Hi Witches, hope this springtime season is treating you well! It's such a great time to celebrate the soul, to celebrate you!
When I was working with March's Worm Moon energy, I had this awesome moment of pure cosmic witchy bliss that was shortly destroyed by the overwhelming feeling of "I don't actually think I deserve this" Damn it, it was true. So, March was a little dark to say the least, haha. Which meant a great opportunity for shadow work at least!
Remember, in order for a seed to sprout in the soil it must first be contained by the dark. We water that soil, in the dark, in good faith that it will begin to sprout in due time. Believe that it will, keep nurturing those seeds of hope, but remember, those seeds live, grow and die by you. Believe in yourself and nurture your spirit. Namaste.

April Full Moon Water Blessing
Anya 2023
April Pink Moon Water Blessing
Place distilled water, or any water of sorts into your favorite jar, container, or wine bottle. Connect with it and allow the energies of spirit to encompass it. Use this moon water in a ritual shower, water your plants, or steep it in tea. There are endless possibilities but use this moon water before the upcoming dark moon (within roughly 2 weeks)
I receive endless possibilities, embodying the divine blessings of the mother, of the full moon to guide me.
I release any doubt, shame, or poor self reflection of my spirit, because I deserve the blessings, and I deserve them from the bottom of my heart.
I love myself and I release myself of fear from the unknown. I choose to heal myself and enjoy the journey from within, as it all begins with the longing of a simple intent.
I cleanse my heart, I cleanse my spirit, and I allow myself to receive unconditional love. I cannot love another until I have unequivocal love for myself, and tonight I choose me.
I allow my soul to embark on the journey, and I charge this water with the nurturing light of the radiant moon.
Ase, Namaste, Blessed Be.