How to Unblock Root Chakra for Witches
Welcome back to my series on the Chakra System for Witches! If you haven't already, do check out my previous post to get a quick rundown of why its important for Witches to know about the chakra system and how it allows for a better connection to spirit, your highest self, and your magick! If you prefer, I've also included a YouTube video, explaining the chakras, thank you so much for subscribing btw!
In today's blog post, we're going to do a deeper dive the root chakra with How to Unblock Root Chakra for Witches, we will be looking at why it's important, and how it correlates to Witchcraft and spirituality.
Click here for a little FREE root Chakra Cheat Sheet for your Book for Shadows or journal for an easy reference sheet for the root chakra.
Root Chakra for Witches
The root chakra, in Sanskrit is referred to as the Muladhara, this chakra is the first of the seven chakras, it's represented by the color red and is located at the base of the spine, perineum, and coxxygeal plexus (your coccyx, tailbone).
This chakra is connected to the earth, so for a comparison to witchcraft, think of it as the Tarot suit of Pentacles. The pentacle is a sacred symbol, it's grounded, it's nurturing, and it's the heart of a magickal practice for many witches. In conjunction with that the root chakra is about safety, security, and everything that embodies that. To understand the root chakra it's important to understand what safety means on a personal level. Take the time to define it based on past experiences. What needs were not met as a child? For some, these blockages are tied to money, some are linked with parental instability, or perhaps sexual trauma.
I'll be honest, this isn't the sexiest chakra, in fact it's kinda the most boring, but, before I completely lose your interest, this is actually the most important chakra. If you have trauma, if you are stuck in your head, if you have anxiety, if you struggle to be present, there is some serious need to understand how to cultivate the root chakra.
Here's the thing, we cannot, and i mean cannot even consider dabbling in Witchcraft, psychic practices, third eye chakra work unless we are rooted. The root is what brings us back to the earth. How can we work on psychic energy, or healing/energy work when we aren't even connected to the earth we stand on? I personally have to constantly check in with myself to see if I'm rooted, it's a struggle for sure, but it's so important.
Think of a gorgeous green sequoia tree which stands tall, soaking up all the nutrients of the earth, for thousands of years, with deep entangled roots burrored into the soil. These trees stand so tall because they are so greatly rooted, in fact, often making other varieties of trees seem tiny in comparison, and with that great height is something so powerfully rooted. Embody that strength and connection to the earth to keep grounded and in the now.

How to Unblock the Root Chakra
-Breathing: slow, controlled, deep, purposeful breaths for one minute (set a timer!).
-Earthing, get outside and get your bare feet in the dirt, in the sand. Feel the energy of all of the plants and critters underneath you. Get in the garden and plant something, or just go to the Home Depot plant section and soak up all the plant energy.
-Start to feel the energy from the Divine flow down to the earth: From the top of your head, slowly making its way through the earth and feeling that continuous flow. For me, it tends to get stuck here Make sure your body is relaxed, (UNCLENCH YOURSELF).
Bija (Seed Manta): Lam
Since I haven't discussed seed sounds before, I will briefly say that these mantras are said to contain the entire essence and teaching of each chakra. Connect with this mantra by saying it aloud for a few minutes, or go online and search "Lam Seed Mantra" for an audio.
-Sound healing: There are so many free videos on Youtube with sound healing for root chakra, connect with it and enjoy it.
Shadow Work Journal Prompts: What is currently triggering me and stressing me out? How am I responding to this.
-What are three things can I do to help me feel grounded and supported?
-Am I feeling rejected and alone? If so, how am I handling that right now?
Herbs to connect with: I love cedar or Nag Champa incense.
-Meditation: Envision that from your feet are literal roots coming from the earth, rooting all the way down to the fiery molten center of this planet. From within, comes strength, wisdom from millions of years of fossilized life beneath you, tap into that headspace and connect.
Would anyone like a YouTube video of me doing a meditation like this on my YouTube channel?

Did this post leave you wanting more? I have so much more to discuss but I'm trying to keep these blog posts easily digestible. If you have any questions, or found this helpful please let me know in the comments below.