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The Season of Anya

How to Manifest with the Moon for the Modern Witch

How to Manifest with the Moon for the Modern Witch  | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners
How to Manifest with the Moon for the Modern Witch | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners

How to Manifest with the Moon for the Modern Witch

Are you a modern witch looking to harness the power of the moon to manifest your desires? Look no further! Whether you're new to the world of witchcraft or a seasoned practitioner, utilizing the different cycles of the moon for manifestation can greatly enhance your magical abilities. In this guide, we'll take a look at three examples of how you can manifest with the moon, and a spell for you to try out. So gather your crystals, light some candles, and let's get witchy!

Understanding the Phases of the Moon

Before we dive into manifesting with the moon, it’s essential to understand the lunar phases and their different energies. The moon has eight phases, and each phase has a unique energy that can be harnessed to enhance your manifestation practice. The eight phases of the moon are New Moon, Waxing Moon, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Moon. Each phase lasts for about three and a half days, and understanding the energy of each phase is crucial to moon manifestation.

For more details on how working with the moon cycles has changed my life, check out my YouTube video!

Taking Action during the Waxing Moon

During the Waxing Moon phase, the energy is focused on growth and manifestation. This is the perfect time to take action towards your goals and turn your intentions into reality. The Waxing Moon is an excellent time to start new projects, plant seeds, and take steps towards achieving your desires. Take inspired action towards your goals, and trust that the universe will conspire to make your dreams a reality.

How to Manifest with the Moon for the Modern Witch
How to Manifest with the Moon for the Modern Witch

Celebrating and Releasing at the Full Moon

Next, let's move to the Full Moon. This is the time where the moon's energy is at its most potent, making it a powerful time for manifestation. The Full Moon is a time of celebration, manifestation, and release. This phase is a powerful time for manifestation because of the intense energy that is present. Celebrate the progress that you have made towards your goals, and take time to release what no longer serves you. This is the perfect time to let go of old patterns, limiting beliefs, and negative self-talk. You can use this time to do a full moon ritual, meditate, or spend time in nature. The Full Moon is a time of heightened energy, and focusing on your manifestation practice during this phase can lead to powerful results.

Reflecting and Resting during the Waning Moon

The Waning Moon is a time of reflection, rest, and letting go. During this phase, the energy is focused on release and shedding what no longer serves you. Take time to reflect on your progress towards your goals and release any resistance or doubts that come up. This phase is a powerful time to let go of old habits, patterns, and beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting your desires. Take time to rest and recharge, and trust that the universe is working in your favor.

Setting Intentions at the New Moon

First, let's talk about the New Moon. The new moon is when there is more than zero illumination in the sky, the moon has just begun to grow. This is the perfect time to set intentions and plant seeds for new beginnings. During this phase, the moon is dark, and there is a sense of new beginnings in the air. Take some time during this phase to meditate and focus on what you want to manifest in your life. Write your intentions down on a piece of paper and burn them under the light of the New Moon. This ritual can help set your intentions in motion and ignite your manifestation magic.

By doing this, you are sending out clear vibrations to the universe and setting the stage for manifestation.

New Moon Manifestation Spell  | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners
New Moon Manifestation Spell | The Season of Anya | Witchcraft for Beginners

A New Moon Spell for the Modern Witch

As promised, here is a spell to try out during the New Moon phase. This spell is designed to amplify your manifestation magick and set your intentions in motion.





Start by lighting the candle and focusing on its flame. Meditate with the candle for as long as you need, feel it burning inside of your chest and in your heart.

Take the piece of paper and write down your intentions, keeping them clear and concise. Fold the paper and hold it in your hands, focusing on the energy radiating from the candle. Then, speak your intentions out loud and visualize them coming to fruition. When you feel ready, blow out the candle and let the energy of your intentions be released into the universe.

Harnessing the power of the moon can greatly enhance your manifestation magick as a modern witch. Whether you're setting intentions during the New Moon, releasing negativity during the Full Moon, or letting go of what no longer serves you during the Waning Moon, there are endless ways to utilize the different phases of the moon to manifest your desires. So gather your crystals, light some candles, and get ready to work some magick under the light of the moon. Happy manifesting, witches!



Witchcraft for Beginners & Spiritual Yoga Blog

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