amethyst for intuition or citrine for abundance. You might even add photos, sketches, or pressed herbs for a more immersive entry. Consider attaching a small pouch to your book to hold crystal chips, dried herbs, or other small magickal tools for quick access during rituals.

    Divination Tools | How to Write a Book of Shadows | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners

  • Divination Tools: A section for exploring and expanding your connection to the unseen. Document your favorite tarot spreads, oracle card insights, pendulum charts, or scrying notes in detail. Include instructions for spreads that you’ve found particularly useful, as well as interpretations of recurring symbols or themes. You can also create a section for recording your readings, noting the date, the question asked, and the results or insights gained. Over time, this section becomes a valuable resource for identifying patterns, themes, or even answering future questions by reflecting on past readings. For added depth, include tips for connecting with your divination tools, such as cleansing techniques or rituals to strengthen your intuition.

  • God and Goddess Lore:  A place for honoring and learning more about deities from various pantheons. You can include descriptions, symbols, stories, or even personal experiences with specific gods or goddesses. Consider adding artwork, prayers, incantations, or rituals dedicated to certain deities. This section not only deepens your understanding of different spiritual traditions but also helps you cultivate a deeper connection with the divine. You may even feel inspired to create your own deity profiles by researching their origins and associations.

  • Astrology and Moon Magick & Phases: Document the cosmic influences that shape your magickal practice. Keep a detailed log of moon phases, planetary alignments, and zodiac transits, along with how they resonate with your energy and rituals. You could add a cheat sheet for astrological houses, the qualities of each zodiac sign, and the correspondences of each planet to help guide your work. For further introspection, consider including your personalized birth chart along with any insights or connections you discover over time. This section could also include information on eclipses, retrogrades, or other celestial events that influence your practice. Add notes on how to align your spells and rituals with these energies to maximize their effectiveness.

  • Essential Oil and their Properties: For those who use essential oils in their practice, create a section to document the properties and benefits of different oils. Include information on how to safely use and blend oils for rituals, spells, or everyday wellness. You can also add personal experiences with using certain oils for specific intentions or goals. Along with traditional correspondences, you could also explore the spiritual and emotional properties of each oil, such as calming scents for meditation or uplifting scents for manifestation work. Encourage readers to experiment with different combinations and find what works best for them.

  • Dreams:  Explore the power of dreamwork in magickal practice. Share techniques for lucid dreaming, dream recall, and interpreting dreams to gain insight and guidance from the subconscious mind. You could also include a dream journal template for readers to track and analyze their dreams over time. Consider offering tips on how to use dreams in spellwork or ritual work, such as setting intentions before sleep or incorporating dream symbols into spells. Encourage readers to pay attention to recurring themes or symbols in their dreams and how they may relate to their spiritual journey.

My personal Book of Shadows incorporates yoga as an integral part of my spiritual practice. I blend yoga elements and philosophies seamlessly throughout, though you could choose to dedicate each subject to a separate book if that suits your approach better.

Personalized Touches

A Book of Shadows should feel alive, vibrant, uniquely yours, and will vary from person to person as no two books are alike. My favorite part is adding personal touches—infusing it with your personality through little anecdotes, doodles, or memories that bring it to life and make it truly one-of-a-kind:

  • Artwork, Doodles, and Stickers: Hand-drawn sigils, sketches of your altar setup, or stickers that reflect your spiritual journey.

  • Favorite Quotes or Affirmations: Collect and include words that inspire you, whether they’re from sacred texts, literature, or your own reflections.

  • Journaling Prompts or Personal Reflections: Write about what drew you to your practice, moments of spiritual growth, or challenges you’ve faced. Use this space to explore your evolving beliefs and lessons learned.

  • Mementos: Tape in dried flower petals, feathers, ticket stubs from inspiring events, or anything else that carries meaning or personal power. Each addition makes your BoS truly one of a kind.

I like to print out sigils or even include pressed flowers from nature walks. These elements feel like they add energy and intent to my book, creating a sense of connection to my surroundings and practice.

Practical Tips

Creating a beautiful Book of Shadows doesn’t require artistic talent! If drawing isn’t your strength, don’t worry—there are so many resources out there to help. Pinterest and Google offer countless witchy printables, such as charts, sigils, or decorative borders, that you can easily use to enhance your book. You can also check out craft stores like Michaels or Hobby Lobby for scrapbooking supplies, specialty paper, and embellishments to give your BoS a creative flair.

For a more digital approach, consider using a tablet with apps like GoodNotes or Canva to design a digital Book of Shadows. This is a great option if you want something editable and portable, plus it allows you to integrate multimedia elements like photos or links.

No matter how you choose to structure your Book of Shadows, remember that this is your sacred space. There’s no right or wrong way to do it—what matters most is that it resonates with you and supports your spiritual journey. Take your time, experiment, and let your creativity flow!

Step 4: Share and Source Ideas

While your Book of Shadows is personal, the witchy community is an incredible place to draw inspiration:

  • Collaborate with friends and other witches and share ideas. It's fun be inspired by other people who are passionate about witchcraft!

  • A high priest or high priestess should be open to sharing their books and knowledge with you.

  • Source inspiration from nature by taking walks, collecting natural materials such as leaves, flowers, or rocks, and incorporating them into your book.

  • Hop online Need more witchy friends? Reddit groups and Pinterest boards are full of creative layouts.

  • Shop smart—You can find some beautiful stores like Michaels or Joann’s have gorgeous papers and tools (there almost always a 40% coupon available) Speaking of shopping smart, the Dollar Store often has a lot of cool art supplies.

  • Remember to always credit sources if using someone else's ideas or content in your Book of Shadows. Giving credit not only shows respect for your fellow witches' work but also allows others to discover their contributions. Some of my favorite workings have been passed down from

Step 5: Keep It Evolving

A Book of Shadows should never feel “done.” It’s a living document, which means it evolves alongside you. Return to old entries, revise spells that didn’t work, and make space for new lessons, and remember, if you don't like how a page turns out, you can always paste a new entry write over it.

I still laugh when I look back at my early BoS entries (some spells were a little cringe), but seeing those moments reminds me how far I’ve come. Treat your BoS like an old friend—it’s here to grow with you, imperfections and all.

Your Next Step on the Journey

Creating a Book of Shadows isn’t just about writing spells or documenting your practice—it’s a way to connect with yourself and honor your spiritual evolution. Take my advice on this one: Don’t stress over perfection—just start.

If you’ve already started your Book of Shadows, drop a comment with your favorite section or share some helpful advice for fellow witches. And if you haven’t begun yet, there’s no better time than now.

Trust your Spirit. You’re magickal. ✨ Witchcraft is all about your personal journey!



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