How to Witchcraft: Connecting With May Full Moon Flower Moon
The Full Moon in may is known primarily as the Flower Moon, but also refered to as the Budding Moon, Egg Laying Moon, and Planting Moon. In conjunction with the flowering, fertile themes of the holiday in this month represented by the pagan holiday Beltane, this full moon in May represents a time of blooming, growth, and transformation. Each month has its own unique full moon energy that carries its own significance. With that being said the May Full Moon is especially potent for manifesting. As the weather gets warmer and flowers begin to bloom, it's the perfect time to tap into the magick and power of this lunar event.
May's full Moon, the Flower Moon, is named after the blooming flowers and plants that come to life during this time of year. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of the Flower Moon and how you can harness its energy to manifest your dreams.

The Flower Moon and it's Magick
The Significance of the Flower Moon
The Flower Moon is a time of fertility and growth, representing the abundance and new life of spring as the days are officially warmer in the Northern Hemisphere. It's a time to plant seeds both literally and figuratively, as the energy of the full moon can fertilize your intentions and bring them to fruition. This full moon is associated with love, strength, and passion, so use this time to connect with those you love and ignite your passions.
How to Connect with the Magick of the Flower Moon
Here are a few ways to connect with the magick of the Flower Moon:
Plant a garden or tend to plants you already have. This is a great way to honor the abundance and growth of the season. Just going to the local plant store is a fun adventure in itself, sometimes I'll even small pots of herbs on my altar during this time of year.
· Create a flower crown or gather flowers to decorate your sacred space. I love having fresh plants on my altar, make sure to smell them too! This is a beautiful way to honor the blooming flowers and connect with their energy. However, if you choose to use silk flowers, you can reuse them forever, which is always a nice plus. If you're not the most creative witch, they have some beautiful arrangements online. It never hurts to have a flower crown in your witchy wardrobe, trust me.
· Hold a bonfire or fire ceremony to release what no longer serves you and make room for new beginnings, this is very much in tune with the essence of the Beltane energies.
· Light candles, burn incense, or use crystals that correspond with the energy of the Flower full Moon, such as rose quartz or citrine (one of my favorite crystals), or jade.

Harnessing the Energy of the Flower Moon
Due to May's Full Moon being a peak time for blooming, the energy of the Flower Moon can especially help you manifest your goals and dreams, as many moon. Here are some ways to harness this energy:
· Write down your intentions and goals for the coming months. Be specific and write them as if they've already happened. My moon sister Autumn once created this AWESOME poppy seed paper (from scratch) to which we wrote our intentions on, to then which we planted and beautiful California Poppies emerged. Shoutout to Taren for letting taking care of the poppies for some of us lazy witches.
· Visualize your intentions coming to fruition, using sight, sound, and feeling to make the experience as real as possible. Senses are powerful!!! What does your intention look like? Visual it with your mind's eye. Is it connected to a certain smell? Can you feel the joy it brings you?
· Use oracle cards or tarot cards to gain insight and clarity on your path forward. This may be a good time to look inward and what obstacles are in your way, and visualize the journey.

Celebrating the Flower Moon with Friends and Community
The Flower Moon is a time to come together with loved ones and celebrate the beauty and abundance of the season. Here are some ideas for community celebrations:
· Hold a potluck or picnic with friends, incorporating seasonal foods and decorating the space with fresh flowers. I love a good bruschetta with fresh basil and warm crusty bread as it's light and airy--yum!
· Host a drum circle or music jam session under the full moon to connect with the energy of the season. I love drumming in particular because the drums encompass the heartbeat of the earth, and thus creation is born.
· Attend a local flower festival or farmers' market to aknowledge the growth and abundance of the season with your community, botanical gardens are great for this. If you're in San Diego, CA be sure to visit the Carlsbad Flower Fields.
The May Full Moon Flower Moon is a time of magick, growth, and transformation. As we celebrate the blooming flowers and new beginnings of the season, we can tap into the energy of this lunar event to manifest our goals and connect with the beauty of the natural world. Whether you're spending the evening alone or with loved ones, take some time to honor the magick of the Flower Moon and let its energy guide you forward on your path.
What are you working on this full moon? Share below! Blessed be witches!
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